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Everything posted by Jose EB5AGV

  1. The player is 90% of the final sound, IMO, regardless of the instrument. Well, that may sound exaggerated, but I learned that long away, when I was 10 or so, had never played any instrument, and, along my parents, we visited a commercial gallery where there was a musical instruments section. There, a pro player demonstrated an Italian electronic console piano, and we were all hooked. In few weeks my parents bought that magnificent sounding instrument... And, once at home, we were unable to get any remotely similar sound to what we had heard on the store. Never. Yes, we got caught by the demo guy. Clever marketing πŸ˜… So the years went by, the poor Fesma Granada 49 sit mostly unused, and it took me about 40 years to begin playing the piano / keyboards just short of 5 years ago. And, yet, if I play the Fesma (still have it, if now in an storage area), it does not sound as it did on that demo! πŸ€” Now that I own an acoustic piano (Yamaha U3H) and several digitals, as the nice Kawai VPC1 controller, along high quality VSTs, IMO the acoustic is the proper instrument to learn and it translates nicely to other instruments. The first days I had the acoustic at home, I honestly thought I had goofed completely on my decision. That instrument sounded awfully loud and the left hand killed all right hand sound. Learning to control dynamics on it was a night/day difference and I found that digital instrument (I had then a Yamaha DGX660) were too easy to the player and not realistic enough. But then, going the other way, from acoustic to digital, I can perfectly control dynamics. So, again, IMO the acoustic is the proper way to learn. Sorry for the long rant πŸ˜†
  2. You know that is close to the Pantone color of the year 2023? πŸ€”
  3. @EscapeRocksyou don't seem to need any f* label on the keyboards 🀣
  4. Well, I have still had time today 😬 to plunge some more cash into this (wonderful) music world! I have got Cubasis 3 and all the possible in-app purchases (they were all at 50%) Again, more power to the iPad rig! Jose
  5. Now that it is mostly gone (well, some sales are still running, you can join this thread at any moment!), what your GAS has taken you to buy during this BF period?. Well, not only GAS acquisitions. Sometimes we do really need stuff. Sometimes πŸ˜‰ I should confess that I have got a Boss looper set (RC-500 along original power supply and FS-6 pedal). I had never do any looping before but, so far, is a nice time keeping practice tool at least. Then I have got Arturia V-Collection 9 at a good price (149€) as owner of other Arturia products. What triggered most my interest on this collection was the new Piano V-3. And, so far, I am liking it. I am sorely tempted by Cherry Audio GX-80, as it sounds and looks magnificent. Also the IK Multimedia B-3X for iOS, in order to improve my evolving rig (Montage 6 plus iPad) is also on the spot. Will post if I finally go for any of them. So far, so good. And you? πŸ˜… Jose
  6. I wonder about the 50%-off offer on Korg Module expansions because, using last software version, which shows that offer, prices seem to me like the regular ones. I thought you would see an slashed price or an offer tag, as I seem to recall on earlier purchases, but not. Any hint?
  7. @TuskerSorry for delay, the daily work has taken all the time this week 😒 Here you can see a general view of my Kawai VPC1 setup as is now. I have modified it several times, but this one is OK for me right now (note the speakers setup is an A/B comparison one and will probably be modified soon, leaving only the Adam AX7😞 This is a detail of the left side items, an iCON PLATFORM-M and an Steinberg CC-121 (an sturdy Cubase specific controller): Then to the right an ElGato Stream Deck XL and a Mackie Big Knob Studio: As you can see, there is plenty of space over the VPC1. And these items have just added some extra rear rubber bumpers. I hope you can see one here: So, just adding some height on the rear side, using rubber bumpers, to any accessory you put over the VPC1, the curved surface is not a problem anymore. Just for completeness, this is the real aspect with the top lighting off, which is how I use to have that setup. The other pictures needed more light! Hope this helps! Jose
  8. Jenny, keep calm... I would also suggest a decent keyboard, with plenty of sounds and functions, to add some interest to the playing. Although at home and for gigs I use a Montage, for most rehearsals I go the light way and use a Casio CTX-5000. And, despite a non stellar keybed, it does its job (sidenote: I know a MODX+ would be better to share settings, but it was what I had readily available) Also, that CTX-5000 is what I use for casual musical meetings with friends, as internal speakers are loud enough to play along other people in small settings. Good luck finding what she needs! Jose
  9. I have a VPC1 and fully recommend it. My setup includes several items over it (the slightly curved surface is not a problem with some ingenuity, can elaborate if needed) and the good thing is that you can customize what you add to it and evolve over time (this is what I have done). If interested, can post some pictures. Jose
  10. Well, I took the plunge yesterday and upgraded from 7 Standard to 8 Standard. I have 8 instrument packs, all pianos. To not fool myself, I put three different instrument tracks on Cubase 12 with Pianoteq 6, 7 and 8 on them. Then, using same presets, checked several of the pianos. And, yes, there is real improvement. From version 6 is sometimes just awesome. From version 7 is clearly better on the bottom and top registers on the Steinways, as a sample. The Petrofs are also better. Other instruments show some improvement, but not so noticeable in general. And some, as the U4 upright, are exactly the same from 7 to 8. The new interface is nicer to look. All in all, for the upgrade price (29€) it is sure worth it IMO! Jose
  11. One important thing that some miss is to use the CONDITION control on PT. If left as it is usually on most presets, at or too close to MINT condition, the pianos sound artificial. But setting them at about 15-20% off the MINT setting helps to humanise, so to say, the pianos
  12. I can't recall that day clearly. Perhaps because I was exactly 18 months old on that day πŸ˜… How I miss those years!. Everything was done by other people and I just needed to eat and sleep. Those were the days! 🀣
  13. My JBLs just powered on, even without a cable attached, generate hiss (if you listen carefully; it is bearable but not ideal). I had not noticed it at first but, when I got the A7X set, put them side by side and did a comparison. The Adams are dead silent πŸ‘πŸ»
  14. Now there is an important issue. A crucial one I would say. You ought do it, in fact! Update your signature to show KU 14 CE! 🀣
  15. Another nice feature of the Adam (and of any good quality monitors) is the lack of hiss/background noise when no signal is input to them... That is specially interesting if you play piano and want to have a closer to real experience. My previous JBL 305P have a hiss noise always present and, once you notice it, completely ruins the playing experience
  16. My Adam A7X monitors do a nice job when I use them along my Kawai VPC1 and good piano VSTs (as VSL Synchron pianos). I got them used about a year and a half ago, for about half their price new and I can't be happier πŸ˜ƒ
  17. It feels awkward that I have had dozens of Eric moments during last five year's, without even knowing how they were called! Now I am relieved πŸ˜…
  18. The SY77, wonderful synth!. I have it and also its sibling, the SY99. FM at its best!
  19. It is curious, mine works perfectly so far. I use it with my iPad Air 2
  20. Thank you all for the great advice!. I am glad my current playing is not too far of some of the hints you give me, but of course there is plenty new to explore / try / learn πŸ‘Œ
  21. Here you have another of the band's original songs, with the same caveats than previous one. Besar y conquistar by Complicada SenZillez
  22. Yes, it seems pretty logical πŸ˜† Well, I will give you an example, but with some caveats: That is not the current band. In fact, only the bassist and drummer are still the same. So we have a new singer (still not in any video, as she began with us a couple weeks ago), new guitar player, new sax player and new keyboard player (yours truly) The song is in Spanish πŸ˜„ (it talks about a disgraced rock star) I know what I play on that song 😬, but will not say it, so you will be completely unbiased Ok, here it goes: Estrella del Rock by Complicada SenZillez
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