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Everything posted by mauriziodececco

  1. Well, Xmas is coming closer (ehm, almost), so i am thinking about my next presents; the problem, i want a number of things that are not yet on the market. So, as a suggestion to the various producer companies, a few wishes: i suppose you can add yours, and we can send them around :->. Disclamier: i have no idea if an actual market exists for these things; so, please, do a good market analysis before taking me seriously :->. 1) From all the keyboard producers: please, give me a keyboard with an USB-C connector and a small USB hub, that include power supply on USB-C; there are 400$ screen that have it; it would allows a dramatic reduction in cables and setup in small gigs. The keyboards already works as audio/midi interface; a small step would trasform them in a complete dock, needed just one cable from the keyboard to the computer to set everything up. 2) Well, i finally tried the Crumar Seven, and i definitively falled in love, just playing the first, effect less, rhodes sound. But i am an urban gigger, and bring my piano (NE5HP) on my back, in the parisian metro. While the Seven is relatively light, is not light enough for that; so, my wish is for a Seven Light, with a form factor similar to a NE*HP. 3) Remember the Nord Modular ? Well, i want a keyboard that can run a Reaktor instrument without a computer. Not a trivial thing to do, but not impossible, considering the fact that Reaktor exists, have large libraries, and that it does not include the ability to add modules in a different programming language (NI control very well the runtime environment). 4) Finally, for those that gain the lottery: i want a Waldorf Quantum with a Roli Rise keybed; giving the kind of sounds and power of the synth, it seems to me that it make sense. Maurizio
  2. Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback :->. Sound that the 18880 is a good candidate (the only one i could really bring with me alone with the NE on my back . Maurizio
  3. I am currently using a nice K&M 18953 keyboard table as Keyboard Stand. I live in Paris, and i go to gigs in metro or walking (no car). I have a roadie (my wife) that bring the stand while i have the piano on my shoulder. The problem is, the K&M is heavy as hell (8Kg), almost as much as the NE5HP, so i am looking around for a stand that is lighter and easy to transport. I am considering the Nord Keyboard Stand (5Kg), probably the easy to transport (legs can go on a small bag, or in emergency in the keyboard bag), or a K&M 18880 (3.1Kg), but with a form factor more difficult to handle, expecially if i am alone. Other suggestion ? Does anybody does an inflatable keyboard stand ? Maurizio
  4. When i was around 18, i used to fix tube radios for friends. I was working on a Telefunken radio, with 400V CC internal when i touched the wrong wire. I switched to battery powered transistor radios and TTL circuits :-< ...
  5. You don't want to know Maurizio
  6. I really hope this will NOT happen to the Waldorf Kyra too ! A.C. For what i remember, in this case the story is a bit different; please, correct me if anybody knows better. The initial Waldorf (that of the Q and Microwave) went bankrupt. A group of people (don't remember exactly who, founders and employees ?) prepared a recovery plan, and looked around for funding; they were successful , and could buy the assets and restart the company; the recovery plan included a products plan, and that plan included the Stromberg, the Blofeld and the Zarenboug (may be other stuff); at that time, they were probably just a group of ideas and marketing material; they probably started from they considered more financially rewarding and at the end they axed the Stromberg to go in other directions. Maurizio
  7. I worked for a company that sold some data acquisition software.....well, SOLD, but that doesn't mean we actually HAD it. ... Well, guys, as all us software people know, you do not need to go in details: just says 'selling software' imply by definition what you are talking about ...
  8. Well, the new monitor is a very special item, for video/photo professional that really need it; i doubt 1000nits and extreme HDR are of any use for music :->. Maurizio
  9. In principle, i hate me-too posts. I means, why to post just to write what other tens of forum members posted already. But this time i'll make an exception: thanks for saving the forum. And good luck for the new adventure ! Maurizio
  10. Another point: while the article is interesting, is very far from being factual; for example "There is no reported change on the new MacBook Pro to the T2 security chipset that is the cause of these problems. Its therefore safe to assume that they will inherit these same issues, barring a fix from Apple." is a very superficial and weak analysis: of course, the source of the problem is the software (firmware) running on the T2, no the chipset itself. The T2 firmware has been already updated twice since the article has been written. This is not to say that what the article report is false (or true), but to get a better view of the state of things it is better to look in places like MacRumors forum; by the way, for unlucky users its seems there are other problems than audio connected to the T2 :-<. Maurizio
  11. On a MacBook Pro *all* the connector are Thunderbolt 3 *and* USB-C, no risk of confusion.Only USB-C connectors are in the MacBook 12", that have no Thunderbolt 3 ports. On older machines, some of the Thunderbolt 3 connector had a lower thruput, but they are anyway Thunderbolt 3. Maurizio
  12. Well, if you think in terms of sound, you'll get: RAW == wav file. jpeg == mp3 file. So, if your camera can, save both; jpeg quick and easy, RAW in the archive for possible high quality work later. Maurizio
  13. As far as i know, the 'GN' sound simply do not exists in english, or in french; so, you may approximate it in writing, but you can get it only from listening to an italian mother tongue. Maurizio
  14. The audio USB problems has been solved in Mojave 10.14.4, that introduce audio problems in 2009 Mac Pro based on 55xx CPUs :-< (that are no more supported). On VI control, there are a few threads on the new Mac Mini, and people seems very happy with the 6core model. Maurizio
  15. Sauce suggestion for gnocchi: 1) Anything creamy; blue cheese is the classic; personally: melt some gorgonzola with butter and a little chopped garlic, add cream (*), let the sauce get dense, add a shadow of saffran, possibly a little bit of chopped fresh parsley. If you are in France, you can you the Fourme d'amber if you don't find Gorgonzola. Cream: in italy would be "Panna da cucina", but fresh "Panna da montare" would be better, but you'll need to cook it more. In France, don't ever use 'creme epaisse' to do pasta; Creme liquide or creme fleurette is fine. In USA i do not know, i get confused with the different denominations :->. Absolutely not sour cream. 2) Anything with meat: ragu is a class of sauce, Bologna style is one. White ragu (without tomatos) or normal will be fine. Maurizio PS: Adan, you know from where exactly you grand mother came from ? My family is from Pesaro :->
  16. Yes, i am considering moving from an old Mac Pro to a shiny new MacBook Pro, and in this case i would consider using (also) Logic, just because i cannot afford the risk to loose the eLicenser dongle in the Paris metro or in a plane ... Maurizio
  17. I like the 'maker' oriented philosophy; i am considering the idea to go back to coding a bit and write some kind of synth for fun, and i am looking around for an embedded platform (a lot more fun). They says their platform is hackable, so it may be interesting. But details are very scarce, other than generic description of a distributed platform that would apply to anything from the internals of a two keyboard Prophet 10 to the whole Internet. Anybody interested in a KC Maker club ? Maurizio
  18. There is a french guy trying to do a kind of modular weighted keyboard (like you buy two modules two octave each and you connect them together to get a 4 octave keyboard). No idea if it works and how; this is the URL: https://pianodevoyage.com Actually, from the FAQ it seems that the first version will not be weighted. Maurizio
  19. Anybody knows where to find a Seven in Paris/France ??? Maurizio
  20. In the time since my original post, I checked out Davinci Resolve free version, and i find i really good. It is hugely powerful, but if you stick to what you usually do with iMovie, the learning curve is not very steep; i looked a 15 min tutorial and i was able to do the basic stuff i need. Clearly, there is a lot more if you want to go there, including the ability to use our beloved VST/AU plugins for the audio tracks ! It even run on my old 2015 12" Macbook. OK, better not edit a Hollywood blockbuster with it :->. Referring to my original problem with iMovie (the fact that is not really suited to music clips), Davinci Resolve solve largely the problem. Maurizio
  21. About targeting the Nord market: a few years ago i choose a Nord Electro 5HP over a CP4, mainly for two reasons: weight (i am an urban/pubblic transportation gigger , and user interface. I clearly preferred the AP and EP of the CP4, but i didn't wanted a keyboard to program before playing, i wanted direct access to parameters, that i usually change on the fly while playing. And weight was just too much. In my case, organ sounds were just a bonus, not expecially a reason for the choice. If i had to choose today, i would consider the CP73 *very* seriously. Said this, it is not very likely that i will sell the NE5HP to buy it (unless the sound is so great that it convince me otherwise); the NE5HP fit the bill, i love it, a couple of Kg lighter, and it is already paid :-> Maurizio
  22. Hallo, i wonder if any forum member have experience with video editors for preparing music clips. I usually work with iMovie, that is very convenient for the easy of use and the level of integration (i shoot a video on my iPhone, and it automatically appears on my Mac iMovie media browser). But it is a pain in the ass when doing music clips, where the music is the main track to which you want to synchronize all the materials. I played around with Avid Media Composer, very steep learning curve and not very stable (at the time, i am sure it is better now), and with Adobe Premiere (expensive location) or Adobe Premiere Element (nice, but you need a big screen, i sometimes work on my 12" MacBook on the run). Any preferences, suggestions, ideas ? Maurizio
  23. I wouldn't trust a sicilian accent :->. Anyway, noway. It is not a soft G, it is not an hard G, is not nookie. It is just 'gnocchi'. I mean, the phoneme AFAIK just doesn't exists in english or in french, so, just eat them and don't ask questions :->. Maurizio
  24. And this hold even if you are using USB-C Maurizio
  25. Let's make a deal: if a win a (big) lottery, i'll send you mine. OK, i have to convince myself to buy the lottery ticket :-< .. Maurizio
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