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  1. Yes, my physical keyboard is obviously connected to the audio interface, and in Midiflow I select my audio interface as my input keyboard (on channel 1 - in the above example).
  2. Hello, I am a new Ipad user for music. I see most apps allow you to set the recording paramenters. I do everything in the box, using AUM of GarageBand. No recording of external instruments or voice. Should I use 44.1 or 48 khz? 16 or 24 bit? How much bigger is a file recorded with the higher quality settings? And in case I will record audio directly from some external instruments, which settings are recommended?
  3. Great suggestion, thanks! I am new to Midiflow, and I managed to have it working with AUM, thanks, its great. I am also experimenting using it directly and only with VTines. It's possible, even if there are no virtual midi inputs: you have to set your physical keyboard to send, for example, on midi channel 1 (its usually like this by default). Then in Midiflow, set your input keyboard to channel 1. Use then the "remap channel" modifier to channel 2. Then set Vtines to receive on all midi sources but only on midi channel 2. In this way the notes coming from the keyboard will be ignored, because it's on channel 1, and it works. It works fine, but I still have a question: in Vtines if you select, as a midi source, ONLY the audio interface, it does not work. If you select ALL SOURCES, it works. So I guess that in Vtines there is a kind of "hidden" virtual midi port? And this is hidden port can only be used when ALL SOURCES is selected?
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