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Bobbo Fett

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  1. I couldn't get past the first minute or so. He comes off like an extremely talented pompous ass, frankly.....
  2. Never got into stop until I started covering Green Onions...just doesn't sound right playing it in chorale. One thing I REALLY dig is how dramatic it sounds to go from stop to fast. One thing I DON'T dig is that, at least on my Electro 3, stop can sound dramatically different depending on the orientation of the "horn" when it stops. Sometimes it can really sound a bit hollow if it doesn't land in the right spot.....simulated, of course......
  3. I played my piano bar gig that I've been doing for about 23 years now. GREAT money, GREAT tips, EXCELLENT dinner and drinks for me and the wife, and I was done by 11:30. Already booked for the next one......
  4. Back in the 80's I gigged for a while with Bob Burns, Skynard's original drummer. He told me once that Ronnie Van Zant (who liked to perform sans shoes and socks) would have one of the roadies take off his shoes and grab his mic at sound check to assure he wouldn't get shocked during the show.....
  5. I own 2. My first one got boogered up when an X stand failed, and I had to turn off all of the knobs, sliders and wheels. Not a biggie since this one stays at home for piano practice. Picked up another one used from a friend and I've been gigging with that one for several years. GREAT "Band for the buck" keyboard, IMO....only thing I wish it had would be an expression pedal input....
  6. This is literally all I've done at weddings for yeras now. Can't remember the last time I did a live band thing for the "party" portion of a wedding. Nice thing is, more often than not there's more than enough budget that I can book my jazz trio for the cocktail hour for VERY respectable $$$......
  7. Ask your girlfriend.....she probably has one....😃
  8. So.....where's the commercial with Sarah Maclachlan's pleading voice over saying, "YOU can help....for just $*** a month, only **cents a day, you can adopt a starving organist"......
  9. Poly 800? Yeah, now I remember ....had one of those too.....what a DOG. I just gave it away to a band I was playing with at the time.....
  10. It's also a drag that the gigs I would use it on pay the same as they did in the 80's as well.......
  11. For that kind of $jack$ it SHOULD be, along with a toaster oven and air fryer.....😃
  12. This thread reminds me of some of the most sage advice I've ever gotten. Sitting in a car on break at a gig, sharing a "fun stick" with a friend.....we got on the subject of rap somehow, and I was banging on about my total disdain for it....my buddy took a long hit, settled back and said, "Well man.....if you don't dig it, it wasn't written for you"......
  13. Sooooooo.......Mr. Doley (obviously) doesn't have the the musical gravitas to run with Evans, Oscar, Joey, and on and on.....my next question is, who's gonna tell him, so he can stop this "entertaining" nonsense get on with his plumbing career? Truth be told, I'm sure he already knows and is happy to be HIM, entertaining normal folk who are NOT musical geniuses but who appreciate his performance none the less.....I'm also a mediocre sax player, in addition to being a mediocre keyboard guy (and that's ok......................right?) and I can tell you that the quickest way to spawn a thread like this over at SaxontheWeb is to start a topic about Kenny G. Those guys are like sharks with blood in the water over THAT guy........
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