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Paul Woodward

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Posts posted by Paul Woodward

  1. 14 minutes ago, pinkfloydcramer said:

    Good to see the CK61 mentioned here, as I have one on the way. From clips it seems to sound pretty close to my YC88. Looking for it to be the extra sounds board, as well as my sit-in board. Keybed can't possibly be worse than that of the Electro.

    It was certainly quieter than the two YC61’s I owned.

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  2. Strange that the higher end Roland boards should restrict the use of class compliant devices (such as iPad) while a £325 entry level keyboard has it....never understood this. Was pleasantly surprised when the 'budget' CK inherited many of the same features from the YC 🙂

  3. @Fleer are you able to connect an iPad/Phone or tablet to confirm the Go:Keys 3 and 5 can play the external sounds through the keyboard as you can with the Yamaha YC, CP and CK boards? Bit of a game changer at this price if so.

    Also, I read a user review saying the keybed is not nice to play at all, but I think they were expecting to play classical pieces on it. I have long been a fan of Roland keybeds and was curious what you thought of it. I was happy enought with the Roland W30, FA08, A800 and VR-09 boards I owned 🙂

  4. 30 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:

    Getting back to iPad integration, the Rolands don't have a one-cable iPad solution (you'll need to run separate MIDI and audio connections), but they can still work well. 

    Are you sure? The Go Keys 3 and 5 have audio over USB which is class compliant effectively making it one of the cheapest ways to integrate an iPad. As its USB C, should you have a newer iPad, you won't even need the Apple CCK 🙂

    I was naturally sceptical of this feature as Roland never seem to put class compliant USB on their devices. I eyed up a cheap Roland SH-4D to use as an expander with my Keystage, until I realised the USB audio required drivers.





  5. I would second a CK61 for its great sounds and iPad integration but on that same idea have you looked at the new Roland Go Keys 5 for lightweight, features and ability to load zen core sounds? I believe it also does audio over usb like the Yamaha.

    Im currently using the Korg Keystage 61 with an iPad which also has a built in audio interface like the CK/YC etc. However, unless you wanted a board with poly aftertouch and Midi 2.0 features its a bit overkill (price wise) for your scenario/ With the iPad you do have the flexibility of loading up whatever sound engines you want, and its a very lightweight setup which could even run without a power supply for a good few hours.

  6. Funny this should be resurrected now. One just came up for sale near me. Bereavement sale so not sure if it even powers up and would need the special power supply, but for £100 it looked like a bit of fun and cosmetically sound albeit for a few knobs missing. Might even have some expansions but best not to ask in case the price goes up.

  7. My plan was to make a track using all of the new AI features, but the bass and keyboards were all over the place so I played them in myself. Drummer did very well, as did the Chromaglow on the drums and the mastering mix.

    Might try something a little ‘simpler’ in terms of chords played in to see what they can do later. Early days for the AI and it’s free so nothing lost by playing around with it.

  8. Bear in mind an update is imminent adding three more instruments and these are never free upgrades so you might be digging deep again this summer. I believe cross grade is when you own the hardware, but little in the Korg Collection is valid for that. The other three engines you mention are.

  9. 47 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:


    I don't think "two" qualifies as a hodge-podge." 😉 


    It's similar to how, when Macs had Intel processors, they came with Boot Camp which allowed you to boot them as PCs. The "depending on whatever" addition is that it would not let you boot into the alternate OS unless you had a keyboard and pointing device attached (and it would only be available on some iPad models, not ones that don't meet certain minimum specs... much like, for example, how Stage Manager functions today).

    iPads booted into a different OS? Did I miss something?

  10. I also owned a Fusion and was surprised how quickly they reduced and then abandoned it. Also, who could really afford an Oasys at that time? It had more potential than was realised.

    I got similar vibes from the Grandstage which was discontinued quite early in its life with no real replacement, and still doesn’t have one you can buy yet. The incremental updates to the Grandstage X shows just how much the original offered (and still does). Very strange decision by Korg there.

  11. 1 hour ago, mrk7421 said:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               But if you can afford flagship......you are very fortunate.    That's all ....

    For me, there is affording and justifying. Luckily my income and lifestyle means I could ‘afford’ a flagship every few months without hardship, but as I’m not gigging or earning any money from music, could I justify that?

    I’m happy to buy a ‘flagship’ PC workstation as that makes me more productive in my job. Also, I’m a Yorkshireman and like a bargain….playing the Kronos 88 I spent several thousand ££ on did not feel like as much as a win as playing a £500 Grandstage or £700 YC61…or even a £100 JDXi. Essentially I like to pick up quality pro gear at hobby prices and, so far, it’s been a good run.

    • Like 1
  12. Apple rarely have a blow out if ever. They just reduce or cease production of an item which drives the prices up on the market due to scarcity. The ‘sweet spot’ is when retailers think something is redundant or no longer popular and they have a ‘blow out’. Until they completely cease support for a device, there will always be accessories for it even if they hard to find and/or expensive.

  13. A bit like putting a V8 engine on a tuk tuk. Overkill if you can’t put your foot down and use it. Logic is great, but MainStage is the dream. I see no reason it shouldn’t be on the iPad given how it’s based on Logic and they are pushing it as a music performance and recording device. That with my existing apps sounds like the perfect setup.

  14. Quite a few tips here I can try to avoid the lag, thanks. On a side note, while looking to ‘clean up’ my mac, I discovered remnants of the Rhodes V8 trial and some GarageBand content was well over 30gb of my system data despite no applications being installed. That’s gone now along with a load of free plugins I never used.

  15. Bit of a quandary for Apple. They have tablets with more power than their laptops, but refuse to give them a more professional OS as it would effectively impact their laptop sales. If an M4 iPad had a full OS and you added the Magic Keyboard, you would have a MacBook Pro with detachable screen. Yet what to do with all that power……

    • Like 1
  16. I’m certainly not a beats guy, but I found the session players to be more trad/rock, I just need to get my head around how to input reference data. With the drummers I can choose one of my ‘played’ tracks such as piano for reference. Tried the same with the keys and bass players and it all sounded terrible. Pretty sure I’m doing it wrong, but I won’t be using the keys players beyond a little dabble to see what it can do. Now, bass I would like to get right.

  17. 42 minutes ago, Keepitsimple said:

    Don't underestimate what the Kronos is capable of (not saying you personally did, just generally speaking). I once had to perform a musical live with my students back when i was teaching. The play needed all kinds of sounds, from piano to FX to strings, you name it. And being performed live, i had to jump back and forth between all of the sounds during the scenes.


    Kronos Setlists made everything a breeze.


    To say that i gave the Kronos's live capability a run for its money during that musical is an understatement. Even the principal came to me afterwards and entertained the idea to buy a Kronos for the school lol.

    I never doubted what it could do, just never needed many of the features that justified its high price tag. Grandstage and iPad gives me much of the Korg bits I wanted at a much lower price. Korg Collection and Logic goes beyond what it offers sonically, but I understand that’s not the same as an ‘all in one’ board.

    • Like 1
  18. 33 minutes ago, J.F.N. said:

    Will be interesting to see what Korg is up to, the Nautilus cant be the end of that software suite...

    Have you noticed that Module got the Oasys piano recently and that Korg Collection is getting the EP-1 and Vox engines from the Kronos? Maybe they are testing the waters for further Kronos engines, maybe adding them to Gadget at some point to make something akin to a software Kronos.

    That or an awesome new flagship workstation in the works. Nautilus felt like a bit of a downgrade from Kronos….

  19. 29 minutes ago, ElmerJFudd said:

    What do you mean when you say keyboard lag?  Do you mean MIDI in to audio out from a plugin?  Which plugin exactly?   A stock logic plugin or a third party plugin?  Are you running in Rosetta because some of your plugins aren’t Apple Silicon native? Do you have PDC (plugin delay compensation) turned on?

    Or do you mean audio in from your keyboard to monitoring audio out through Logic’s mixer? 

    I just read about the Crtl I to disable Rosetta, will try that.

    Sorry if it wasn’t clear, meant midi input lag when playing internal instruments from an external keyboard. Perfect at first, gets worse as the ‘song’ develops. At one point, so bad it sounded like a ping pong delay. Only noticed since upgrading to Logic Pro 11 and mastering assistant was already in Pro X…

  20. 1 minute ago, Jonathan Hughes said:

    The mastering assistant uses lookahead processing. Using any plugin that uses lookahead processing will give you a delay when playing from a keyboard.

    I thought it only did that when you first run it as there is an option to ‘reanalyse’ afterwards. Will try disabling it next time and see the results. Can’t recall if the lag crept in before I ran it as I tend to do it last.

    Im pretty sure M1 is more than capable and that 8gb is capable of handling such a few tracks. 

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