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Everything posted by vanderSchoot

  1. This could have been something I had written !!
  2. I cannot relate to all the above comments, since to my ears HX3 sounds full....fat and balsy....transparent I would use to describe my Numa organ. I have run both of them trough the ventilator and a leslie and the sound of the HX3 is well.....thicker in every thinkable band context. The HX3 top ocatve is still above the compitition where it has that extreme abilty to cut through any rock sound wall without ever becoming shrill. I have watched all available Mojo vids and althaugh it has a warm jazz sound it becomes thin when used in rock settings. Of course an online video isn't a good criteria, but it is something i can clearly hear in all Mojo examples...the top ocatve sounds a tad thin and shrill compared to the HX3. Besides that i think the keyclick is absolutely killer on the HX3.....something i dig because i rarely use percussion. I am eagerly looking forward to try out the Mojo at the coming Messe.Credit where credit is due and when it does surprise me in a good way beyond what i hear online I will consider the Mojo, because of it's supposedly superiour keybed.....
  3. Hahaha we certainly don't have to convince eachother....since we are on the same page here... Yeah Simon is one of a kind considering his age ! I hope the sales numbers are good because the product fully deserves so !!! I am a fan of the organ player i posted above (Carlo de Wijs) and his organ sound with kicking bass is absolutely fabulous. When i first saw the Hoax vids back in 2011, i thought.....finally a clone with that keyclick !!!
  4. Taste....taste....taste I think i am actually one of those few players who play both (Numa and HX3) The Numa stays home and through headphones it sounds pleasant and warm, but in the band it isn't a match for the organic HX3 if you play something else than clean jazz. I think there are many players who rave about the MOJO as being the very best clone (heard that a few times over here) who also are into that signature jazz sound, but for me totally boring 888.000.000 stop/fast, third percussion, chorus C3.... WHEN played on almost every clone. The thing is that i can post lots of vids where the artists on real B3's do sound very interresting on that particular sound... example : [video:youtube] But all Numa and Mojo videos with Joey and Tony don't even come close to the sound of the vid above (listen to the solo from 2.58 )or an average Jimmy Smith recording. Maybe some people like that sterile perfect clone sound on the Joey and Tony videos when promoting their (next) favourite clone.....i don't know....i really don't. [video:youtube] And here the HX3 is far and above the competition....it is organic and capable of recreating those signature organic/distorted sounds of the real thing. Those who feel/hear otherwise.....good for them.....to me the difference is shocking. No MOJO video has the sound of the B3 of Carlo de Wijs (vid) whereas Simon Oslander has HX3 examples that do ! Also because the HX3 has the best organic keyclick of all the clones by a mile. Not the intention to offend anyone, but why in the world is the HX3 not selling like crazy with that sound for such a great price.... Remember what a XB-2 was selling for back in those days....
  5. Yes it works for me, but the praise the SSV3 receives made me wonder....it must be something special, i truly believe that, otherwise it wouldn't sell like it does and receive such great response from its owners. What I do know is that some owners justify their purchase by exagerating their new toy by making everything else look obsolete by their raving comments. I made the wrong purchase once or twice by simply joining the bandwagon to become utterly dissapointed afterwards, (Yamaha P120, Tyros 2 and Waldorf Blofeld). So i am truly and genuinely interrested in the SSV3 and the developer deserves all credits by making something revolutionairy. I do have a very expensive amp KP500SN (1750.00 euros) so of course I am curious about an amp that is relatively cheap, is revolutionairy and receives great feedback. Since there are many musicians over here that have bought several amps, i'd reckon someone could have owned both of them the same time (KP500SN + SSV3). This was the case, so i thought it helpfull that these persons gave their own personal observations of those two amps. What i do not understand is that some people sort of claim the SSV3's superiourity without knowing the other amps like the KP500SN (or those that you have ?)
  6. That is a harsh judgement.....this is what keyboard magazine wrote about the KP500SN http://www.keyboardmag.com/miscellaneous/1265/motion-sound-kp-500sn/30794 It is very, very positive indeed.... I do not detect the coloration you mention...there is no mid frequency honkyness that other amps I used had incl. some EV's. In fact the KP500SN remains pretty much clean and has a flat frequency response at very loud volumes. That is one thing I like about it....little coloration+loud volumes. And I did use it as + a CD player in a garden party with friends. To my surprise it sounded pretty well with everything I played that afternoon. Especcially the amount and kind of bass is to my liking.....I hate to much bass and dark coloration personally.... So again I do not completely understand your observations.....
  7. Thanks this has been very helpfull, I am continuing to enjoy my Motion Sound ......
  8. Thanks, Yes it does .... What I like about my current amp is that it still has a high fidelity sound even better than the EV's i used prior to that .(the KP500SN is the biggest and best sounding of the Motion Sound keyboard amps by quite a margin in my opinion) So if you like your K8's (We had the K12's in our rehersal studio for two months during this summer) better than the SSV3 in ONE aspect (monitor qualities} I think it is not what i want after all.... because I didn't thought the K12's sounded remarkably better than the Motion Sound. I have some sort of phase shifter onboard the MS that widens the stereo spread considerably...and when used properly it does work. To my understanding the SSV3 is even better at doing the 300 degree dispersion trick. That alone makes it such and interresting amp. Althaugh the fact that people like you and others state that the K- series sound better fidelity wise (using a piano sound ?), does concern me to be honest !
  9. I have a couple of questions / observations. Will the SSV3 be an upgrade to my Motion Sound KP500 SN ? I am still very pleased with that amp , but gaining interrest in the SSV3 after people claim it is the best thing that ever happened to them sonically on stage and to the audience. What I don't understand at all is the many remarks that ''the other band members can hear me better since I use the SSV3'' This begs more questions than it answers questions. Is your whole band playing on spacestations and were you the last one who switched amps so now everyone can hear eachother better ? If the guitarists plays on a ''normal'' guitar amp, can you hear him ? Or should he replace his amp so that the rest of the band can hear him better also ? Are keys the only instruments that suffer from : ''we couldn't hear you that well'', ''but now you have turned to the spacestation we actually hear you better''. What is ''better'' supposed to mean ? Louder ? more redifined ? Better stereo separation ? Maybe because i play on a KP500SN, which can go very loud, onboard EQ, true stereo etc.i frankly don't have a clue what such observations are trying to implicate.. I make sure everyone hears me by creating superb patches, little or no effects, smart eq etc. and I hear the rest of the guys and girls because they take their job serious too. It seems to me some posters had lousy amps to begin with or big gaps in their stereo set up when using two active speakers, before they bought a proper amp like the spacestation and therefor have such high praises.... Please elaborate...
  10. Maybe not intirely on topic, but never the less.... I use three organs, the HX3, the Numa and Nord. I also use a leslie 860 and ventilator when I am to lazy to carry the leslie which is, althaugh the smallest of the bunch, still pretty heavy...... The Numa sounded almost unusable through the leslie 860 and through a ventilator it sounded ''compressed''. On its own through headphones or a great stereo set up it sounds warm, gentile and sweet. I know the 860 isn't particular known for it's great and warm tone, but to my ears it somehow is exactly what I wanted for all those years combined with the HX3. Extremely transparent, fat and with all the grit I like. Something that is completely lacking when the 860 is used with the Numa organ. Do any of you have similar experiences with such varying results ? Because in essence both the Numa and HX3 are great Hammond models, but need totally different amplification.....
  11. I have the retro kit (mainboard + input/output socket)....it was quite easy to install. Unplug all internal wiring from the XB-2 mainboard (XB-2 mainboard into the garbage can), install the new main HX3 mainboard on the bottom instaed. Also swap the original XB-2 in- and output socket on the backside of the XB-2 with the new HX3 unit and attach a plastic nametag ribbon with the renamed functions for the hardware of your XB-2....which now operates/controles the main functions of HX3. All the old XB-2 wiring+plugs (quite a lot) fit the new HX3 board perfectly.....you simply can't mess that up or connect wrongly. Each and every plug has only one connection option on the new HX3 boards.....doing it wrong is no option really :-) So, like in the example I used, the XB-2 hardware gain knob increases the HX3 drive/volume, just like the other hardware knobs properly function albite with sometimes renamed functions compared to the original XB-2. No midi latency at all and very direct finger to ear connection......only negative : Don't try to play monster jazz on the keybed....the keybed itself isn't bad at all , but it isn't a lightening fast waterfall keybed..so machinegun thrills are difficult to near impossible... Like I said in a band context it is ideal soundwise and hardware wise.....remember the XB-2 has real drawbars instaed of draw faders (yuk) and till now feels like it is going to last. My Numa had ''broken'' keys and it now and then does very strange things like shutting down (althaugh very rare) or simply refusing to produce sound , so I have to re-booth. It happens.....but only occasionally , so that I don't bother to fix it (really doubt the studiologic customer support). My biggest worry was the reliability of the XB-2 + HX3, but I never had anything but flawless operation over two years now.... I believe/hope it will properly work for years to come. I hope this is of some help for you Cheers !
  12. What amplification do you use LX88, if I may ask...... ? I still use the Numa at home.....and like it for practice purpose very much, but in our rehersal studio I connected both the Numa and HX3 with a leslie 860 pro line. (don't need bass pedals). The Numa soundn't less through the leslie 860 than through the Motion Sound KP500 SN and active speakers.... I understand that people nowadays take their burns and vents or internal sims. A leslie is heavy and not every clone supposedly matches as wished for with every leslie (like the Numa and 860) I also have the NEO ventilator and made every possible connection between Numa, Nord and HX3 with vent. and without (internal sim.)... and the real leslie 860. By far the best sound without having to alter anything at all was running the HX3 into a leslie 860 and using its gain knob to increase overdrive to the preferred level.(I have the HX3 installed in an XB-2) That was it for me..... the ultimate warm rock (not deep purple Marshall stack distortion), blues and funk sound I was looking for all those years exploring clonewheels. The Numa run through the Motion Sound and/or EV active speakers was sounding clearly inferiour for what i like in a band organ sound. Like I said I do like my Numa at home,...still very much enjoying it's warm and open breathing character through a pair of very good headphones.But for life in a band context it is only used for back up....just in case.
  13. It will be an even bigger wow in a week :-)!
  14. I have HX3 iside a XB2 and the specific XB-2 scan boards (scan-platinen) are custommade so all the internal wiring/connectors of the XB-2 perfectly fit on the these new scan boards.Very clever indeed ! The good part is that everything hardware from the XB-2 (drawbars, knobs, 11 pin output and other controls) functions smoothly, albite with some minor alterings. A new function label is also delivered to attache on the XB-2 chassis. And althaugh the XB-2 certainly does not play as smooth as an XK3c it is a pleasure to play and CONTROL from its own surface without any latency whatsoever. A surpise discovery for me was that the XB-2 (compared to all ''fatars'' in the latest clones)has real drawbars instaed of faders.
  15. Gute abend Herr Mo, Sehr aufmerksam dass Sie in Hollandisch antwortet.Frohen weinachten auch fur Sie und ich muss in aller ernst sagen das ich personlich Deutsche leute freundlich, nett und gut maniert fand. Deswegen kaufe ich manchmall instrumenten in Deutschland....gefallt mir viel besser als Holland. I lebe in Zoetermeer und ich wollte gerne wissen was die code fur umlaut und ringel S sind. Danke
  16. Thanks Joe, It is true.....even correspondents from newspapers/TV stations have this tendency to speak Dutch with this English flavour in no time. I wouldn't call it snobby, because although we are totally lacking ''the Oxford English grammar'' , we like to speak English. Every visitor to our country would agree....even the grocery store employee will give it his/her best shot when needed. Take that you ''French snobs''........Arghhhh the times I wanted to have a conversation in France (in English) were those times I wished I had paid more attention in class during French.
  17. Hello everybody, My name is André and I am from the Netherlands....that is Holland. I don't wear wooden shoes, nor do I live in a windmill, don't smoke funny stuff and don't use my fingers to prevent the dykes from collapsing. My profession is piano tuning. Both concerts and private. I have seen a lot of instruments over the last 20+ years (I am 43 years of age). Instead of going to the conservatory I went to a piano mechanic/tuner school that only Holland and Germany seem to have to my knowledge. I have also been into electronic instruments for over 25 years. Starting with a Hohner pianet T and my most precious spending ever....a Yamaha CP70. Now I have a Kawai mp8, Nord electro 3, Tyros2 and since last week a Numa organ. I do perform during private dinners and weddings.Mostly on a grand or acoustic piano that I take care of before I play. I really feel sorry for all those pianists that have to settle with the average non-regulated out of tune, way to uneven harsh hotel lobby instruments. I feel very comforted, because in 1...2 hours I can make ''something'' out of the lousiest instruments. I am into Hammond organs too,....that is enjoying their sound. André
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