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jeremy c

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Everything posted by jeremy c

  1. Check out my new band! One of the best I've ever been in! West Coast Jazz Octet Recorded live at Roosters, Alameda, CA, August 30, 2012 Dig my solo on Suze Blues at about 4:24.
  2. Proving that truth is stranger than fiction, this appears to be a real band name: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s720x720/217785_10151536919617119_1387771493_n.jpg
  3. Were you watching volleball today, Ken? She spells her first name Destinee.
  4. Well, obviously Jim Croce sang the song better, but I had no problem with the band on the video; I thought they did a pretty good job and the piano solo was very good. As far as the dancers, I see people on a regular basis doing those steps at swing dances. As for Mr. Welk? No comment.
  5. The Nashville Number System
  6. name for an all-girl punk band: The Whoremoans
  7. Good job! It's good to hear you play in a good band! A few changes in dynamic level would help the whole band...dropping in volume when a solo starts and than building in volume is always a good idea. Also playing a little softer when the singer is singing and a little louder when he isn't is also a good idea. I see you have the Marcus Miller/Will Lee look going on with the upper pickup cover on.
  8. I got a new version of my browser so all videos work now. Good job, ETi7Bass. You know what I'd like to hear? When someone strips the original bassline off a recording, rather than duplicating the original part, they come up with a completely new part that still fits the recording, and maybe even improves it.
  9. Honest Feedback Dishonest Feedback
  10. 21st Century Fox (all girl band)
  11. Here's one of mine. I wrote everything including melody and lyrics and passed out sheet music to the players. This was recorded at least 25 years ago. Traffic Jam by Jeremy Cohen
  12. Eddie and Ross (even though I know either of those are your real names): You guys are rockin' it! Keep up the good work!
  13. How do you play in tune in the higher register on a Hofner (or a Hofner copy)?
  14. Major Disaster and his Privates.
  15. Thanks for that! When's someone going to recognize my sense of commercialism?
  16. I'm still wondering how Felix Pappalardi, with one producing credit to his name (The Youngbloods), was given the task of producing Cream's second album.
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