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Everything posted by johnchop

  1. Got mine this a.m. For fellow needlephobes... this was an absolute nothing. Feeling fine 3.5 hours since, may feel a little sore tomorrow. Meh. I go back in 3 weeks. Wish this happened well before my kid goes back to full-time in-person high school, but it is what it is. In addition to my consistent PPE use and distancing, this vaccine helps me further protect people around me, and that's good for something. -John PS: my dose gave me 6G connectivity. Don't be a sucker... get the upgrade.
  2. Happy New Year all! Wishing you strong finger-to-ear connections and polyphonic aftertouch in 2021.
  3. Off topic but the CA2600 from voltage modular is worth a look, and only $25 right now Anyway, I'd still advocate using whatever a synth's mod matrix (or in the case of something like Hybrid, a morph/macro assignment) will allow, rather than deal with automation or MIDI learn. Otherwise, if you can identify a specific synth you'd like to use, we might have some specific suggestions re: implementation.
  4. Here's an example with Arturia Mini V. Using the Advanced panel, set a modulation source to Pitch Bend and the destination to Cutoff, and set the modulation amount as appropriate e.g. turn dial to right to increase cutoff when bending up, Note that pitch bend modulation here is not particularly clever, in that you can't set separate modulation for positive and negative pitch bend. For Mini V, down is less, up is more. Screenshot Some soft synths allow you to further control the amount of modulation with another source (e.g. pitchbend modulation is less intense as the note number increases).
  5. Good list! Omnisphere for sure can. Look at the Mod Matrix for that but let us know if you need more specific guidance. I'm newish to Pigments 2 so can't recall offhand if pitch bend is a mod source. Hybrid: on the filter section, click Mod tab, and see if you can use pitch bend as a mod source. Failing that, you can assign a Morph control to the filter, and then assign pitch bend to control the morph. Hope this helps!
  6. Which soft synths are you using? Many have a mod matrix that can use pitchbend as a source, which can then control filter cutoff to the desired degree.
  7. Demo and see if it suits you. Definitely a lot of character and some weird behavior with staccato notes. I have it and it's by far the weakest of the piano libraries I own for general use (and I own the NI stuff, EZ Keys, Addictive Keys, and the long-in-the-tooth EastWest pianos). The free Hammersmith is worlds better, assuming Kontakt player doesn't overhwelm your system. I'm among folks who loved Pianoteq's responsiveness and subtlety but could never quite unhear the metallic sound. I will admit it gets better and better with each version.
  8. The beauty is that you can demo all of it is great, isn't it? I was a PTeq user from version 4 through 6 when I found myself turning to it less and less. But if you've got minimal computing resources, I'm not sure what else would work as well.
  9. Ah, got it. Settings (gear icon) > MIDI > then select Keylab 61 or similar.
  10. BTW unless I'm missing something, the new Analog Lab V has only 8 macro controls, as opposed to the 19 (? knobs + sliders?) in Analog Lab 4. I wonder if Lab 4 was seen as somehow too tweakable?
  11. Man ... we´re musicians, not internet junkies. ... A.C. "Be more like u-he" in other words. Fair point.
  12. I'd be concerned about driver support falling away with newer MacOS versions. Another vote for USB-C option.
  13. Win7 is in extended support. Why would Arturia support a platform that isn't supported?
  14. Man, it was $199 for me, right after dropping $249 on the V7 upgrade from v5.. so getting close to a full price purchase for 8 if I just held off a month. I hope $99 upgrade offer in the works over Xmas, otherwise there's not much loyalty consideration in this pricing scheme.
  15. Would love an M1 mini as a VI host, especially when Native Instruments jumps on board. I fear it will be years before we see M1-native Ableton, but I'm happy to eat my words.
  16. Seeing how I didn't win the Sweetwater Wish List giveaway I sprung for the Omnisphere 2 upgrade and Neoverb, after picking up Discovery Pro for cheap. Hardware-wise the Launchkey Mk3 61 has taken over controller duties for the moment. Really great driver for Ableton with only a few missed opportunities.
  17. We should go all in: Borg, Boog, Boland, Barp, Bequential Bircuits ...
  18. You mean I can't just whine on this forum and expect manufacturers to fall in line? What am I even doing here?
  19. Yeah the scale/chord stuff can just be ignored, but it's a shame that feature got in there when an expression pedal input did not. My CTRL49 has one. However, if it's a similar key feel to the Code or CTRL, I'm interested. As featherweight actions go, I'm partial to it. Will have to see if they used the same plastic density as the CTRL, which does not readily flex. The Code tended to, apparently. I guess VIP is well and truly dead, as it's not bundled here, nor is it noted as a ready-to-map controller.
  20. I had a similar issue with Hammond B3-X and SampleTank 4. Updating my graphics drivers (nVidia) fixed it. Hope this helps!
  21. I would go for the Arturia in your situation, preferably the Keylab mk2 if you can swing it. The action is VERY synthy--springy and light--but it controls aftertouch really well and is just festooned with faders and knobs. I just purchased the Launchkey mk3 and wouldn't recommend it for general purpose VST control unless you're also heavy into Ableton. Nice synth action, but no aftertouch and no expression pedal input. Look out for reported quality issues with the M-Audio Code series, keybed flex among them. Nice featureset though, if you can get past the awkward drum pad placement. Try to touch the MPK249 before buying. I found it weirdly heavy. Also, the Roland A500 ... exists... but I would still spend the extra bucks for the Arturia.
  22. Love a good aftertouch implementation for mono synth leads. Aftertouch with chords just never felt right and sometimes cramps my hands. Expression pedal or mod wheel for that. Globally adjustable sensitivity as well as a per patch off switch are key, so I dig Kurzweil's implementation.
  23. https://www.ableton.com/en/live/ Glad to see comping added. Nice improvements to racks/macros. Glad to see a new reverb option! The new synths look pretty wild.
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