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What's your favorite Strat P/U position


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I prefer the "off" positions....neck/mid is my fav., followed by bridge/mid.. Next fav is the neck pu. If I wanna rip, I use the bridge.


While I use it the least, I'm told that Jimi favored the middle pick up.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I can probably remove all the bridge PUs from all my guitars...and on the single coil 3-pickup...even the middle PU! :D


I use the neck PU almost exclusively on every guitar I own.


Speaking of Strat PUs...which flavor would give me a more (here we go with the descriptive adjectives)...warmer/fatter/rounder tone...without that piercing nails-on-the-chalkboard Strat bite...?

(And I don't want anything with very high output, either).

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Yeah...I considerd them...but I got the impression that they were very high output...are they?



Also...for a non-Fender brand...what's the skinny on the Mighty Might PUs? I keep seeing that name pop-up on websites.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Mine's an early nineties Strat Plus with Lace PUP's. I use the middle position with a little chorus and get a sweet, almost acoustic sound. I was originally disappointed that the bridge didn't sound like my Tele, but it's got a personality of its own. I've just recently began experimenting with the mid positions and a Tube Screamer.


Bottom line, it's what bakes your cookies that counts.


The Strat is significantly heavier than the Tele, which I think is swamp ash. Don't know what wood they used in the Strat.


BTW, I read that Jimi used the neck position quite a bit.

He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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I favor the neck most of the time. My 175 only has a neck pickup, but it's the best sounding guitar I own. I can't imagine being happy with a bridge only model, like the EVH. Even with a wah, the neck is more to my liking. When I really wanna cut through the mix, the bridge is my secret weapon.
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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My Kinmans are wired so that I can get all three together or just the two outside pups (which gives a very Tele-like tone). The only positions I don't use are the all three combo and Middle pickup alone (although one of my favorite players, Anson Funderburgh, uses it exclusively).
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I havent played many fender strats but as far as teles I love the neck position although the bridge has amazing quack for certain blues runs, by the way if your at a guitar store look for a "baja" tele designed by Chris Flemming I find them absolutley amazing... but... I have no money ;)
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My Kinmans are wired so that I can get all three together or just the two outside pups (which gives a very Tele-like tone). The only positions I don't use are the all three combo and Middle pickup alone (although one of my favorite players, Anson Funderburgh, uses it exclusively).


You have a G&L Strat?

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There is ONLY ONE choice...FAT 50's for the kind of tone you are looking for..you WILL be very happy!


That's what I wonder sometimes if I should change the P/Us on my Strat. I probably won't though... at least for awhile. I'm happy with what's on there and would probably want to gig with it for awhile before I made a choice like that.


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I find the neck pickup to generally be the safest, but I use them all. When first setting up, I will usually start with the bridge position as I dial in the amp...then I will check the bridge to make sure the bite is not too bad.



If I were still playing live a lot and was being interviewed by GP Magazine I might answer the question like this..... Parody folks!


So how do you approach the pickup selector on your guitar. You have the amazing ability to capture every texture known in the course of a single solo?

I approach it from the top mostly because I am usually standing so I am looking down on it aren't I? [Laughs]. No seriously, if I am playing a lot of crunch 5th type stuff or a low string riff type deal, I will usually be on the bridge so I can cut through the mix and just so the notes are clear and not all muddy.


Straight chordly riff stuff with a dirty tone, kinda like Jimi did after hearing me play and what he got famous for mind you, is usually the neck or the #4 position....what I call the notch between the middle and bridge.


What about the beautiful clean chordal stuff you are known for?


Oh yes thanks for bringing that up, yeah I do do that well, don't I? The clean chord stuff, which I like to refer to as my schlang, is usually the #4 and same if going for Knopfler tone on leads, although I don't like to imitate....actually it was yours truly who was pioneering that tone years before old Marky.


How about your amazing lead tones


Aaah yes, now we're talking, my signature sounds, there's a bit of a trick to this you see. When I'm soloing, I like to flip the switch a lot to get different texture and bite when I want to make a statement. Kind of like shifting gears in a race car on a fast windy track. I am going to build tension as I go, pushing and pulling , fast ,slow, inside, outside. My goal is to leave the listener out of breath. That's it you see! To take it to where straight audio has had a physical effect on the breathing patterns of the entire stadium, and I can feel that up on stage you know. That's what I'm talking about! But also by using the switch while moving around the stage doing all my cool showmanship stuff and all, and in doing so changing my relationship to the amp, I might find a sonic sweet spot and stay there for a while and milk that puppy. Other than that I'm always moving..... like a shark......water over the gills y'know.


Yngwie Malsteem has said that he never uses the middle pickup


Yeah, I know Yngwie says the middle pickup is useless, but then so is he [laughs]. But seriously, it has it's uses for sure. In a tonal palette, how can you just ignore a certain color. The guy is an idiot!


But yeah, enough about 'im and back to myself.......as fully bloody bitchin' as I am, I also like to.....






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There is ONLY ONE choice...FAT 50's for the kind of tone you are looking for..you WILL be very happy!

Same question for noiseless PUPs for the neck and the middle? I like the sound (and the complete lack of hum) with the neck+middle sometimes, but sometimes it soften's that single coil sound too much. Blues rock, no metal, etc.



GP sacred cow of the year: Jimmy Vaughan
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I don't like messing with stuff, I like the tone I get on the middle pup with the tone cranked, and I play on the bridge a tad. I don't mix them at all, softens the bite too much IMHO.


I've got those Custom Shop Fat 50's on mine, lot's of bite, gorgeous tone, plugged straight into a Blues Deluxe for blues/blues-rock.


It's funny, I hardly ever leave the bridge pup on my Tele but prefer the Strat's middle pup.

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Bridge, bridge/middle, middle, bridge/neck.


(Sound of screeching tires)


"Wait a minute! Bridge/neck, you say? But- but- but that's IMPOSSIBLE on a Strat!!"


Nope. Not with Deaf Eddies's "Fat-O-Caster" Switch. (www.deaf-eddie.net) I have no interest in Deaf Eddie's business other than that I installed said Fat-O switch in my Strat, which enables one to get 11 discreet tones out of a Stratocaster.


Without the Fat-O I would get bored a lot faster with a Strat.




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