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Posts posted by lightbg

  1. There"s something about 94 year olds that mystifies me. Two years ago while doing my 10 week physical therapy after my triple bypass I met Henry. He was distinctive in many ways, mostly dress. Always wore jeans, a flannel shirt, a belt, and suspenders. His only concession to therapy was he was forced to buy a pair of sneakers so he wouldn"t mar the warmup/cool down track. His attitude blew me away. He always checked with his therapist as to the order of activities and if any counts increased, and followed instructions like a bulldog. He was a bit shaky when walking, so he was allowed to use a walker, which he proceeded to wear the wheels off. Being a mere lad of 67 I used to lap him when we shared the track, and I usually asked him how he was. 'Not bad for an old man' was his standard reply. On my last day I finally asked him his age: 92! Henry has been my inspiration ever since, but after watching this vid he now has company.


    This proves the tag line about playing and aging - if you want it bad enough you can do it.



  2. FS 2020 is sadly a work in progress. Beautiful to fly VFR low and slow, but a complete SNAFU for control of flight systems, AP, etc. I've been into it since my 1984 Atari 800 could handle it, and I'm willing to see how Asobo can now start correcting code without disturbing what works. Also, I'm waiting on helicopters, as promised. ( Don't worry - it'll come out fine in the mix, and other lies...)


    I have been an 8 year player of World Of Tanks. Always loved armor, and my youngest son is a mech. engineer for the DOD developing weapons at Picatinny Arsenal. Love playing TD's since my reflexes suck compared to a teenagers, so hiding and sniping suits me well.



  3. When I started this thread I was referring to the Folding Piano 88, but I guess I was too in the pocket regarding the title. I actually ordered this with high hopes that it would be a great stowaway on a vacation allowing me to enjoy B3X with a full range of keys plus. I was wrong, but I still stand behind the thread title.




    A few problems regarding assembly, mainly that it has to be supported along it's whole length - the hinge locks do nothing regarding flex. So no X stands for this critter.




    As some of you have guessed it's soundset is General MIDI, right down to the helicopter and cheezy applause. For $100.00 USD that was a given, along with no velocity sensing.










    The accidental keys are aptly named, since there's hardly any vertical spacing between them and the naturals. As bad as my arthritic fingers are I can still manage a Gm7 chord voiced F-Bb-D, but with this board I'm also grabbing the B natural without intending to. No amount of slowing down for precision technique can avert this. I can play my Reface keyboards way cleaner than this.


    I'm sure this device will find an audience somewhere, but any of us contemplating it being used as a backup board or light schlepp gig should give it a demo before biting this bullet. I didn't even give it a full battery charge before I repacked it, so I didn't try it as a MIDI controller. I can fat finger my own mistakes, so I certainly don't need a keyboard that helps in that regard.



  4. The Behriger FEX 800 is at a very good price here. How editable is the rotary speaker? Any recording of it being played on keys?


    A couple of cautions first. I have only used it in mono, so I don"t know what (if anything) would be added by using stereo. Also you need to use the panel edit button to change speeds, the foot switch merely engages the effect. Finally it"s not really editable beyond a blend control for dry/effect usage.....no control over fast/slow, up/low, etc.

    Again, the rotary is not its primary purpose, but it is way better than the cheesy vibrato that the YC possesses.



  5. FWIW this thread reminded me of the one Behringer product I own: an Mini effects FEX800. It has 16 different effects, #13 being a rotary sim. It's on a par with my Reface YC, and it has a blend control to dial out some of the chirpiness. I don't know how it relates to the Behringer models you have available but within your budget and availability restraints it might be worth a look see.



  6. My simplistic input is:


    B3X/iPad mini 5 and Nord Electro 4D into a Key Largo mixer out to a pair of QSC K12.2"s. Additionally a Fender Fretless Jazz. Small clubs to outdoor venues no issues being heard. Now they"re giving away the bags for free......





  7. A tripod at full extension = wobble city. Assuming you don't have an industrial strength mic stand with a 1/4X20 adapter, I would try a keyboard hard case on end and put a mini tripod or mic stand on top. Put a heavy doormat under the case to absorb some shock. Of course if you have a bar stool handy that doesn't swivel, that would work as well.


    Drag that table in from the patio and get rid of the last two extensions of the tripod - that will relieve much of the shake.



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