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Slightly OT: An Outdoor Gig...A bit nervous


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Hey guys,

Ok so I haven't done that many gigs since i just recently joined a band. We've done two indoors in an auditorium which had an aircondition which was fine, but we have been recently been offered to play at a block party.


As lead guitarist Im nervous because of sweating and control over the guitar, its getting REAL hot out here on long Island and I've never done an outdoor gig. Sometimes when i just play alone and I'm sweaty the pick is so slippery and its hard to control. What im nervous about is the pick slipping out of my hand or such incidents especially since they have asked to do a Hotel CAlifornia cover :eek:

I don't want that pick slipping out during the solo. I mean, I see how guitarists sweat so much during concerts. I'm sure once I do it it will be fine but u kno that post gig nervousness, maybe i need some reassurance. You guys are a lot more experienced than me in here I was hoping for some outdoor Gig advice in general. Thanks guys!



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I don't remember ever having a problem with sweating at outdoor gigs (I do remember sweating under those Par 64s though...).


What ever happens, happens. If you are really concerned, wear wrist bands and tape extra picks everywhere.


You'll do fine. Outdoor gigs are one of the best parts of the job. I loved them!

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Crazy Glue!



Seriously, dont sweat it.


OOPS! That didn't work.


Take the advise above.

Don't worry about it. If you use tortex type picks, drill some holes in them where you hold them. Use picks with grips or made of Delrin. They are less slippery.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by JoeWalsh21:

Sounds like a good idea A string, Maybe I can get a pick holder for the Mic stand

We used to use tape. Stick three or four picks to a piece of tape and stick the tape to your mic stand. They will be right there when you need them. (We used a strip of duct tape and made sure the picks were only stuck by the very tip so they could be easily removed).
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AString is right on! But really I have done outside gigs for many years and in some very hot and humid weather and I don't remember droping picks anymore than playing inside gigs. It think if anything wind kind of keeps you hand a little drier? It shouldn't be a problem at all, don't agonize of that kind of stuff just go out and have a blast! dropping picks is just part of the game.
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Outdoor gigs are the most fun. Being a thumbpicker, dropping them is almost a non-issue, but keep a towel or 2 handy, and stay well hydrated. A's suggestion is excellent. Most of all, have a blast. The cops once showed up at an outdoor event where our band was one of several - I introduced them as The Village People, and got the crowd cheering for them to get up and do "YMCA" with us. They got back in the cruiser and left, which was the desired effect. :D
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Originally posted by Bluesape:

Outdoor gigs are the most fun. Being a thumbpicker, dropping them is almost a non-issue, but keep a towel or 2 handy, and stay well hydrated. A's suggestion is excellent. Most of all, have a blast. The cops once showed up at an outdoor event where our band was one of several - I introduced them as The Village People, and got the crowd cheering for them to get up and do "YMCA" with us. They got back in the cruiser and left, which was the desired effect. :D

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If concerened about your hands becoming slippy etc from sweat there was a product brought out which i used for golf, that was a gel that dried your hands and they would stay sweat free for a good couple of hours. I am racking my brain for the product name as I write, but this kind of product is an alternative and very good, but as A string says tape picks everywhere !!!!! enjoy you will be great:D

Love life, some twists and turns are more painful than others, but love life.....



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Originally posted by The Big G:


If concerened about your hands becoming slippy etc from sweat there was a product brought out which i used for golf, that was a gel that dried your hands and they would stay sweat free for a good couple of hours. I am racking my brain for the product name as I write, but this kind of product is an alternative and very good, but as A string says tape picks everywhere !!!!! enjoy you will be great:D

Corn starch! Now that talcum powder is known to be carcinogenic. :eek:
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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I haven't had a problem with slippage. Here in Misery, er, Missouri, it gets very hot and humid...and the main problem I've had is "sticky neck".


Try this...run your hand up and down your neck while it's dry. Your hand will slide easily. Now, douse your hand with water (leave it wet) and do the same thing. It's not "sticky" like someone let a popsicle melt on it, but it "sticks" because water (condensation from the atmosphere as well as sweat from your hands) is NOT a lubricant (if it were, your fingertips wouldn't look like prunes after swimming). So your hand won't slide up and down the neck like it would if your hand was dry.


I found finger-ease to be the perfect remedy.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I use thumbpicks and that eliminates the problem altogether. There used to be a product tho,that prevented plectrum slippage-I think it had some gross name like gorilla snot or something like that. Don't let stagefright ruin your fun! (I should take my own advice!)
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Originally posted by The Big G:


If concerened about your hands becoming slippy etc from sweat there was a product brought out which i used for golf, that was a gel that dried your hands and they would stay sweat free for a good couple of hours. I am racking my brain for the product name as I write, but this kind of product is an alternative and very good, but as A string says tape picks everywhere !!!!! enjoy you will be great:D

That reminds me..


You could get SortKwik. It's a fingertip moistener designed to allow your fingers to grab paper for turning pages, etc. Unlike licking your fingertips, it's hygienic (not putting your dirty fingers in your mouth) and lasts a lot more than the few seconds licking your finger lasts. I bet it would be great for gripping picks.






If you insist on wearing bright colors, bring a change of clothes that isn't quite so colorful. The day the bees find you onstage you'll be happy you can take a minute between songs and change into a less bee-friendly shirt. ;)


That was a lesson I learned the hard way on my own first outdoor gig. :freak:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by The Big G:


If concerened about your hands becoming slippy etc from sweat there was a product brought out which i used for golf, that was a gel that dried your hands and they would stay sweat free for a good couple of hours. I am racking my brain for the product name as I write, but this kind of product is an alternative and very good, but as A string says tape picks everywhere !!!!! enjoy you will be great:D

That reminds me..


You could get SortKwik. It's a fingertip moistener designed to allow your fingers to grab paper for turning pages, etc. Unlike licking your fingertips, it's hygienic (not putting your dirty fingers in your mouth) and lasts a lot more than the few seconds licking your finger lasts. I bet it would be great for gripping picks.






If you insist on wearing bright colors, bring a change of clothes that isn't quite so colorful. The day the bees find you onstage you'll be happy you can take a minute between songs and change into a less bee-friendly shirt. ;)


That was a lesson I learned the hard way on my own first outdoor gig. :freak:

Haha alright sounds good, and I wear a light of bright colors...might not be a good Idea this time lol. Thanks to all of u again for all the help!



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Dude just wear a pair of mittens!!


I have a pick dispenser on my guitar. My bandmates rip on me cuz it looks stupid, but I could have shit stains on my guitar and I would still play it (no not really..)


That is for my electric.


You could tape a couple to the mic stand, or to your guitar. I always keep a spare in my pocket--I say this because of course my pick dispenser is always empty. Picks are wierd, a bit like pens or lighters. Sometimes you are 'in' sometimes you are 'out'. Like sometimes you have 5 lighters/pens from a bunch of people that either left them there, or you took their lighter/pen maybe inadvertantly. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you buy a pack of lighters or pens and 3 days later they are all gone.


Sometimes you buy a shitload of picks, but miraculously they are gone within 2 weeks. Sometimes you wash your hair and pick falls out and you think--is there such a thing as pick karma?


Sometimes you drop a pick and it lands under the couch in the next room. That is a whole nother topic!!


Don't worry about it. Try playing your guitar without a pick. Like mold your fingers together like you have one, but you don't. Then try to play. You will find it isn't that much harder. In some ways it is easier because you are more connected. I say this cuz it may make you less worried about pulling it off live if you can just play with your hands molded like you have a pick, then in a break grab one from your back pocket, or wherever you put it for convenience.


If you want to be cool as shit, you could tape one to your forehead, then purposely drop a pick just so you can grab one from your head..

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Originally posted by flagshipmile:

Dude just wear a pair of mittens!!


I have a pick dispenser on my guitar. My bandmates rip on me cuz it looks stupid, but I could have shit stains on my guitar and I would still play it (no not really..)


That is for my electric.


You could tape a couple to the mic stand, or to your guitar. I always keep a spare in my pocket--I say this because of course my pick dispenser is always empty. Picks are wierd, a bit like pens or lighters. Sometimes you are 'in' sometimes you are 'out'. Like sometimes you have 5 lighters/pens from a bunch of people that either left them there, or you took their lighter/pen maybe inadvertantly. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you buy a pack of lighters or pens and 3 days later they are all gone.


Sometimes you buy a shitload of picks, but miraculously they are gone within 2 weeks. Sometimes you wash your hair and pick falls out and you think--is there such a thing as pick karma?


Sometimes you drop a pick and it lands under the couch in the next room. That is a whole nother topic!!


Don't worry about it. Try playing your guitar without a pick. Like mold your fingers together like you have one, but you don't. Then try to play. You will find it isn't that much harder. In some ways it is easier because you are more connected. I say this cuz it may make you less worried about pulling it off live if you can just play with your hands molded like you have a pick, then in a break grab one from your back pocket, or wherever you put it for convenience.


If you want to be cool as shit, you could tape one to your forehead, then purposely drop a pick just so you can grab one from your head..

OO man I loved this response lol, Lucky for me I buzz my hair so i dont having to wrry about one falling out. I was thinking of like taping one to the back of my ear, like that coin trick...lol but i dont wanna be too childish, Im gonna get that mic stand pic holder. And very true, I found a pick in my sock draw once, no joke. Thanks again All!!!! :thu:
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