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Groove On

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Everything posted by Groove On

  1. What about speaker or headphone "burn-in"? Is that a myth or not?
  2. Yes! I remember watching this show on DVD. It was a bitter-sweet moment as a piano player. It made me realize that the keyboard player will never look as cool as the guitarists, bassists or drummer. The guitarist/basists have a non-chalant, cool stand-up stance, the drummers have the passive-aggressive body language towards the drums. And then there's the keyboardist who looks like he's behind a take-out "counter" - making sandwiches or pizza (check it out at 0:55, 1:35 and 7:15 min). It didn't deter me from learning to play, but I remember that realization was a big blow to my ego. The fact that Alastair Gavin was wearing a computer dweeb outfit was a bit prescient in terms of how computerized everything became.
  3. Worth a look: 1. Logic Remote to control Maintage. 2. TouchOSC or Lemur to control Mainstage 3. Inter-Device Audio MIDI (IDAM) on the Mac. I'm still exploring these setups. They work great in-studio, but I'm not sure if I trust them yet for live performance. Looking for plug-and-play reliability.
  4. So I decided to give up on a live performance rig on iPad. The iOS VSTs are amazing and work pretty well, but I'm not thrilled with the sounds or playability of most apps and even if I do like the sound/playability - I feel like the performance is too close to the red line (B-3X and NeoSoul I'm looking at you). Also I never really clicked with any of the acoustic pianos. It's kinda frustrating because the iPad is almost there, but it's kind like MP3 players before the iPod, or cell phones before the iPhone - if you know what I mean. As for the drum machine apps I'm thrilled with DrumPerfect Pro and Luis Martinez's assortment of Lumbeat Drum Machines. So the iPad will continue as my drum machine. With pianos, organs, e.pianos, synths covered by my hardware and also running in MainStage on the MacBook.
  5. RE: Re-infections I'm a little skeptical about re-infections, I think what we're seeing reflect more on the accuracy of the testing. The protocol in many places is that you need to be tested several times to be officially cleared of the virus. My cousin was hospitalized for 2 weeks in ICU (around the beginning of March). She was released after the symptoms went away and she tested negative for the virus. BUT - the protocol is that even after being released she needed to test negative on 3 consecutive tests to be officially cleared. The first week out of the hospital, she tested NEGATIVE on 2 tests and POSITIVE on the last. So she had to stay in quarantine 1 more week to finally get cleared with 3 negative tests in a row.
  6. Kinda cool news - from Rolling Stone Sales of Instruments and Music Gear Are Soaring.
  7. Thumbs up on the MacBook Airs. I have two in my studio (2011 and 2013) and they still work great for recording, performing, photo editing, graphics work, video editing and some gaming. I've been expecting them to need replacement and I've got money set aside "just in case" - but they've been all over the world with me and don't show any signs of quitting. If I needed to buy a new Mac - I'd definitely go for a MacBook Air again, they are a good bang for the buck. Definitely go for the 16GB ram and 1TB SSD.
  8. One solution is to get a 2nd mixer and plug both mixers into the 4x4 audio interface. This will give you 4 separate tracks for your instruments. In other words, the Behringer UMC404HD Interface sits between the two mixers and the computer. Audio Chain: two mixers -> 4x4 behringer audio interface -> computer * plug your monitors/headphones into the audio interface. Notes: - With your equipment - the Behringer UMC404HD Audio Interface is the only way to record 4 tracks - and it needs to be connected directly to the computer. - The Alto ZMX862 mixer can't record directly to computer, it needs an audio interface. In addition, the mixer only has 2 output tracks.
  9. What's your favorite keyboard amp for rehearsal? I'm curious what near to medium throw speakers you are using. Please mention if you mostly play piano, EPs, organs or synths.
  10. Mid East Drummer by Lumbeat $8.99 ($17.99) https://apps.apple.com/app/id1326542395
  11. On sale for US$179.99 (US$299.99) https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/hammondb3x/
  12. One more idea that might keep things simple: Remote login from Streamlabs computer to the Logic Pro computer (it's called Screen Sharing on the Mac). Streamlabs can stream the shared screen window.
  13. Ordered 2 more of my favorite headphone stands from String Swing USA (through Amazon). There's something very satisfying about a well made hunk of steel. I dropped my first stand down two flight of steps - no problem, just dusted it off. And yes, they make mic stand drink holders as well. String Swing USA Headphone Stand
  14. Some ideas: #1 Use an audio interface to get your Logic audio to the streaming computer. Insert a mixer for a more flexible setup. #2 Use a video capture device to get your Logic video to the streaming computer. This will act like a multi-camera setup and carries both audio and video. If the HDMI audio is not good enough - create a separate audio mix - like idea #1. Video Capture Devices El Gato offers several HDMI to USB devices for US$100-US$200. (Click here for the simplest one). They also have capture devices for videogamers - which allow for live commentary. (Click here for one of those devices.) Many serious podcasters use the Blackmagic ATEM Mini (video switcher+ 2-channel audio interface) - retails for about US$300.
  15. Audioshare + Audiobus So I finally downloaded these 2x apps about a week ago. It's ridiculous how Audioshare inserted itself into the heart of my workflow. I'm constantly thinking in terms of getting audio in/out and recorded to Audioshare. And Audiobus became the main way I think about bouncing audio around to different apps and then back to Audioshare. Even my external hardware and Logic Pro are getting roped into Audioshare+bus workflow. A very nice set of tools; they have quickly my top 2 most used and indispensable apps. For music production and recording jockeys a traditional DAW might make more sense. But for live / improvisational /sketching work - audioshare+bus is a really nice setup. It's kinda like having a traditional recorder (Audioshare) where you route audio in/out (Audiobus) - but it's all done in-app, so it's contained and organized. And you can easily dump it into a DAW after the fact - or send it out to the cloud for other people to use. Note: I also have AUM, but I'm finding the Audioshare+bus workflow easier to understand and use.
  16. To get rid of the angst, I think of it this way - amateur and pro aren't levels - they're not related in that way except for the marketing literature and the fuzzy thinking we sometimes apply. But If you translate into simple terms - you can be both. - A pro (who gets paid) can also be an amateur (bcuz they love it). - Then there are pros (who get paid) but don't love it. - Then there are pros (who can get paid) but decide to do it for free because they're also amateurs (bcuz they love it). In the PR/marketing/fuzzy thinking world, "pro and amateur" are more often used as "virtue signaling" words - so there's that.
  17. PBS Digital Studios has Youtube channel called Sound Field with LA Buckner and Nahre Sol. They have mini--documentaries on Buskers, Gospel Musicians, Banjo, Dub-Step (ack!) etc. { ... click here to go to channel... } [video:youtube]
  18. So the Yamaha MG06X is not a USB mixer - but we have two ways to get the mixer audio into the iPhone: #1 - Rode TRRS to TRS cable direct to the Apple 3.5mm audio adapter #2 - iRig Pro Duo to iPhone/iPad. --- Both give us audio + video on the iPhone. Audio Chain #1 (TRRS-TRS cable + 3.5mm Apple Adapter) {Instruments/Vocals} to [MG06X Mixer] Out to [Rode TRRS-TRS Cable**] + [Apple 3.5mm Adapter] to [iPhone/iPad] ** I can never remember if I'm using the Rode SC3 or SC4 cable ... Audio Chain #2 (MG06X and iRig Pro Duo) {Instruments/Vocals} to [MG06X Mixer] Out to [iRig Pro Duo] Lightning Cable to [iPhone/iPad] Yamaha MG10XU USB Mixer I debated going with the Yamaha MG10XU, it does exactly the same thing as the setups above - but for live performance I prefer the flexibility of having a separate mixer + audio interface. If I was just in-studio, I would go for the Yamaha MG10XU. Notes A couple of fun extra items: - Rode Wireless GO Microphone - Wide angle lens for iPhone ** We've also got it working with the OBS Studio live-streaming app on the Mac which is a whole 'nother level of crazy.
  19. I had the Roland Go:Mixer for a short bit - Headroom was my main problem with it. If I we had a guitar, vocals and keyboard plugged in we really had to watch those levels - it got frustrating because we started to pull back on our performances. We quickly ditched it and went for the Yamaha MG06X - had it for 5 years now and the little MG mixer is a solid portable performer. The whole Yamaha MG mixer series is pretty solid.
  20. Mainly do live playing, so I like compact audio interfaces: iRig Pro Duo Mackie MDB-USB Direct Interface
  21. - What would you say are the main differences between Ravenscroft 275 and Ivory in Module Pro? - In what situations do you prefer one over the other? - Why did you decide to pass on the American Ivory Piano?
  22. What do you prefer to use? A different app that you recommend? Or did you go to hardware?
  23. There's also the Yamaha MG10XU 10-Input Stereo Mixer which sells for around US$200. Similar to the Alto Live 802 Mixer. Personally, for live music, I feel much safer when my devices are dedicated to one task. If an all-in-one USB mixer goes down, it can leave you pretty high and dry. My live music setup includes: 2x audio interfaces (for backup) and a portable mixer - it's a pretty flexible for many situations. Portable Mixer: Yamaha MG06X Audio Interfaces: iRig Pro Duo and Mackie MDB-USB
  24. For iOS I'm mainly looking for traditional sounds: Mixer: AUM Instruments Apps: Korg Module Pro Drum Machines: Afro-Latin Drum Machine, Soft Drummer, Brazilian Drummer, Jazz Drummer, Rock Drummer, Reggae Drummer, DM1 and Korg iElectribe Sheet Music: Forscore, Musicnotes (on the iCloud) Metronomes: Pro Metronome, Speakbeat and Metronomics Other apps: iReal Pro, Garageband Considering these apps: Instruments: Hammond B-3X, Ravenscroft 275, NeoSoul Keys Studio 2
  25. That's good to know. It sounds like Korg Module is in the solid camp. How are you outputting audio from the iPad? Are you using traditional MIDI or USB MIDI?
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