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Paul Woodward

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Everything posted by Paul Woodward

  1. I thought it only did that when you first run it as there is an option to ‘reanalyse’ afterwards. Will try disabling it next time and see the results. Can’t recall if the lag crept in before I ran it as I tend to do it last. Im pretty sure M1 is more than capable and that 8gb is capable of handling such a few tracks.
  2. Never gigged at any sort of level that requires a flagship board since such a thing became the standard. I have had two Kronos’ but never needed half the features so went with the Grandstage as those were the bits I needed. Same with Roland and Yamaha gear, either picked up a top model cheap, or went with lesser models (FA-06, Korg Krome, JD-Xi etc, Moog Subsequent etc). had a few ‘flagship’ Yamaha stage pianos but that’s because I wanted a quality keybed and piano sounds.
  3. Are you limited to the zen core sounds you can download, or just the number you can have (1000)? I need to do some research, but always better to hear from someone who actually owns one.
  4. They looked a bargain when I first posted. Not for me, but good to be able to give some credible advice to friends and family.
  5. Starting a new topic as there is lots of talk about new features in the Logic thread. Anyway, updated to Logic 11 and opened my last track. Keyboard lag from the Grandstage was unbearable. Tried changing latency settings in audio and ‘low latency monitoring’ in recording but no good. Decided a new track was the way to go and voila, no lag at all. As I built up a track the lag crept back in, and by the end is was getting bad again. Tried with my Keystage and the same. Bear in mind this was just eight tracks but included one drum session track, the studio piano and studio bass with Chromaglow on the drums as well as the mastering mode activated. Watched the activity monitor and there was no real stress on the CPU. So, I’m wondering if there is some bug in the new version (never had lag before), if the AI stuff is just causing this and if an M1 with 8gb is up to the job now. I only ever fire up the Mac mini to use with Logic once in a while so don’t really want to upgrade if there are any settings or tweaks to improve this, I don’t believe the M2 is a substantial upgrade anyway…that just leaves a 16gb upgrade I guess. Anyone else noticed similar issues in Logic 11?
  6. Is that to evaluate which suits your needs, or do you expect to use both. Are all the Zencore sounds available for these?
  7. Finally had a play. Definitely had fun with drummers, but bass and keyboards were all over the place. I need to lay down simpler chord based tracks for them to analyse. Chromaglow really brought the drum sounds out, but I found it easier to play bass and keyboards in myself. Old habits and all that...plus I like to think I have my own style so AI keys not really getting used beyond trying them out.
  8. Not worth that sort of price, especially the 61 with that keybed. I paid £900 for my first YC61, £700 for the second and couldn't live with the clacky keybed on either. Shame as the rest of the board is great.
  9. Not really a direct comparison. One has a bunch of sliders and pads etc. the other is Midi 2.0 with oled displays, poly AT keybed and an audio interface.
  10. Imagine your 23 year old self wandering into a studio, being asked to casually jam on some tracks, laying down riffs on some of the most recognised tunes in rock history, hanging around for a few days breaking in a brand new Fender Rhodes, getting the roadies to cart in your B3 then being asked to become the fifth member of the band which just happened to be one of the biggest and greatest in the world at that point. Yeah, beyond a dream, not a bad gig for Billy though.
  11. Curious what you hope to see in an update other than bug fixes. Not sure if the sounds can be added to like the YC.
  12. Yeah, it’s much shorter and the AI cleaning up is less obvious. Clearly they work together for a Beatles fan, but 9 hours is a lot to sit through so Let it Be is the snack sized version. I just love watching these guys, two of who are sadly no longer with us, just dicking around making up songs that we now know so well. The tension is very explicit in Get Back, but only referenced through a minor disagreement in Let it Be.
  13. Watching this prompted me to revisit the 9 hour Get Back documentary where the use of AI was still developing so lots of plastic looking faces (Let it be is far better). Some great moments to put a smile on your face. Unpacking a new Leslie speaker and bunging it in the corner, opening up a shiny new Fender Rhodes, Billy Preston dropping by and instantly becoming the ‘fifth member’, the bands humour and jamming through old classic songs between takes, all the technical issues with tape and analogue gear. Best watched in a few sittings though.
  14. The YC pianos are based on those in the CP88 which is the current flagship piano, so maybe it’s the connect with the lighter keybed or Yamaha isn’t the piano brand for you? Have to say I was always a Yamaha piano owner, but after getting the Korg Grandstage, I haven’t been able to go back. My YC61 was used as a second board and that’s gone now.
  15. Just came across this remastered version on Disney available for the first time in 50 years and it’s a great watch. Seeing these great musicians just messing about and making up songs that we know so well (and we are shouting the lyrics at the screen while they didn’t exist back then) is an interesting experience . Clearly went a bit sour towards the end, but it’s a great ride until then especially if you are a fan. Well worth a watch. https://press.disney.co.uk/news/let-it-be-michael-lindsay-hoggs-original-1970-film-to-launch-exclusively-on-disney+-may-8-2024
  16. Get some LEDs on this and Jarre would be in heaven... https://youtu.be/FzLFIlralvY
  17. I honestly thought this board was done for upgrades. I wonder if the YC’s will get an update this year.
  18. I really like the EP-1 engine on the Grandstage which is taken from Kronos. However, as these EP sounds will be not compatible with the Kronos or Nautilus, I wonder if they are somehow different…
  19. A little part me just hopes that promo images like this mean the collection will be getting some updates to make better use of the Keystage….well, I can hope.
  20. It was in the Kronos and Nautilus as well as the Vox, but the SV-2 uses EDs-X. I like it, especially nice on the RH3 equipped Grandstage, but as an addition to the Korg Collection? In the Grandstage its just a set of presets with very basic editing so I don't know how much it can be edited in the other two boards. If they also bring in the SGX2 and CX-3 engines we inch nearer to a software Kronos which is just fine by me as I already have the DAW I want, but often lusted after the sound engines of the Kronos (hence I got the GS).
  21. Isn't the bundle price less than the price of Final Cut? Can you sell the codes for the two you already own??
  22. Isn't the Triton an improved version of the Trinity? The original and extreme are already in the collection.
  23. Interesting that two new 'engines' are from the Kronos. We already have Polysix and MS-20 this makes four (sort of) so how long before it's a full Kronos in software form?
  24. https://synthanatomy.com/2024/05/superbooth-24-korg-collection-5-with-arp-2600-ep-1-and-vox-super-continental-emulations.html
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