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Heard a rumour ........

The Big G

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Well i have heard on the old musical whispers that the Who will playing Glastonbury as the closing act but they are saying its going to be thier last ever gig !!!!!!!!!

I know so many bands have done "last tour" and last ever gig but the The Who have always had a little more credibility so it could be right which would be a sad loss and a bit of a shock.


Say its not true.................. i really hope not



Love life, some twists and turns are more painful than others, but love life.....



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According to Pete Townshend's web site, the Who are making plans well into 2007 and 2008, along with a 40th Anniversary tour for "Tommy" (Pete notes that he's not sure if either he or Roger will be around for the 50th). So, rest easy!
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The Who played their last gig quite a while ago as far as I'm concerned.


Though I still love them, they are not the Who anymore; just "The Townshend-Daltry Project" or something.

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Yeah... I'm with me.. er, with Neil.. Oh, heck, you guys know what I mean, right?!? :mad:


That's not to say I wouldn't love to see Daltry and Townshend play live, but without John Entwistle's bass it just isn't The Who to me anymore. (I, personally, was fine with another drummer in the mix. There's no denying Keith Moon's contributions to The Who, but of all the members it bothers me the least to have someone else drumming in his place vs. another bass player sitting in for Entwistle or another guitarist/vocalist in place of Townshend, or another lead vocal in place of Daltrey. Maybe it's because I was so young when Moon died. Maybe it's because I never (and that goes for today) recognized what Moon looked like, whereas the others faces are indeliably etched in my mind. Either way, that's just my feeling and opinion.


Whoever they tour with, I'm quite sure the resulting product will be first rate. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Being old enough to have actually seen MOST of the various versions of The Who, I can tell you that losing Moonie was a massive blow. :cry: The Who did much good work, and many many great live shows after he died. But, IMO, nothing was ever quite the same as the original four. The original four were all superb musicians and stage performers. Kenny Jones is a great drummer. But The Who never really sounded "who-ish" with him playing. Zak Starkey is the closest I've ever seen to Keith Moon. But, Zak doesn't have the manic fire that Moon brought to the stage. I've seen many a show over the years. I've never seen quite the massive explosive power in any live show, that I saw at a Keith Moon staffed Who show. It was like a poorly controlled explosion that lasted for an hour and 15 minutes....and then was gone...leaving you NUMB.


Loosing "The Ox" was also a enormous loss. Pino Pallidino is great, but again, perhaps to smooth or refined to match Entwistle.


Dead guys can't play, however. Sad but true. I highly recommend life for all those able.....


I've been a huge Who fan forever. But, find less fire and desire on my part to see them live. Also, I've noted a big commercialization.....I'm not into their new style marketing....I know it's widespread, but I never thought I'd have to join the friggin Who fan club, at $65 bucks, or whatever, in order to have any chance at getting decent tickets. I've come to expect that from most bands today. But, somehow, to this old Who fan, it rubs me the wrong way.



Somewhere around here I have an old Who ticket stub from the first Who show I ever saw. I think the ticket cost me $7.50.


I do like the recent CD. Any of you guys like it??




"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I have to agree that once Moon died, the Who just weren't the same...although, in all honesty, by the time "The Who By Numbers" was released Moonie was no longer the same himself - his body could only take so much abuse, and you can hear it in his playing.


But just put on "I Can See For Miles" and turn it up - what a performance!


And now with Entwistle gone....


I feel that way about a lot of bands who have had members leave or pass on - a subject of many threads on this board - I've always thought that the Stones have been pretty much a facsimile of themselves since Brian Jones died and Mick Taylor left...(I've been listening to alot of early Stones lately and are reminded of how tight their playing was - all their Chuck Berry covers just knock me out.) It's still nice to see all of these bands having a go, and they're still fun to listen to, but...


As for the new Who release - I listen to it alot on Rhapsody, and I think Pete's turned in a pretty good batch of songs.


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