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Posts posted by CHarrell

  1. I echo the recommendation for vi-control, those dudes get wild over there about sample libraries.


    I've been using the Cinematic Studio series for years, using the strings for several scores. They're not the most versatile in articulation (none of the crazy stuff you can do in offerings such as VSL, even the budget version), but they get a good sound without much tweaking and the interface is really easy to use. I've been tempted to try out EastWest because of how often they put things on sale, and their monthly subscription might be an affordable way to check out what they got.


    Speaking of which, VSL does a 30 day trial for their budget series, Synchron Prime. I haven't tried it yet, but I was really impressed with how fully-featured their older Prime series was, but apparently the Synchron player has a much better interface than their older stuff.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, RABid said:

    irst time I joined I mostly did the treadmills and ended up with a lot of knee pain.


    Yeah I have arthritis in my wrists and knees, ellipticals are the way to go if you want to get your cardio in! I use cardio as a way to warm up my body for resistance training and to up my stamina.

  3. 19 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

    It’s a compact weight. It’s not difficult to lift from the case and get it up on the stand.   But I prefer a case with wheels or a cart for it.  


    I agree, but especially in the city, there's a number of instances where I'm in that awkward territory of too close to a spot to justify driving (aka parking!!!), but too far away to just wheel my CP in its case and carry the Spacestation with my hands. I don't know if I'd get a dolly, platform dolly, handcart, etc., but I'd want it to be a small footprint and easy to cover for protection against the rain. 

  4. 1 hour ago, ElmerJFudd said:

    Or, get a good cart with bungie cords.  Or both! 


    After shopping around for like every keyboard on the planet, I realized that CP88 is really the one for me (maybe with a software piano sound to replace the internal ones though...). At this point, I'm just going to suck up the weight, I think I'm gonna finally invest in a cart that so many of y'all have been talking about.

  5. 2 hours ago, eric said:


    My S90 (Classic) was one of my most productive purchases and I still am holding onto it. I used it prolifically in a wedding/general business band for a decade, with various clonewheels up top, and it just got the job done so well. Such as great action, form factor (mod/pitch wheels ABOVE the keys), killer Master mode, PLG expansions, and more. It really was a beast. I even had the S70XS for a bit and never liked it as much as the original S90.


    Here's a very old picture of that S90 rig.





    I got to play one this weekend! I really enjoyed it, but the thing that shocked me most was how easy it was to carry this 00s board! 😂 These past few days I had to keep checking the official spec weight to confirm it's 45 lbs, because it actually felt lighter and easier to carry than many 30something lb boards.

  6. 3 hours ago, kelp said:

    I'm always very excited by a new Cubase release but usually wait for at least one maintenance update before taking the plunge. The new channel tab might be worth the price of admission alone. I haven't made up my mind on the new mixer look yet. I usually get a "I must have this!" feeling. It's not as strong this time.


    @CHarrell, what's exciting for you?


    Huge thing for me are the MIDI editor improvements, slight as they may seem. Looks like they actually learnt from Studio One a little, which is what I was gravitating towards for the last two years because of Steinberg's leisurely pace and piecemeal approach to updating certain components of the DAW. I love the new visibility tool that allows you to easily and quickly toggle parts to edit (like S1), and the new step editing features, such as on the fly note length editing--something I loved in Ableton--is gonna be such a great improvement to my workflow (the polyphonic feature is really cool too).


    Great that they updated their pack-in orchestral library, and I don't remember off the top of my head what exactly they were, but I saw something about the video track performance being enhanced which is HUGE for me...last year I wanted to grab Cubase by the scruff of its chin hairs and throw it onto a car because of the grief that was giving me, especially when S1's (far more rudimentary admittedly)video tracks played without a hitch for me at all. 


    There's other cool stuff, but to really sum it up, the additions and changes they implemented in 13 look to address so many issues I had with Cubase, ones that led me to try other paths to migrate to.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Paul Woodward said:

    I’m sure others have tried this, but I had completely overlooked the fact that these boards send audio over usb in real-time and that audio is also fed back. So, I ran it through some external effects in GarageBand on the iPad and it worked a treat. Really breathed life into Rhodes and organs and no cost at all. 


    Wouldn't you have an issue with the incoming audio from the board clashing with the output back to the board from the iPad?

  8. 5 minutes ago, stoken6 said:

    Surprisingly, Nord got this right. I can send DIN MIDI from a controller to my Stage 2, and simultaneously send program changes via USB midi from Bandhelper.



    Oh snap! I wonder if there are some "parallel" systems they have to have in place.


    5 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    I noticed that the XE20 has also just come down on a couple of the big sites, but not (yet?) all of them


    Well, Korg will be at Synthfest UK next week.... 



  9. 11 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    The Grandstage RH3 might have been tweaked to suit piano work. I had the first gen Kronos weighted board and wasn’t that impressed with it.


    Wasn't there a distinct cutoff between one type of RH3 and another? Whether it was the Made in Japan distinction, something about moving the contacts or something, etc.


    13 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    As for Yamaha, why do they have that bloody midi or USB choice? If I connect an iPad and external board to my YC, I can control the iPad but not the YC from the external OR I can control the YC, but not the iPad unless it’s played directly from the YC. It’s not the end of the world, but why is it limited to this? (Runs off to post on Ideascale…)


    I've seen other keyboards with this limitation, so I'd be inclined to believe it's more of a protocol thing than a shortcoming of one keyboard model.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, AnotherScott said:

    liked the action on the SV1 (especially the "inferior" earlier ones, oddly enough, but the later ones are still okay)... I hated the RH3 on the Kronos. It's like playing on a bed of quicksand or something. Heavy feeling with no connection whatsoever.


    Interesting, those are the same "generation" of RH3s, yeah? Do you think it was the aftertouch, like CEB wonders?

  11. 2 hours ago, zephonic said:

    The Korg D1 is exactly that, an RH3 controller with some perfunctory onboard sounds just in case. But the absence of USB is a dumb one.


    Of course, they are releasing an update. After all, I just bought mine only a few months ago... :facepalm:


    True. Honestly, the only thing I'd want from a D2 is USB (super-mega-please a USB audio interface as they have on the new Keystage), pitch and mod, maybe a few controller knobs or something, boom, I'm set.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    Or just release a bloody RH3 weighted controller Korg.... 


    That's my hope. The D1 is in a weird betwixt-and-between category where it's a little underwhelming as a digital piano for people due to lack of features such as speakers, but is so barebones that the "MIDI controller" aspect is really just a good set of keys for software...not even a USB port!

    • Like 1
  13. The Korg D1 is currently on sale at all of the usual suspects. We know Korg likes to extended sales of products before announcing a new one; I brought this up with my Sweetwater rep and mentioned I wouldn't want to buy a D1 only for a sequel to come out right after, and his response: "No confirmation of the D2's existence yet, but it'll be safer to wait."

  14. 6 minutes ago, Mike Martin said:

    I bought Falcon 3 from UVI.  $199 is the intro price. 

    Still wrapping my head around it but it is quite a powerful system. Imports my custom EXS libraries pretty well and the synthesis side is crazy deep.


    I saw that, I'm really curious about it 'cause I love the UVI architecture, to the point where I've gone out of my way to purchase UVI products and avoid technically superior Kontakt offerings. 

  15. 4 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    I think a software version could both be less expensive to develop/manufacture, and have a larger potential market, compared to a rack module. Cheaper to make and easier to sell sounds like a good strategy! Plus, putting its electronics (and presumably a decent-sized screen) into a reasonably sized rack module sounds tricky, too.


    The question is though, is once the software Montage M is out there, is it strong enough to play with the big dogs that dominate the software space? I think most people have a tier of expectations when it comes to hardware sounds vs software.

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