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Thought about calling, but I hadn't seen a post for you in a while. Not to mention driving that I-5 corridor south of Bellingham is tantatmount to waterboarding and has been deemed unacceptible by the Obama administration.


I do need to get the URB out to Hammond-Ashley in Issiqua for a tune up sometime this summer ...


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Flank Joins a Band - Act II, Sc 4


I guess it becomes a matter of where one sets one's expectations.


I go to the house of the guy putting the rock band of no identity together. No drummer. Not sure about the vocals - been nice if I heard one complete song or even a verse during the night. The guitar player has skills. Not mad skillz, but skills. Live way out in the boonies and a roomy garage (will be a problem this summer). The "practice" set list disintegrated in meer moments and we instead ended up playing to an iPod set to shuffle. By then everyone (including the neighbor) except me was pretty well beered up.


The guy's wife did complain that the bass was too loud (YES!) :thu:


Revelation #1 - I'm not staring at my hands anymore when playing the five (yes, Moot, I've drank that Kool-Ade)


Revelation #2 - My "ear" playing is a heluva lot better than I thought it was.


Revelation #3 - When I'm not in "crash and burn audition" mode, I'm a pretty good bassist.


May meet later this weekend when the female singer can shake loose and I'm using some of my contacts to find a fill-in drummer. I still don't have a lot of long-term hope.


And I will state that I haven't had this much unabashed, gratuitous, LOL fun playing in a very long time.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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You never know Sasquatch. This might be the one that actually turns into something.

Congrats on getting that 5 down - and playing without sheet in front of you.


Have a great holiday bubba.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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My vacation is finally here - starting now. Wohoo! I love it when they pay me to stay away from work.

Looking forward to playing some blues, eating BBQ, toolin' around the yard, seeing family and being basically free for nine days.

Visit my band's new web site.









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I'll bite. Who is he and why don't we care.

(Probably a well known due in classical circles and my lack of culture is showing again.) :grin:

Visit my band's new web site.









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I'll bite. Who is he and why don't we care.

(Probably a well known due in classical circles and my lack of culture is showing again.) :grin:

That is the organist, orchestra and concert I played the other day that I was talking about a few posts ago.

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Sweet bissful blissiness made of pure bliss!


I finally got around to ordering a new copy of "What is Hip?: The Tower of Power Anthology."




My friend borrowed disc 1 our senior year of high school and lost of and I've been weeping ever since. The mailman just brought it. Hello Squib Cakes!

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I'll bite. Who is he and why don't we care.

(Probably a well known due in classical circles and my lack of culture is showing again.) :grin:

That is the organist, orchestra and concert I played the other day that I was talking about a few posts ago.

I guess I didn't see that post Davio. It was a good review though. It must be pretty cool to work with a large group like that. It would be fun to hear you.

Visit my band's new web site.









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Most of the music was boring french organ dribble with some strings playing pretty stuff here and there but a couple of the pieces kicked ass. If you're ever interested enough, listen to the Poulenc (poo-LONK) organ concerto. Awesome awesome piece. It can even be entertaining for non classical music fans.
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Sweet bissful blissiness made of pure bliss!


I finally got around to ordering a new copy of "What is Hip?: The Tower of Power Anthology."...


The entire Lenny Williams era of ToP is absolutely must own: Tower of Power. Back To Oakland, and Urban Renewal. Back To Oakland continues to be my favorite start to finish.


East Bay Grease, Live and in Living Color, and Soul Vaccination: Live round out the rest of my "absolutely must own" list. The album Live and in Living Color for Lenny Pickett's monstrous solo in "Knock Yourself Out" is worth the purchase price alone of that album. The late 70's disco ToP are... painful. The 80's were equally painful but for different reasons.

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Flank Joins a Band - Act II, Sc. 5


The "NewGrass" audition last Sunday went well. I can "root - lower 5" with the best of 'em, and I got an URB to boot! Vox/Lead/Bandleader has some Nashville credits but doesn't seem to be an insufferable head case. Neither I nor 2nd Guitar know the material well (V/L/B and 2nd Guitar are in a country project together) but it's not hard. Still waiting for V/L/B to send music or a song list or something. Between the coffee shops, wineries and events, this project may work out if V/L/B doesn't loose interest.


"Unfocused Rock" played last night. Good jam project. The guirist is likable enough. The singer is driving me nuts! We've no drummer, no songlist, no genre and a Vox that alternates between cheerleader, psychologist, put-upon victim, task master and a$$hat music producer. Drinks too much, smokes and does a lot of yelling and carps about losing his voice towards the end of the evening. We go over the same C&W tune six or seven times. I stop to confer with guitar about progressions, the Vox starts yelling. Guitar gets bored and stops playing to get a beer, Vox starts yelling. Obviously, Vox has never been in a "gigging band" situation before.


As a jam project (maybe nail 4 or 5 songs) hitting the open mics, it works. Can't see it as a long term gig. But that's OK, it fun, it's a good time (mostly), and I'm really enjoying the "We need to do more Skynyrd"/"No, we ain't doing no Skynyrd" dynamic.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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It seems that all my patients either have smoker's dragon breath, don't know the bristle side of a toothbrush, or haven't washed their clothes since the last time it rained. I'm just getting stinkified out of my exam room. Hey "Bleeding Gums Murphy"! This just in! A little floss and peroxide once in awhile wouldn't hurt!


The Fabreeze orange scent sort of makes it worse, and I haven't been able to find a can of Citrus-Scent (the gold-standard in de-stinkafication) in a long time. Woe is me.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Start screening Pablo. Set up a stench-o-meter in reception.


Or, be more passive - have your receptionist hand out little pamphlets on hygiene to the offending parties on their way out.


"Doctor would like you to read this before your next visit".


Or, refuse them treatment under the Asscrack Act of '08.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Maybe it is all over the Internet already but, cute... :freak:


50° Fahrenheit / 10° Celcius

Californians shiver uncontrollably.

Canadians plant gardens.


35° Fahrenheit / 1.6° Celcius

Italian Cars won't start.

Canadians drive with the windows down.


32° Fahrenheit / 0 ° Celcius

American water freezes.

Canadian water gets thicker.


0° Fahrenheit / -17.9° Celcius

New York City landlords finally turn on the heat.

Canadians have the last cookout of the season.


-60° Fahrenheit / -51° Celcius

Mt. St. Helens freezes.

Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies door-to-door.


-100° Fahrenheit / -73° Celcius

Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.

Canadians pull down their ear flaps.


-173° Fahrenheit / -114° Celcius

Ethyl alcohol Freezes.

Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg.


-460° Fahrenheit / -273° Celcius

Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops.

Canadians start saying "cold, eh?"


-500° Fahrenheit / -295° Celcius

Hell freezes over.

The Canadian hockey team wins the Stanley Cup.


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I can't believe I forgot to post about this.


Friday I got one of those cards from the post office saying I had a package to pick up so I grabbed my keys and started walking up the street to jump in Chester to run to the post office. Yes, my creepy child molester van is named Chester.


It wasn't there. I walked around the block because sometimes I have to park over there because the street parking is filled up on my street. Nothing.


I called the city impound to see if it had been towed or if it was stolen. They had it. But it had been towed for street cleaning. We don't have to move for street cleaning in my neighborhood. Turns out it had been stolen, driven to a sh***y part of town about 20-30 minutes south (Dorchester for anybody who knows Boston) and they stole both back seats (they cut one of the seatbelts because they couldn't figure out how to push the button to disconnect it). They also ripped off one of the back door panels to see if I had good speakers which doesn't make sense because the van doesn't have a stereo (that had been stolen when somebody broke one of the windows for it a few months ago...it still has the clear visqueen Gorilla Taped to the door). They jacked up the ignition and the back door lock because there's no inside handle to get the seats out.


$135.22 later it's parked in front of my apartment with the battery disconnected and the Salvation Army is sending somebody out tomorrow morning to pick it up for donation and subsequent auction. It's become more of a liability than an asset in recent months and with Boston's decent (from a Floridian's standpoint) public transportation and my Zipcar (www.zipcar.com if you don't know what it is) membership I should be ok until I can afford a new vehicle further on down the road.


As for Tom's veiled attempt at getting me to NY in the other thread...only if I can manage the Fung Wah bus or something and somebody feels like picking me up and dropping me off. But that's a lot to ask so I won't. If somebody were to offer, though...that would be different. :D

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Kevin made mention of Chester whilst he was here... much like the Dicken's Accugroove experiment - just another Davio experience I've missed since you've decided to live with the Eskimoes. Have you traded your bass for a decent snow shovel yet?


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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The vast majority of time I spent with the Dickens was in FL with my last band. I wouldn't call it an experiment...that thing was a work horse for me for a long time. I cut it in half and now I'm down to a Tri-112L.


Similarly, Chester started with me in FL for over a year and hauled our frozen carcases up here in the dead of winter a few seasons ago pulling a loaded U-Haul trailer that was the same size as he was. He's been worth every penny I spent on him.


Both served me exceedingly well but their time came and went. The Dickens became a hindrance because it was too big for living on the 3rd floor and I don't need it for any of the gigs I play up here. Chester apparently has an invisible target painted on him that only criminals can see.


Funny tidbit: when I called the impound with my plate number they asked for a description of the vehicle including make, model and color. I replied "Chevy, Astro, mostly white...if you look where there's still paint."


RIP Chester. You will be missed.

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