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GAS Endgame ?

Tone Taster

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This premise may seem ridiculous, but isn't there a way to conceive all of the gear you need vs. what you want?


Maybe posting it here will help you work it out so you don't buy a bunch of unnecessary crap you don't need.


Amp-wise I need a new speaker and some new tubes

Another 1-12 cabinet w/speaker



OCD and a booster

Midi pedal

Volume ped


DI Box

ABC box



Entire outfit/hardware for my latest project axe

New electronics/pickups to replace the strats god awful lace sensors and average stock electronics

335-style axe

Larivee acoustic w/electronics

Acoustic gtr Amp


Once I get that stuff, i should be set

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There is no hope for me. Until I own a full set of vintage equipment (Amps, guitars, effects etc.) I will always be trying to upgrade.


I want all of the instruments as well as all the toys. I want great recording gear, speakers, mixing boards, effect racks.


I want a studio...


As I said there is no hope for me. It looks like you might make it though...go on with out me.

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Originally posted by yZeCounsel:

...isn't there a way to conceive all of the gear you need vs. what you want?

I doubt it.


It's not a finite thing...needs/wants are always in flux.


Most everything I want...I need...or I could put to use sooner or later.

Yeah...there are things I have in the racks that I don't use every single day...but in the studio, you gotta' cover the unexpected and occasional requirements.


Heck...last year I tried thinning out a few items...and I only managed to find a handful of things to sell off on eBay...

...then I took the money from those sales, and bought more/new gear! :thu:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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There's no endgame! Until Taylor came out with their new GS series I didn't know I needed one. Wonderful tone, and I don't have one....


Before DAWs were invented (by Al Gore I think...) my four track porta-studio was cool. Etc., etc. They keep moving the goal-line, introducing new tools, refining the ones we already have.


As far as electrics go, if you have a jazz box, a tele, a strat, a 12 string and a Les Paul you've pretty much covered your tonal bases. For today. Who knows about tomorrow? :D

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I'm pretty happy with the gear that I currently have...BBUUUUTTTT...I still want a few(ok, a bunch!) more guitars and I would be content to have a whole room full of amps of all shapes, sizes, colors, sounds, etc. Right now I am about at the end of the wife not saying much about all my stuff rope. But fortunately, as I said before, I am pretty happy with the gear that I have now.

Avoid playing the amplifier at a volume setting high enough to produce a distorted sound through the speaker-Fender Guitar Course-1966



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I'd definitely like to get a double-neck electric mandolin, with both 5 and 8 string necks. And a cello. And a good classical guitar, that I could electrify if needed.


And yes I DO need a good electric guitar, one of these days....

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Yeah, I gues after my endgame list above, I could start stockpiling some NOS tubes and maybe pick up an Allesandro Working Dog amp. Maybe the Line 6 Filter pro, a Dr Z Route 66, THD Univalve or Bivalve, etc . .
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Hopefully this will do it for me.


I just bought:

Epiphone Valve JR Head

A/B pedal

MXR Double Shot Distortion

Danelectro Beyond Metal distorion


If I have a Les Paul, Strat, and a ESP MII, I might stop buying gear. Until new gear is invented, then I'll want to buy it.


Of course, there's all that stuff that's out of my leauge. Should I strive to aquire it?


How may of you out there can say you wouldn't like to have some of this?:


What a horrible night to have a curse.
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I have way more than I need right now but I'd like to get a few more guitars - a Tele, an SG, a National Tri-Cone reso, a vintage ES335 and a Taylor T5. I have a half-dozen or so amps that would be hard to improve on so other than maybe a Vibro King, I'm pretty set there.
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Well, I guess if I added this




And this




I will have my backup rig and then it will be over


Does that nearly make you have to change your shorts after seeing that stuff or what?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Xplorer - you're a Petrucci fan, huh?


Even if you're not, I'd love a Mark IV. There's nothing like it. Though I'd also like a 1987 Marshall JCM800, a 1973 Fender Twin Reverb (like the one I saw in the shop that I couldn't afford. I know, silverface, but if you heard her she was beautiful. :cry: ) Oh yeah, and I still need a Les Paul studio in Wine Red and a 1957 Fender Strat. Then, I'd be in business.



You guys are right. There is no end.

Shut up and play.
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