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Too old to rock & roll?


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Thanks John. Love the Kinks too.


Ironically enough, until I got my guitar (Sigma DT-3) a few months ago I knew only 3 chords and only one riff to use them on: I knew C, D and E and all I could play was the intro to Lola. Pretty cool that my first welcome would come from someone with a Kinks avatar!



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And speaking of "old guys" and the Kinks, I just saw Ray Davies himself a month or two ago, and he was fantastic. Looked great, played great, sang great and put on a really energetic performance. And he's over 60 by now. :thu:
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Okay. I'm 48 and wishing I could play. I'm way too spuradic in practicing to ever quit my day job.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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At our New Years Eve show, I was the oldest person in the band by almost 10 years. The next oldest guy was 38 (I was 47). The average age of adults in the audience was about 34 to 36, I think. There were a few sextegenarians and septegenerians and even a couple of octogenarians.


One guy was playing air guitar and I know he's 54 because he's a friend of mine. He got up on stage and sang "We Didn't Start The Fire" and "Dancin' In The Ruins" (h[is] voice [is] like Buck Dharma) with me.


There were quite a few teenagers there, too. They were mostly the ones dancing. Imagine, if you will, about 30 teenagers trying to dance to Neil Young's "Mideast Vacation" -- :freak: .


We're talking about doing a Memorial Day show after a big bar-b-que and bonfire. We've started working on a song list. We've only got a little over a month to get it setup (and to make sure we all know the songs). It will be the first time I get to play out with my new H&K amps and cabs. They really need to be baptized. :D

Born on the Bayou


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I'm 43, youngster. The guys in Velvet Revolver are my age, more or less, and they rock harder than most bands out there. The only people who are too old to rock are those who worry they'll look undignified and talk themselves out of mounting the stage. Some people can be too old to rock at 20, while others never get too old. Anyways, I think good music is the Fountain of Youth; music that truly touches you will keep you young forever.
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I'll be 43 in August-and I did go thru a headtrip about "being too old for rock" when I turned 40 and it lasted about two years. Part of it was "old programming" from the 80's when it was really rammed down your throat about youth being where its at as far as being in a band.And I'm sure my being a chick had something to do with it...you start getting those silly worries about getting a wrinkle or crows feet. Then I woke up and realised age is just a number after all,and playing music has nothing to do with age! Only difference now is I need to wear non prescription reading glasses here & there when reading music or tab.(I call em my granny glasses)I also came to the awakening that if a guy is gonna be fussy about a laugh line or a crease in the brow I wouldn't want them in my life anyway. So-do rock on and enjoy!
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Originally posted by caprae:

Yea, these old guys don't have it anymore. 2001 performance of their 1971 song.

Old Aqualung

Its so much more boring than his younger days (1977). Younger Aqualung


Or this from 2001: Locamotive Breath

Yeah, neither Anderson or Barre have lost a step when it comes to putting on a show. Amazingly their sense of musical drama has actually improved!
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  • 2 weeks later...


Okay, I had to dig this thread out because of my obscure comment before. Well I will be 49 this year and just got back from a full contact, all-styles martial arts tornament. My head took a pretty good slam into the mats and I have a couple of minor bruises, but not only did I leave with the same body parts I brought with me but somehow I also left with the `Best Fighter` trophy. Gee, now I can have beer, chocolate and coffee again. Heck I may even start playing guitar. Too old? well not this year anyway.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Hey everyone,


This thread has been really helpful and damn timely. I'm 46 and just getting back into guitar playing and have been second guessing myself quite a bit because of my age. I love playing but my re-entry has been laced with a certain amount of, well, regret I guess you could say. 25 years ago I was playing A LOT, graduated from G.I.T., developing my chops and starting to make some in roads to playing with some talented people. But, for reasons I won't get into (I'll save it for a therapist), I made some choices that took me away from music and I actualy stopped playing almost completely for probably the better part of 20 years.


Anyway, it's inspiring to hear all of this encouragement and see by example that people are out there doing it. Who knows, maybe I got the "playing it safe" part of my life over with first, and now I'm ready to take some risks.


Thanks for the thread.

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Welcome back to the music scene, Mondo. In another 10 years you'll be 56 whether you play or not. So don't let age stop you from doing anything thats in your heart.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Originally posted by skipclone 1:


... I will be 49 this year and just got back from a full contact, all-styles martial arts tornament. My head took a pretty good slam into the mats and I have a couple of minor bruises, but not only did I leave with the same body parts I brought with me but somehow I also left with the `Best Fighter` trophy. Gee, now I can have beer, chocolate and coffee again. Heck I may even start playing guitar. Too old? well not this year anyway.

Yowsa!!!! I'd hate to see what you'd do to the audience guy who heckles you all night long. Congratulations!
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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This whole thing addresses a larger question: to what degree do we want (as human beings, not just musicians) to let other people define what we can and cannot do?


Of course, to live in society, it can't be total anarchy. And we need to have respect for the other people's sensibilities, too... as in, the other person has feelings too, and I don't want to offend them for no reason.


Having said that, there comes a time where "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" doesn't there? If you never do what YOU want to do, in order to please people around you, well, that seems like a hell of a frustrating way to live to me .... regardless of whether you're too young/old etc. etc. ...... after all, are the people whose opinion you're so concerned about standing in line to ask you what you think THEY should do??

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Originally posted by caprae:

Originally posted by skipclone 1:


... I will be 49 this year and just got back from a full contact, all-styles martial arts tornament. My head took a pretty good slam into the mats and I have a couple of minor bruises, but not only did I leave with the same body parts I brought with me but somehow I also left with the `Best Fighter` trophy. Gee, now I can have beer, chocolate and coffee again. Heck I may even start playing guitar. Too old? well not this year anyway.

Yowsa!!!! I'd hate to see what you'd do to the audience guy who heckles you all night long. Congratulations!
Yeah really...


"Excuse us everyone, the band`s going to take a short break. Don`t forget to be good to your bartender..."


(bap! bap bap SLAM! CRASH!)


....."Okay, we`re back. Now anyone else wanna negotiate?"


Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Originally posted by caprae:

Originally posted by skipclone 1:


... I will be 49 this year and just got back from a full contact, all-styles martial arts tornament. My head took a pretty good slam into the mats and I have a couple of minor bruises, but not only did I leave with the same body parts I brought with me but somehow I also left with the `Best Fighter` trophy. Gee, now I can have beer, chocolate and coffee again. Heck I may even start playing guitar. Too old? well not this year anyway.

Yowsa!!!! I'd hate to see what you'd do to the audience guy who heckles you all night long. Congratulations!

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Originally posted by caprae:

Originally posted by skipclone 1:


... I will be 49 this year and just got back from a full contact, all-styles martial arts tornament. My head took a pretty good slam into the mats and I have a couple of minor bruises, but not only did I leave with the same body parts I brought with me but somehow I also left with the `Best Fighter` trophy. Gee, now I can have beer, chocolate and coffee again. Heck I may even start playing guitar. Too old? well not this year anyway.

Yowsa!!!! I'd hate to see what you'd do to the audience guy who heckles you all night long. Congratulations!
Yeah really...

"Excuse us folks, the band`s going to take a short break. Don`t forget to be kind to your bartender..."


(bap! bap bap SLAM! CRASH!)


"...okay, we`re back. Now does anyone else wanna negotiate?" :D

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

And speaking of "old guys" and the Kinks, I just saw Ray Davies himself a month or two ago, and he was fantastic. Looked great, played great, sang great and put on a really energetic performance. And he's over 60 by now. :thu:



Was there any info from Ray on the condition of Dave? I know one or two of his guitars went up on Ebay UK over the last 18 months and there's not much info around.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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How about this::::::


The pic below is a shot of the band which played at the wedding I attended recently in Eire.


They are called 'Marble City Sound' and hailed from Kilkenny.




From right to left, the guitarist was 61, the trumpet player was 67, the sax player was 73(!), the drummer 57, singer 36 and keyboards 42.


AND THESE GUYS WERE TIGHT!!!! (and I *don't* mean drunk!!)


The did loads of rock and the sax/trumpet was really tight & effective. They didn't play a bum note all night and they played lots of medleys with loads of key changes between numbers.


Experience really showed here.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Originally posted by Warthog:

Hey, I found this video of skipclone teaching some folks some of his skills:


Skipclone Martial Arts

Oh come on now, even I`m not that bad :D Anyway

I generally stick to beating up on guys, they`re a lot more predictable. And they don`t get back at you by telling your girlfriend who they saw you sitting with at a resturaunt.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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