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About Malpaugh

  • Birthday 05/22/1957


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    Western NY

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  1. Thank you AnotherScott. I will definitely investigate this alternative. Very much appreciated!
  2. I have a modest gigging rig of Juno DS 88 and Yamaha YC61. With them midied together I have a good assortment of splits, layers and solo sounds that serve me well. I send out program changes from my iPhone using Setlisit Maker. The flow goes iPhone to Juno DS in and Juno DS out/thru to YC in. I wondered about sending wireless midi program changes using a CME WIDI Master. The problem is that it requires you to use both the midi in and out for it to work. I could get two WIDI Masters for the Juno and the YC. However, I would have two standalone boards without combination of splits and layers I like. Question: How do I keep the two boards midied together, go wireless and get rid of that pesky cable mess of the iPhone to Juno.
  3. There are many new YC sounds available on Yamaha’s Soundmondo app. The only problem is it won’t work if your iPad is updated to v. 15. Good luck.
  4. I had the same issue when I downloaded the trial version. The sound set loads but the ability to split and layer don"t work. That menu doesn"t come up.
  5. I have Module Pro. The 7 day trial is the Performance Expansion Pack. I own most of the other packs that Korg offers so I wanted to try splitting and layer. The sound set with this pack is fine, but this trial version won"t do precisely what it"s designed to do.
  6. Thanks. I followed that process but when when I tap the little keyboard in set list mode it does not bring up the split/layer menu. It reverts back to the patch/program menu. Frustrating. Again, I wonder if it"s because I downloaded the 7 day trial version that it doesn"t have full functionality. I even downloaded it to both my iPad and iPhone with the same results.
  7. I just downloaded the 7 day trial version of this to do splits and layers. The soundest of 62 sounds are there but not the functionality to actually do the splits. There"s supposed to be a menu that comes up in the set list when the keyboard icon is clicked. No such luck! I"m reluctant to purchase for $30 when it won"t do what it"s supposed to do. Maybe it"s because it"s the 7 day trial version? Anybody else experienced this frustration? Thanks.
  8. I played both VTines and Module back to back and detected more latency with VTines. Module was acceptable but while VTines sounded good, the finger connection response was a bit of a buzz-kill.
  9. Whoa! Shocking and devastating doesn"t begin to state how I feel. I saw him most recently with the Trilogy trio in November of 2019. During that amazing show I was reminded of the the very first time I saw him with Return To Forever in 1975. It occurred to me, the first time I was in high school and now here as a retiree. I saw him many times through the years and always in different configurations but still unique and alway challenging himself. No musician occupied my musical life as much as Chick. RIP maestro.
  10. Thanks for posting! Very interesting to hear an artist"s perspective and frustrations during isolation and lockdown.
  11. I loved this book! I bought the audiobook and couldn"t wait to get back into it. Powerful, touching and insightful. Highly recommended!
  12. I did not have the Roland case, but I had one from an Alesis Vortex and that worked perfectly.
  13. I have one. It"s synth action, of course but feels really good-I find it works well for organ, leads and the occasional piano. There"s enough heft that you dig in.
  14. Happy Belated Birthday Dave! Hope you"re well.
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