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  1. Introducing Spitfire String Quintet Now that wasn't on my bingo card for 2024 or any time. Looking forward to future Spitfire Samples ported into Nord. Sounds great on my Stage 3.
  2. I think they built one hellova April Fool's joke with the "affordable" campaign... Although I must admit, it looks neat.
  3. I spent countless hours on the XK5 Leslie sim, it always sounded flat to me so I gave up and got a Vent. I guess it's a matter of taste in the end. Yet the principle of offering improvements and alternatives via OS updates is valuable on my side. I hope someone can shed some light on that subject. But while Kurzweil's case is an interesting one, I have to wonder why "downgraded" XK-5-based-organs get better OD and Leslie sims (A matter of taste, again) while The option is not also given to the flagship. The cases might be similar, but I think in the end it's a matter of "second-tier" products enjoying upgrades not available to the flagship, on H-S's side. To sum it up, I won't be changing my XK5 soon, despite my thoughts, yet I'm genuinely happy for the Viscount Soul users who got a good update.
  4. New OS Update with a new Leslie model: FB Post MexKeys (who helped develop it) demos it Now I have to ask seriously. Why my XK5 doesn't get a new Leslie and other improvements while newer supposedly "downgrade" models from H-S get?
  5. So... Should I sell my XK-5 and get the 4? My main use of it is for gigging, not recording sessions as much as I'd planned, and I'm always up for gear that weighs less. Also, I sold my Leslie 2101 so it's also a consideration...
  6. I'm sorry to say but I would have been really surprised if they had included a 9th slider on the Montage M. From a simple business point of view, they can't really make a move to cannibalize the sales of the YC range. I think, actually - I hope, that the new Studio Rotary FX from the YC range will be included, so it'll give great potential for Hammond sounds without having to carry a second board above it. Even I, a Hammond freak whose technique is more Organ-Oriented in later years (Began as a pianist), would gladly accept a potential compromise like that in order to do some gigs with one board only. And above that, I'm convinced the AN-X will be part of the new board, hopefully with a revamped ROM and at least 4-6GB of Flash RAM for external samples. According to my two cents - Good times ahead!
  7. Sorry for your loss. He was a thunderous player and I really loved his playing.
  8. I wish that there would be more than new colors if a new Nautilus were on the way someday. More like a 64-bit OS and the option to install more RAM and larger SSD drives.
  9. My feelings\hopes: Korg - Maybe should they release a Nautilus EX\2 or even a Kronos successor. This time with 64bit OS for more RAM and better boot time. I don't mind keeping the same Nauti stock set. It's really good for me. Nord Stage 4 or Electro 7 with some features from the Nord Piano 5 in the Sample Synth section. In the Hammond dept. - I hope for an XK6 with FX loop and better Leslie sim. The can do it really better, although I mostly gig\record my XK5 through a Leslie - A better onboard option for more occasions will be more than welcome. Yamaha? A Montage with proper VA Engine. It's time. Last but not least - I hope for a KingKorg 2 and a Sequential Take 6 or even Take 8 with proper multitimbrality
  10. It sounds actually terrific. If they'll make a keyboard version of it, I'll buy it in no-time.
  11. A Bill Beer. On such a weird timing, in this weekend her Bill Beer Hammond and Leslie rigs are being auctioned. She used an XK5 system from 2017 and so
  12. Awful news. I had a hope to see the Mac live in my life time, it went away. Loved Christine's voice and playing. Her Hammond and Leslie tones were amongst my favorites.
  13. That's kind of Yannis to take on a defending stance on my side, no worries It's my main band (partly active now) for 7 years, we're all friends and basically, we do our music for ourselves, although we had some peak years of success. We feedback each other in honest and communicative and good ways, with a mutual goal to do our best while sounding the best we can. With this band, I used Kurzweils way back, until the Kronos, and last year when I had my MODX8 we gigged with it once. The Bandleader simply asked the question of what happened to my Large String Ensemble sound, and rightly so he claimed the patches have no presence in comparison to my other boards. As Moonglow pointed out exactly, I had a PF Cover gig we played The Final Cut on its entirety. The smaller Chamber Sections were stellar there. When I got to bigger Orchestrations with Horns and so, the sound lost its power although it was passable and everyone was happy, yet not overwhelmed. I might go back the MODX+ way, although I find it hard it doesn't have proper VA as the Nord will be Electro-ized, and I want to keep my right light.
  14. I use this sample a lot on my Stage 3 I should have clarified, I talked about Orchestral String patches. My bands require good Orch Str sounds for quite of the repertoire, and I've received complaints from the main band about the Fantom's String sounds. I might bounce back to the Yamaha territory with the new MODX+, with more sample memory.
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