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About Skinny

  • Birthday 06/23/1980

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  1. That cigarette on the lid of the Rhodes!!! 😬 Put it on the cheek block, which - judging by the old Rhodes I had - is where your lit cigarette is SUPPOSED to go.
  2. Nautilus owner here, BTW. I really don’t want to rehash any stereo vs mono stuff… let’s just start with saying I’ve always run mono, and have no plans to change that. Is there any piano available for the Nautilus that you are happy with in mono? To me, they all sound like feces in the midrange. Users of other equipment (Yamaha, Roland, etc)- what mono pianos are you happy with? I’m not opposed to switching to a different board (I’d like to stay with an 88 synth/workstation instead of running a tablet or laptop) Thanks for any advice or opinions.
  3. I’ve always wanted a Kurz. Something about them just seems… alluring? Hope it works out for you!
  4. My day just got worse. Lately I’ve enjoyed playing FM tunes on the piano. Songbird being one of my favorites to play. I’m glad I got to see her when she reunited with the band several years back. RIP, Christine McVie.
  5. Maybe something like a Line 6 M9 (or M5, M13). I think they can do what you’re looking for. Edit: apparently these pedals are instrument level only, so you would probably overload the inputs with a keyboard.
  6. Clavigel sounds like a name of a medication. “Ask your keyboard tech if Clavigel is right for you”
  7. Great, but… I have yet to even find a mono piano sound that I’m happy with…
  8. I was unaware this version existed until one time 10+ years ago, my wife found this double record set at a garage sale. I remember dropping the needle and hearing this version for the first time and being absolutely floored.
  9. Not sure if that's the right term or not, but what are your favorite songs that start slow and quiet and build over the duration of the song? My favorite has got to be this particular live version of "I'm So Afraid" by Fleetwood Mac in 1980. Never fails to give me goosebumps and damn near brings me to another plane, so to speak.
  10. Wallflowers - Exit Wounds. Before that was The War On Drugs - I Don’t Live Here Anymore.
  11. I’ve always used wet. Currently use Groovewasher stuff.
  12. I have no advice; just wanted to say nice username! cue Boston Legal intro music
  13. Watt's going on with this thread??? (Sorry, I couldn't......resist.)
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