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Posts posted by lightbg

  1. I know this is aimed at guitarists, but it looks keyboard adaptable, and between the fx, looper, and drum patterns, it could wind up being a creative tool. It is 10 bucks above your card limit, though.





    Just seems out of the ordinary for keys, but an interesting concept.



  2. Thanks for the in depth reply Samuel, I think I"m gonna get a camera connection kit and try out some free apps to see if I gel with the iOS workflow. We"re also looking to upgrade my 2011 MacBook to a SSD, which should give me back access to Mainstage and Logic.


    Speaking of free apps, I just downloaded AudioKit SynthOne. Holy crap. This is deep for a free synth. If I can get this playing with my Electro I"ll be a happy man.


    Just be careful of which camera connection you get. There is the plain USB-A socket into the lightning connector (I use a Mini 5) that just does the connection and that's it. No charging capability.


    I posted this in the B3X thread, and this has been wonderful:






    This will definitely charge up your iPad and allow you to interface anything involving USB midi.


    B3X is resource hungry, but to date it hasn't even hiccuped in normal playing and gigs.


    I'm using it with an Electro 4D 61, and while not the best controller, it does work well enough.



  3. Is it possible to use two different applications at the same time?

    I would like to use the B3X on the upper side and the electric bass (say from the Korg Module) on the left. Maybe in this way I could disable expression on the bass. How can I do this?

    You"ll need a two zone controller. Map zone 1 to the top 3 octaves and use channel 1 for B3X, and use zone two for the bottom and use the KORG module on channel 4, since 2 and 3 will be used for B3X.



  4. Thank you piano39 for your answer. I know with real Hammond this option is not possible.

    I saw that on each page (upper, lower and pedal) an icon from the expression pedal was displayed. I thought it was possible to reduce (exclude) this option with one of these. Can you please check.


    From all my testing and research, it appears that the expression function is global, which makes sense since they are trying to reproduce a real Hammond. I can"t seem to isolate it either on CC number or channel.




  5. Mike,


    If you're looking for two handed practice the S300 is tough to beat. However, if you are trying to minimize as much as possible why not try a Yamaha reface CP and buddy it up with some sequences on your phone? Way portable, built in speakers, battery powered, and although mini keyed still playable. Also small enough to pack in a suitcase.

    Just a thought.




  6. As long as you"re breathing it"s a great time to be a keyboard player............... I digress.


    I mostly get calls for organ gigs. Similar to many here, I dragged the B-3, a pair of 122"s, bench, pedals, etc. throughout my youth. I rejoiced when Nord introduced the C1 ( and in no particular order Dave"s Ocean Beach Drawbars, my Yorkville Blok 100 amp topped with a Leslie 2101, the Nord Pedalkey 27"s, and additional stands and bench). As of last month my iPad mini loaded with IK Multimedia"s B3X, a pair of controller keyboards, and my repurposed stand and bench has me right back where I started sound wise. The technology push is scary, but it"s a great time to be a keyboard player.


    My G.A.S. has been abated mostly because my musical focus has changed from performance to education. I am a retired music teacher, but now I"m the one that needs schooling in how to best continue to play without pain. The years haven"t been kind to my arthritic hands, and it"s frustrating to not be able to nail riffs that a year ago would have not required a second thought. So I love the availability of new boards at affordable prices, but for this old fart I just want to hang on physically to continue using what I have to the my best ability.


    It truly is a great time to be a keyboard player.



  7. When youTap the Gear to go into the programming mode you can hold your finger on the drawbar you want to change until a floating menu comes up, and the last option is called 'Learn'. Tap learn, move the drawbar, and see if the value changes from the preset value to what you need. I had this issue with the Leslie speed value changing from 64 to 1.



  8. FWIW, I have Galileo 1 and the improved 2.....the organ ain"t bad, but the rotary sim is way too phasey and chirpy for my tastes (and I bought the 'improved rotary sound' add on as well). I seldom use it.


    B3X isn"t a clone wheel - it"s playing a Hammond.



  9. I am the co-author of "Classic Keys: Keyboard Sounds That Launched Rock Music." When the book was released in December, I did not post about it on this forum because of the rules against using the forum to promote products. But I'm pleased that this group has discovered the book without my help. It was a seven year labor of love for me and my Australian co-author (and photographer) David Robertson.


    Alan Lenhoff


    I don"t think anyone here would object to you promoting this tome. My hat is off to you, sir; it"s an amazing resource and totally informative.

    Keeping this a secret would have been far worse for this community.


    Very well done, indeed.



  10. I spent the past week putting together my 'Budget B-3'. I came across a Samson Graphite 49 for cheap, and I kept the Carbon 61, so it all seems to play well together.

    Apologies to all you Booker T fans, but with a Leslie sim this good I had to attempt his version of 'Groovin" '





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  11. Well, there's good news and bad news in the Hammond chapter ......


    Bad: Not one pic of a quatrefoil C anywhere......

    Very Bad: A small illustration of a French Provincial A-102....


    Good: All the rest of the chapter. Interviews, insights, and pics of the most flawless Walnut B-3 I've ever laid eyes on. I don't recall ever seeing one on the showroom floor of the Hammond Studio in Totowa, NJ ever gleam like the one pictured.


    Easily worth the price. It's got plenty of depth, so be prepared for total immersion when you read this.





  12. I"m far from what I consider myself to be a jazz pianist, but as far as a background rhythm pattern for chords I"ve used the horn riff from Quincy Jones version of 'Killer Joe'. Basically I hit on 1 and the and of 2, if that helps. It stays out of the way yet supports the solos, and if I"m backing a vocalist it gives them lots of room.



  13. FWIW, I"ve been using my Samson and Korg controllers through a powered hub into my mini 5 with the camera connection kit. I just got a Samson Graphite 49 to use for physical controls. I subbed this for the Carbon 61 and when I checked my specs page my buffer went to 1024 and gave me no other choices. What I"m guessing is that the type of controller has a bearing on the operating interface as well as 5 pin vs. USB hookup.

    I haven"t experienced any stuck notes or dropouts so far. I did a benefit yesterday and it went great except for the dumbass that forgot to turn the camera on........ :facepalm:




    For those having issues, this may be obvious but just to double-check... make sure you're in airplane mode... make sure you're running fully charged (or better yet, keep it plugged into AC).


    Agreed. I bought a brand new Apple Camera Connector and thought it would power the iPad, but it does not. While strolling through my local Wally World I was stunned to find this:







    My Apple store didn"t even have this on the shelf. After plugging it in I was asked if I wanted to update it. I did. After a short download it works as expected. I went from 86% to 100% while in use.


    I"m keeping my other connector with my backup bag, but this one is perfect.




  15. There is a guy on IK Multimedia"s official forum having the same issues. He has an iPad Air first generation, and is using iOS 12.4. Look under 'Mobile Products - IPhone/pad Apps and Accessories, maybe 1st or 2nd post. When you registered the app they have an info page and their forum is one of the links. You do need to setup a user name and p/w.



  16. I have a couple of questions for those who have bought the iPad version:


    1. Can I use a single keyboard and split it into upper/lower manual?

    2. Can I switch between presets without the sound cutting out? That appears to be the case with Jake's video, but wanted to confirm.




    1 unless your controller can be split into zones with 2channels, no.

    2 I'm not sure...probably more likely my fat fingers than the app.



    In your video you mentioned a powered usb hub. Is that something like a basic old insignia usb 2.0 thing or something newer? Is that connected using just an old lightning to usb A adapter?


    The generic (Belkin) hub solves a few issues for me. First, I can use both of my controllers without the 5 pin MIDI plug and iRig interface, and also forces the Microkey Air to use the USB cable instead of killing the iPad battery with Bluetooth. Also I"ve seen online a device that will allow me to insert a regular expression pedal through USB, so I can go back to using the controller jack for sustain. I"m using the Apple Camera Connector from the hub output.

    I originally thought the powered hub would charge the iPad, but I think it merely eases the load electrically and provides more run time, but that"s just a guess.



  17. I have a couple of questions for those who have bought the iPad version:


    1. Can I use a single keyboard and split it into upper/lower manual?

    2. Can I switch between presets without the sound cutting out? That appears to be the case with Jake's video, but wanted to confirm.




    1 unless your controller can be split into zones with 2channels, no.

    2 I'm not sure...probably more likely my fat fingers than the app.

    UPDATE: - Just tried it using one hand to hold a chord and one to punch different presets - no delay or gap in the sound.


  18. Question for you ipad or ipad mini users. Is the headphone out noiseless enough to be your line out or do you use like a usb sound thumb unit?


    Both of my vids were through the iPad headphone out. The B-3 comparison was summed to mono, but the Blues was stereo direct into the camera.

    I've been satisfied with the headphone out, but sometimes it's a real PITA to deal with the 3.5" jack and locate/build adapters for the amp end.



  19. This sounds great! Not only the tone and sim, but the playing.


    Is it possible to trigger the Leslie Fast/Slow state from MIDI, such as a foot switch?


    This is fully MIDI customizable, there"s a whole menu page allowing you to setup any value. It defaults to the mod wheel, but I have used a foot pedal prior to this. I really wanted the expression pedal, so I dropped the foot switch in favor of the swell pedal.

    I"ll probably go for a better controller with more options to enable real controls instead of using the iPad screen.




  20. Now that I've had a chance to get under the hood I did another video. Biggest change was going direct into the camera for the sound quality. Also same keyboards, but through a USB powered hub for easier setup and keeping the electrons flowing into the iPad. The preset features are totally customizable and a great feature until I get a slider controller.

    I used the 1971 tonewheel set, the 122 cabinet and amp, with a few bumps to the settings and a bit of EQ from the stomp boxes.







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