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Everything posted by tfort

  1. Pianoteq. Can you add it to the poll?
  2. Have you considered having a look at the free trial of Dorico? The educational/academic crossgrade price discount is quite substantial. Dorico seems to be leading the pack these days.
  3. Yes, I've seen that and I've been following MIDI 2.0 for a while. I was wondering if, as a software developer that has embraced OSC, you had any plans or ideas regarding implementing 2.0 in Gig Performer. Is it more limited compared to OSC? Does it have pros and cons vs. other protocols? Does it figure in your product development plans or is fairly irrelevant?
  4. That reminds me... While you're here (and seriously, thanks for being here) could you mention if or what impact MIDI 2.0 might have on Gig Performer? I'm curious to see what might start happening with MIDI 2.0; I expect some controllers to start coming out this year that actually implement the standard and see some interesting possibilities. Tom
  5. [align:left][/align] Well, since you won"t tell us, we"ll have to make logical inferences... I have nothing against Gig Performer; having options is a sign of a healthy market and I"m glad it and Camelot Pro exist. If its price and features work for you, buy it. The primary advantage I see is cross-platform compatibility (which I have no use for), but the developer responsiveness may actually be more important. I would give Gig Performer a try on iPad OS. On a Mac, Mainstage is a killer deal.
  6. That chart shows MainStage 3.3 with 60% CPU usage compared to 20% for Gig Performer (4 Instances of Omnisphere® on Comparable Systems). I wonder how that stat would look with the current version of MainStage running on Apple Silicon? At only $30 and with all the included instruments, for Mac-only users it's pretty compelling. And I still feel confident that an iPad version will be coming out this year...
  7. 555 plugins on the 8GB Mac Mini.. https://sonicstate.com/news/2020/12/03/sonic-lab-m1-mac-mini-plugin-tests/ The comments at Synthtopia are pleasantly techie and discuss how long it should/might take to make music software Apple Silicon native, for those so inclined: https://www.synthtopia.com/content/2020/12/03/new-m1-mac-mini-runs-444-voices-555-plugin-instances/
  8. Ethan Iverson has done it a bunch and I believe he still does. He writes about it on his blog, Do the Math.
  9. I have owned Ptq Standard since version 5. As far back as I can recall, you get a free upgrade to the newest version if it comes out within a year, otherwise it's always been $29 to upgrade to the most current version. And you can upgrade from versions 1-6 to 7 for the same price: https://www.modartt.com/upgrades I consider Modartt one of the standup music software companies that has clear upgrade policies, fair pricing, and excellent customer support. Also, the American Steinway D is a free addition to their "Steinway Model D" instrument, if you've purchased it in any of its various names in the past. I bought it as one of my original instruments, and after the upgrade the Hamburg and New York variants are both available. So I paid my very reasonable $29 for the upgrade, got the various improvements and the NY Model D came along for the ride. And the owner of the company is answering questions and bringing out incremental version updates the same day when users find a bug and post about in the Pianoteq forum. Class all the way.
  10. Yeah it's bass, but he's playing it on a Novation SLMKIII controller so it's on topic... In the style of Greg's demo of Keyscape, but funnier. I watched all 20 minutes, quite the walk down memory lane.
  11. Yes, but one huge advantage of Apple moving to its own silicon is that after a year or 18 months, there will be a new machine, with a new chip, and new technologies in it. Intel's chip development has stagnated for more than the past 5 years. Apple's future depends on its chips advancing on a regular schedule; we will all benefit from that.
  12. Any new keyboards coming out this year, Mike? I know Covid has likely played havoc with supply channels, but I was hoping for a PX-5 successor... Ended up buying a PX-S3000 for me, while my son bought a CP88.
  13. Another option might be to try running Win XP or something of the proper vintage via emulation? I"ve still got my QS8, but mostly just use it with software now.
  14. I have seen others coming to the same conclusion as SnazzyLabs, and find the changes to Big Sur compelling evidence. I think after the departure of Jonny Ive, Apple is less dogmatic about design issues, including that reaching up to touch a laptop screen is oh-so wrong. Slate or Surface-style laptops, more configurable iMacs? I think they"re coming. I have an iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard. A laptop designed from the beginning as a hybrid would be very interesting.
  15. I would be surprised if Apple's ARM Macs aren't using the as-yet unannounced ARM v9 ISA and with it SVE2: https://www.anandtech.com/show/15875/apple-lays-out-plans-to-transition-macs-from-x86-to-apple-socs I also am not convinced that there won't be x86 emulation on ARM Macs. Craig Federighi has been making the rounds on the Mac blogs and he has been quite circumspect in his comments. Personally, I think the ARM Macs running Logic and MainStage are going to scream. There may be some pain with 3rd party audio software, though.
  16. My guess is yes. Apple made it a point to say their pro apps would be running native on Apple's SoC's (systems on a chip), and showed Final Cut Pro running native during the demo. If I were a betting man, I'd say Logic Pro stays at its current version with no more paid upgraded versions on Intel, and when it does comes out as native on "Apple Silicon" it will still be available for a while on Intel Macs a Universal2 app. Those video editors who spend $30K+ on the new Mac Pro are still going to be able to want to run their pro apps for a while... Still, I'd expect Logic, MainStage, and GarageBand all to be available on day 1 as native Mac apps. Probably cheaper as well.
  17. I just watched the video, and it"s 20 minutes I can"t get back. Ultimately, we all know that Casio chose to make compromises with the pivot length of action in order to make the keyboard depth as short as possible. That"s it. Serious piano and keyboard players want longer pivots, Casio made some design choices for its target market. I bought a PX-S3000 knowing the pivot length is short, and I can live with it because the overall value of the instrument is very, very good. Would I have appreciated it if they made all the keys two inches longer and had separate pivot points with the fulcrum of the black keys pushed back a bit, sure. How much would that add to the cost of building the instrument? I had been holding out for the update that Mike Martin hinted at to the PX-5S. It will likely come with this same keybed, and Casio will keep its longer-pivot length actions for is Grand Hybrid line. Will they revisit that decision with their next model line revision? Depends on sales, which so far seem to be doing very well for the new models from what Mike is saying. This guy"s videos are a bit of a tempest in a teapot in my opinion. I appreciate that the kid is trying hard and is independent, but he comes across as a bit of an arrogant, young, know-it-all, all the while making some very basic mistakes, like recording the sound mic"d through a horrible amp rather than direct, calling the hammers 'weights,' etc. The biggest issue I have with him is censoring the comments on his YouTube channel. He could learn a lot from people whose comments he censored and make his reviews better in the future. His independence and willingness to criticize a manufacturer is more than undermined by his own inability to take personal criticism. I wonder if Mike Martin has a James Pavel Shawcross voodoo doll?
  18. I think if you don"t mind the larger overall size (I think most people would prefer the larger screen size) and can pay the few hundred dollars more over the higher-tier 13' MBP"s, the 16' MBP is a great choice, probably the best Mac laptop ever for audio. https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/05/10/how-to-choose-between-the-new-13-inch-macbook-pro-versus-the-16-inch-macbook-pro Be sure to shop around online for discounts on the 16' MBP. That article links to a few. Mac Minis and iMacs are great for audio uses if you don"t need portability. I still love using my 27' iMac every day.
  19. Apple's (virtual, this year) World Wide Developer's Conference (WWDC) starts on June 22nd. If they are going to be moving to ARM within a year, it will probably be announced at this conference. I've been holding off buying some software wondering when the shift to ARM will start, and that's also partly the reason I went with an iPad Pro rather than a MacBook Pro when I last bought. If history is a guide, it seems likely Apple would give six months to a year of warning before any processor transition began, and the transition would probably start with the thinnest and lightest laptops, something to replace the old 12" MacBook. I think it'll be two or three years before MacBook Pros without Intel chips are available, and even longer than that for some versions of the iMac and the Mac Pro. Even still, Apple would likely build a translation layer into its new OS to allow software written for Intel chips to run on the new architecture. FYI, the new higher-tier versions of the 13" MacBook Pro use Low Power DDR4 memory, so 32 GB is now available as a BTO option. The $1,799 model gets you all the new stuff, but the price of entry is high. The base 16" MBP is tempting at that price.
  20. The 13' MacBook Pro was just updated yesterday. The two lower priced models got a new keyboard with keys that actually aren"t horrible to type on, plus more storage. The higher end models got new processors also.
  21. I was going to suggest Dave Frank as well. I am on Ron Drotos' email list, and he recently mentioned doing Skype lessons: https://keyboardimprov.com/get-started/skype-lessons/
  22. I have come across a few recommended voice coaches on YouTube that I bookmarked to check out sometime. Haven't watched or tried them, but check 'em out if you'd like: Eric Arceneaux: https://www.youtube.com/user/EricArceneaux Freya Casey: https://www.youtube.com/user/foundmydestiny74 Cheryl Porter: https://www.youtube.com/user/voicestudioit Aimee Nolte: https://www.youtube.com/user/NolteFam, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH5JBL4j1-D25rBzed22Nu1dJTCEtOVQ7, Ron Anderson: https://www.youtube.com/user/VOIXTEK
  23. Glad to see it was with UNT, that's one of the places my son is considering for music school next year. Relatively good value for the money, if that can be said about music schools...
  24. Alan- I have heard authors complain about how little they earn when a copy of their book is purchased via Amazon. Is there a way to buy the book directly form you where you get more of the sale?
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