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Everything posted by endlessummerkeys

  1. I haven't posted for several months and thought I would report back from the field. The SSv3 is working great still with just under 100 gigs with it and the B1200d Sub. I have had the best luck playing the NORD Stage 2 88 through it but I did increase the treble a bit on the EQ on the Nord to enhance the Bosendorfer Piano sample and it sounds great. Have loaded and unloaded almost 100 times into trailers and vans and trucks and so far nothing has broke. Cross my fingers!!! All in all I am very satisfied with the SSv3 and am fortunate to have gotten it at the early adopter pricing. Will report back again in early winter. Keep Playing!!!! BC W9UC
  2. I know this is mainly a keyboard site, but if you have a MOOG Theremini, try it through the SS, the sound is amazing!!!!!!
  3. SS Still working great..... no horror stories or problems. Have a lot of gigs with it now and all is well!!
  4. It is a little hard to get out but after a few times you get the hang of it
  5. By now, steady readers of this >100-page novel know that I am an unabashed true-believer in Aspen's technology. But I just had to post that I am still in after-glow--yes, even after several hundred gigs using either the v.2 or v.3--from yesterday's gig experience. Average sized venue, with 3' riser wood stage, high ceiling and FOH sound support and techie provided. I always keep my set-up for these sorts of gigs/venues consistent and simply. Cables from my SK1 into the v.3 then sub-out to my support amp (Promethean P3115 bass combo) then DI out of the back of that to FOH. Call me crazy but I prefer putting the v.3 on one side of me and the bass amp to the other side, both of them set about 4 feet behind me. I just like the way both my ears get engaged. I also asked the techie to put the keys in my monitor with the EQ at middling amounts for high and mid frequencies, and tad more for low frequency. I thought I was sounding really good and was smiling all night long. After the gig, the sound guy says to me "I am not sure what you were doing, what your gear is about, or even exactly what we were running through to the house system, but just gotta tell you that I haven't had keys, especially Leslie-less organ sounds, sound that full or project that clearly ever before." Then he asked me to walk him through my gear and connections. _________________________ KB: Hammond SK1 Bass KB: Yamaha MX49 KB Amps: CPS SSv.3 linked to G-K MB110 or Promethean P3115 Bass KB amp: G-K MB800 (various cabinets) NICE!!!! I don't know why, but for some reason when a sound tech guy asks for knowledge it makes me smile!!! maybe because they usually think they have all the answers already!!!!
  6. 2 gigs this weekend both were outdoor venues, very large stages and huge front support, the SS shined on both occasions with the 1200D sub and I had plenty of room to bump it up louder but was fine. Also used my analog wave form deflector (plexiglass) and worked like a charm!!!
  7. I think the Fazioli sounds amazing through it, but you will have to form your own opinion also. Sometimes the NORD piano samples to my ear sound a bit flat sometimes, although very realistic. I add just a touch of reverb from my effects section on my Stage 2 and it really jumps out. One thing that I think NORD did well is capture the true piano sounds, and they are probably fairly MONO in design and the SS seems to flourish more in a Stereo environment, so the Verb really adds to it. I also tend to increase the highs just a bit because my ears over the years are not reproducing the highs very well anymore. It would be interesting to get a younger set of ears and the opinion might be different. Anyway still very happy with the NORD/SS combination and am not afraid to enter any level of venue with that combination and be able to impress anyones ears. Makes me feel very confident as an old Fart when I just smile at the younger guys and crank up my system. Kind of reminds me of my youth when I had an old Dodge 4 door that I had put a monster engine in with a turbo,but it was an old rust bucket outside. I would pull up beside the younger kids and offer to race them. they would just laugh and floor it out of the intersection. I would then proceed to beat them by about a half of a block!!! HA Wonderful memories!!!
  8. yeah would work great and the SS really takes the effects and expands it. had many guys tell me the sax has never sounded as good. make sure your effect is stereo and it will sound awesome
  9. yes I run my 3 keyboards and my sax mic through a mixer and I add a little delay just on my sax and run it all through my SS and then out to my sub and they all sound great.. My Selmer Mark 7 tenor sounds great that way!!!
  10. I like the NORD EP sounds also but I must say my KORG M50 has some really good ones also
  11. cool thanks then my NORD should be able to replicate it fairly close
  12. off topic here but I cant figure out how to make a new post so I will just ask you guys. Does anyone know what the synthesizer was that was used on the short solo on Oh What a Night by the 4 seasons? Thanks in advance and sorry for the annoyance!!
  13. you cant beat the sounds of tube amps!!! I love them....... Wonder what a tube version of the SS would be like????
  14. Radial JDI Duplex!!! do you use the standard or the stereo version? I run a mixer pre DI so I would think I could just use the standard unit? Thanks in advance
  15. I got the Sub and I really like it. It just fills out the bottom
  16. Sorry about your wife Aspen our thoughts and prayers from Iowa going out to you!!!
  17. My experience with buzzing in a particular room of a building is that possible that particular electrical circuit does not share the same "common" ground as the other parts of the building. One thing you could try is to use a ground lift on the SS in that particular room and see if that cures it. By ground lift I mean one of those 3 prong adapters that only has 2 prongs that go into the wall. This is of course just a test situation and you should never use your SS without the proper 3 prong plug that it came with, however if that cures the problem, then you know that that particular circuit in that room need some ground attention. If there are any electrictions out there please feel free to correct me if this is not correct or a potentially dangerous bit of advice. I would hate for someone to get a jolt
  18. keep up the great comments please, I am learning everyday and no thought is unworthy of this SS thread as I enjoy them all and have learned more about my keyboard playing crowd than I ever thought possible!!
  19. I need to say something that has been on my mind. For all of you newbies out there that are on the fence about this amp, just wanted to share my story about how I decided to purchase this amp. I have been playing keyboard now for 48 years since 1967. Not that that makes me any different than anyone else on this thread, nor does it make me any better, but I believe that it does qualify me as one who has experienced a vast multitude of equipment and styles of music. I had just purchased about my who knows which keyboard amp trying to discover the certain something that I had been searching for forever it seems when I came across this weird looking amp on the Sweetwater web site. So.... as many of you have done, I read a few of the reviews on the SW website about this amp. They intrigued me so I found the video that Aspen made describing this amp. I have an electronics background and have been servicing tube amps since I was 13 years old and I knew once Aspen said that the R+L and the R-L aspect of this amp is what makes it special it was like a switch turned on in my head and I had discovered exactly what I had been searching for. You know that moment when you know that you know that you know something.... Well that was all I needed to hear and I ordered the amp from that and it is the most amazing sound that I have heard and my stage setup is finally where it needs to be allowing me to enjoy my music to its fullest and enabeling me to be a WHOLE LOT more creative making music. And after all isn't that what we are all really looking for? I just love the amp and I hope you love it too!!!!!
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