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Anyone entering the King of the Blues contest at GC?


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I'm thinking about it. I imagine my kids would get a good laugh out of it. And if I win, how to live down the grapevine at work when it gets out I have to go to compete in NYC or where ever?


Man, there i go sounding like an old fart again... Anyway, don't know if these gigs are rigged or what. Anybody got any experience?

"I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes." - Jimi Hendrix
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Go for it (or go fart as my kids once said :eek: ). I hope someone from this forum does win just so we can all say, "I knew him/her when
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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I wonder if any real King-Of-The-Blues types will enter, let alone win?


I mean real "lifers", who really, really eat, drink, sleep, and breath The Blues- not just playing, ALWAYS playing, and "living" the blues. The types of folks who are what the image and sound is built on, 24-7...


The kind that make you think, "Now, that's the real-deal"...


Who probably don't post on online forums, but might get talked about on 'em...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Funk Jazz:

i'm curious about this, too.


my wife talked me into signing up after she saw the ad that got mailed to us. for shits and giggles i went along, so i ended up an alternate on a couple of the nights.

FJ, how do they do it? do you get to take your own guys with you as a band? or do they provide everyting except a guitar player? Where do they hold these things and do you get to use your own amp setup? Tell All!!! pleezze
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Originally posted by Caevan_O'Shite:

I wonder if any real King-Of-The-Blues types will enter, let alone win?


I mean real "lifers", who really, really eat, drink, sleep, and breath The Blues- not just playing, ALWAYS playing, and "living" the blues. The types of folks who are what the image and sound is built on, 24-7...

Are you referring to the sort of people that record for Fat Possum Records?
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Originally posted by Tedster:

"I play a lot of blues, but I think I'd be more likely to be king of the beiges or yellow ochres before I'd be king of the blues."

Hehhehhehh!! :thu::D


King o' th' Candy-Apple-Reds here; ovah yondah's th' Queen o' th' Sherwood-Green-Metalics, 'n' th' Grand Arch-Duke o' th' Seafoam-Greens... :thu:


Originally posted by Kramer Ferrington III.:

Originally posted by Caevan_O'Shite:

I wonder if any real King-Of-The-Blues types will enter, let alone win?


I mean real "lifers", who really, really eat, drink, sleep, and breath The Blues- not just playing, ALWAYS playing, and "living" the blues. The types of folks who are what the image and sound is built on, 24-7...

"Are you referring to the sort of people that record for Fat Possum Records? "
Among others; maybe people who aren't on any record-labels even, but play in clubs, bars, juke-joints, porches and barbecues all the time. (Hehhehh, caught a typo there- I had typed "bras"; "Freudian Slip"? Or do Kings of the Blues play in Bras, too? Oops, we're gonna be hearing from B'lalalala playin' "Twelve Bra Blues" any day now!) :eek:


I tried searchin' last night for any internet flotsom 'n' jetsom concerning some favorites of mine from the Rochester, NY, US area; namely, The Nightstalkers, formerly known as Marshall James and the Nightstalkers, to little avail. Man, they ruled! And they were still so down-to-earth when you'd talk to 'em at the bar or outside during their breaks between sets. On Sunday-nights at the joints they played in every week, you used to see Nationally and Internationally touring rock and blues and pop acts that were in town to play the arenas and bigger clubs and auditoriums on Friday and Saturday nights come in to see them. They had a good rep, and they lived up to it! And Ralphie, the drummer, cooked up some mean, absolutely Heavenly barbecued chicken 'n' ribs, too! :cool: They had opened up for John Lee Hooker, I think before they had picked up Marshall James (the singer) the first time I remember seeing them.


Folks like them, the Fat Possum and Alligator Records crowds, Snooks Eaglin (Sp?), people that used to play in pickup-bands for the likes of B.B. King and Howlin' Wolf and Chuck Berry... lifers.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by ellwood:

FJ, how do they do it? do you get to take your own guys with you as a band? or do they provide everyting except a guitar player? Where do they hold these things and do you get to use your own amp setup? Tell All!!! pleezze

they give you a CD with backing tracks, then you use their amps. one of the available amps is a deluxe reverb, the other is a SS of some sort. you can use pedals, but only have 5 minutes to get your stuff together. it all happens at the store.


all the fine print is on the GC website, fwiw.

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Originally posted by Funk Jazz:

"BTW... i fully expect to (get) smoked in the contest :D and i don't care at all for the contest part, but i'm totally looking forward to hanging out and hearing a bunch of people play. not very often you get that chance."

Well, you're sure right about the second part! Hangin' at the guitar shop with a bunch of other guitar players is bound to be some fun; you'll probably even gain a funny anectdote or two in the process! :thu:


As for your getting "smoked", FJ, I can't help but think that if you do your thing, just playing what you want to play for the enjoyment of it, you'll make a great impression on anyone in attendance who knows guitar and blues and music in general at all; a little up-town swing 'n' polish onnitt, perhaps? Sounding a little like Django, T-Bone, and a back-up player for Bobby "Blue" Bland 'n' B.B. King?

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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