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jeremy c

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Everything posted by jeremy c

  1. The end of the internet? or just this forum?
  2. The Plunk Brothers The Plunk Factory
  3. Great stuff, Peter. (It helps that you are playing music which is exactly the kind of stuff that I like).
  4. That's one of the best things I've heard from you, David. Your drummer needs to learn how to keep playing with one hand and turn the page with the other.
  5. I like your cat song. Nice lyric writing.
  6. Hello, Mr. Zombieeater, I listened to all of your tracks. Very nice, although I don't hear any jazz or rock in there. It sounds to me like the music the composition students were writing when I was at university working on my music major degree. That is meant to be a compliment. Keep up the good work and stay and join in the conversations.
  7. How about an acoustic heavy metal duo called: Sturm and Drang
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