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Posts posted by Brettymike

  1. Math said:


    "A) Nice playing."




    "B) Not to nitpick, but a feed off the board would only need signal coming in, not going out. "



    True. I let him add a tiny bit to the house during soundcheck but was satisfied that what the audience was hearing was mainly the SS3, as it has been for 100% of my other concerts and gigs before and since.



    "Therefore, I think it's worth considering whether C) Would any sound man, in the heat of a performance, let the keyboard player he was hired by get lost in the mix all night? If he has signal to work with, and he needs to boost it, you have to figure he's gonna boost it. And if the guy who's paying him not to boost the keys asks afterward if he did, you have to figure a smart sound man will say no. "



    Lol, maybe you're right. Maybe you were hearing 100% front of house sound. :)



    "So it's entirely conceivable that both things could be true: that your FOH sound was (as far as you knew) mostly SS3, and that in fact it was greatly helped along by the mains. In this case, the only culprit would have been a good sound man just doing his job--on a couple of different fronts."


    this might be true if it was the only gig I've played. Obviously it isn't. I'm not sure why such thought goes into responding to a video and my description, but I honestly feel you're over-thinking this. I play music all the time, and every gig I'm doing now is with the SS3 alone--I have other videos, but this was the loudest gig that was recorded so I figured I'd post it instead of the others, because if I post something in a small venue some will say "Well, I'd like to hear it in a different venue, playing different music..." or whatever.



    "This is not meant to deconstruct your claim, just to reconcile what I think is a completely understandable limitation of this great box with an experience that seems at odds with my own."



    I can't imagine that if you were onstage with me at that concert that you would have felt underpowered. You can insist that you would have felt that way, but I think I know better. Maybe if you were playing a different kind of music, of course. But that stage, those tunes, that night, those players? Nah.



    "I agree with HammondDave, a context with a completely unmic'd SS3 would be more instructive. "



    Well, I'll post one of those...but I bet it will get a whole different set of objections.



    "BUT....as I entered this thread for my very first post here cautioning, it's not supposed to be an FOH box. It's a monitor. It does a great job as such."



    This is the part I really don't understand--I view it as a keyboard amp. The fact that i can also run the signal out to FOH doesn't make it a FOH box any more than putting a mic in front of a twin reverb makes that amp a FOH box, does it?


    Ha Ha! This is all like a court of inquiry :D



  2. I'll say it once again - the SSv3 is much, much louder than its specs would otherwise suggest -- even without a bass sub.


    If you're used to playing with a typical keyboard amp or self-powered PA, you're used to a big fall-off in volume as distance increases: really loud in your ears as you're close to the amp, not so loud for the rest of the band, and even less loud for the audience. So you crank it appropriately.


    With the SSv3, it's sort of backwards. If you're close to the amp, it doesn't sound all that loud to you. Your bandmates will hear it louder, and even may ask you to turn down. And your audience will certainly hear you clearly -- and maybe suggest that you turn down as well. If you crank it as you're used to, it'll be too much for everyone else -- you'll be "that guy".


    I didn't understand this the first few gigs, and ended up unintentionally giving everyone else an earful. Now that I understand how my volume is perceived at a distance, I play much quieter (to my ears) than I used to. And everyone hears me clearly.


    This is amazing , now the piano for instance is too loud?? , well this is a first , I can't believe it.

    I've never in my life heard a piano (at least) too loud in ANY band (I could imagine organ getting up there, but even then...).



  3. Ok, it's not my favorite performance by any means, but here's one of my groups the ZuZu Men doing Cold Sweat. There is a TINY bit of my organ in the house, but it's almost nothing the sound you're hearing is basically from the stage (just my SK1 and the SS3) from the second balcony, maybe 60 feet back, shot with an iPhone.



    I am very impressed! , no problem hearing every note from the keyboard AT ALL - praise the Lord! :) .



  4. Love that green Chevy!


    I believe that's about a 1950 Ford Mercury , that has had it's body "tweaked" - along with engine etc.. It was absolutely awesome!. I couldn't get a decent picture of it because of rain at the time , the paint job was glorious.


    Cool pic Ken!.



  5. Elvis Lives! he was at Whangamata N.Z this weekend at a big hotrod & bike show ....


    16340344874_fd208693cd_b.jpg2015 Whangamata Beach hop 007 by brettymike, on Flickr


    16962715235_ebc1f3e92f_b.jpg2015 Whangamata Beach hop 017 by brettymike, on Flickr


    Our favorite bike ....


    16775252330_4c8b46254b_b.jpg2015 Whangamata Beach hop 023 by brettymike, on Flickr


    16775038368_f6f84174f8_b.jpg2015 Whangamata Beach hop 021 by brettymike, on Flickr


    An awesome , mean , and unusual green machine .....


    16962744895_d6e45e38e7_b.jpg2015 Whangamata Beach hop 066 by brettymike, on Flickr


    Giant trike ....

    16962753385_84d2c8bca3_b.jpg2015 Whangamata Beach hop 026 by brettymike, on Flickr

  6. So, why haven't large concert sound reinforment companies adopted this type of CPS approach? Seems like it would make the whole band sound better to everyone in the stadium...



    There is a beginning for everything , and it could be on the drawing board now.

    And they would pay Aspen a pretty penny in Royalties to use his intellectual property....the mind boggles with the possibilities....$$$$$$$$.....


    I picture a huge truck mounted SSS , that drives to the concert venue and parks right beside the stage :)



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