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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. "I thought it only did that when you first run it as there is an option to ‘reanalyse’ afterwards"

    No. Many compressors and limiters have a lookahead feature so that they can make adjustments before they need to happen. I assume that the analyzing is just for the overall EQ and compressor settings, but the compressor still needs to be able to look ahead as you're playing the track.

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  2. 12 hours ago, cassdad said:

    No, not a requirement.  However, some consider it good business practice, as well as simply being an opportunity to better relationships for the venue and/or for myself.  (Consider the standard practice of the manager or chef at a good restaurant going around table to table.)

    I don't think the chef going around table to table is that common. Manager yes, chef no. Maybe I just don't go to fancy enough restaurants. But unless you know someone, I wouldn't do it. I'd be really uncomfortable and a bit annoyed if someone came to my table and I was forced to0 converse with them instead of whoever I was with.

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  3. SD cards are VERY slow. It may work, but it's definitely not the best option, Actual SSD drives are cheap these days, so just move all your samples there. Also, the program CleanMy Mac is great at freeing up space any deleting unused and unnecessary system files.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Adan said:

    This could be the first in a series

    It actually is. He also does one where he listens to a song by Animals as Leaders for the first time. Pianote has done a few others with other keyboard players. Their sister site, Drumeo, does a similar series where drummers listen to songs (without the drum track) they've never heard, and then come up with a part for it. It's entertaining and really interesting how they each go about the process. And they're often playing a song that's very outside the genre they're known for, so it's interesting seeing how they approach the song. They all end up coming up with something that would still totally work for the song, but the Jordan Rudess one is just a lot of fast notes with really awful/tacky synth patches.

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  5. I've sold the most things on reverb.com (including a bunch of things) and never had any issues with lowball offers, payment, or anything else, and most things have sold fast. Recently, I was surprised that their shipping rate for a fairly heavy rack mount unit was way lower than I expected. I've only sold one thing via the Sweetwater gear exchange, and then also went fine. I knew I was going to buy something from them, so I used the sale to get store credit. I've done craigslist in the past, but the likelihood of finding a buyer locally for a lot of stuff is slim, and it's also not worth having to deal with people in person.

  6. 12 hours ago, mrk7421 said:

    I have a vague interest in what might be possible with some of this software....   but I tend to go to other qualified people to maybe help me with this but most report back that they were unsuccessful in getting results....generally because of lack of clear directions or some missing interface gadget or whatever


    You've also said "I had two competent people try to help me with software without much luck."

    I'd like to suggest that these people aren't actually competent or qualified. We're almost a quarter of the way through the 21st century. None of this stuff is new technology. Like Reezekeys, I've been using computer-based instruments for over 20 years. (Whenever some mentions that something happened 20 years ago, it takes me a second to remember that that's the early 2000s and not the 1970s). These companies wouldn't be in business if no one was able to use their software. I don't have Ravenscroft, but the installers for all of these things are always straightforward. You either download the whole thing and then there's a few clicks to install it, or you do a few clicks to install it and then it downloads. You don't need to know "the inner workings of a computer" to install them. You're using a computer right now to post on this forum. You had to set up an account, and then use e-mail to verify your account. You probably do all sorts of other things on your computer every day. Maybe you're worried that you're going to "break" something and you need more confidence, but there are actual experts in this forum who can certainly help you out more than whoever you talked to.

    You do need an audio interface, though. The fact that you don't is most likely the source of your latency. Audio interfaces are cheap, will probably give you better sound quality than your headphone jack (especially if you're hooking up speakers), and will almost certainly solve your latency issue. 

    It could very well be that you'd be better off sticking with hardware, but if you want to upgrade from the FP10, you certainly don't need to spend anywhere close to $4000.

  7. On 12/25/2023 at 9:27 AM, Joe Muscara said:

    What I found interesting was that John Denver did the intro, and he at least acted really excited by it.


    I remember seeing John Denver on the Tonight Show in the 80s, and his keyboard player had a rack bei=hind him that was six feet tall, and I think it was mostly filled with Yamaha TX816s, so maybe John was slowly easing his way into making technopop.

    • Haha 4
  8. I've used Logic for about 15 years and have never had any stability issues. Like any program, there have occasional crashes or freezes, but those have been very rare. And Logic's autosave has always gotten me back up and running to basically where I left off. I also regularly use it "in a traditional linear tape-style workflow fashion". My latest album is a live jazz trio recorded in Logic, as if it were a tape recorder. Like every other DAW I've used, you arm the tracks, press record, and it's acting like a tape recorder.

    The built-in synths and effects are fantastic, and I don't think any other DAW has anything like Drummer built in.

  9. I only watched bits of the video, but he seems to come around to liking it fairly quickly (even though he initially thought he'd send it back and says that he wasn't a fan of the PPG), and he plays a bunch of sounds that are definitely not analog-sounding, so I didn't get the impression that he was only interested in analog synths. He's got a D50 and a DX7II behind him, so that also seems to indicate that he's not only into analog.

  10. 23 hours ago, Dave Bryce said:

    For those of you suggesting subscriptions, we can certainly engage those pretty easily.  What amount do you think is reasonable?


    Talkbass.com has a nice system with various membership levels: https://www.talkbass.com/account/upgrades

    The basic level is $35 per year, and that seems quite reasonable. Higher levels get more perks (including no ads). Talkbass probably has more active users than MPN as a whole but their price levels seem like they could work here.

  11. " expect that Waves will therefore find it difficult to turn a profit if they stubbornly stick to a subscription-only model, unless they're mostly supported by hobbyists with steady incomes."

    I think most companies are supported by hobbyists with steady incomes. It doesn't matter whether it's guitars, or plugins, or keyboards, or cameras. There are probably only a few professional photographers in any city for each brand of camera (Nikon, Fuji, Canon, Sony, etc.), but those companies survive by selling to hundreds of people in each city who want to have the same stuff as professionals. And between the people who have to subscribe to Waves and those who just want to, I don't think they're in danger of going under. 

  12. For those who refuse any kind of subscriptions, I think your time may be running out (assuming you're dependent on a piece of software you currently use), as more and more companies are moving towards them. I don't currently subscribe to any music software subscriptions, and I stopped using Waves plugins a few years ago when I got tired of dealing with the moving target that is WUP, but at some point, something I depend on is going to go subscription only and I'll have no choice. I don't make my living from using plugins, but creating and recording music is a huge part of my life, and being able to do things the way I want sometimes requires things beyond the stock Logic plugins (which I do use a lot of). There were a few of Waves Abbey Road plugins that I liked and used a to, but I've gotten by fine since ditching them, and having fewer choices (especially overlapping ones) is generally a positive in many ways, but if Fabfilter or UAD goes subscription only, that will be awful.


    I'm a graphic designer and I use Adobe's products daily, and my company pays for my subscription to their Creative Cloud service, which is the only way to use the vast majority of their software as of a few years ago. Even before the subscription, I'd still upgrade every year just to stay up on things and to be compatible with the outside world. But in reality, I could easily work on a version of Photoshop that only includes features from 20 years ago. Sure, there are a few things that have been added since then that make some things easier, but for 99% of the photo retouching work I do, I don't need them. 

    Music software (and plugins specifically) have gotten into eh same situation. Subscriptions are the only way a lot of companies can make money at this point. Plugins have become so good that in many (probably most) cases, there's no reason to upgrade for new features. How much more accurate can the various models of LA-2As and 1176s and 480Ls get? Can we tell the difference? How many different EQs do we need? I use Fabfilter's Pro-Q, which does some things I can't do in the stock logic plugin, and I use UAD's Pultecs (which I've used since before Logic came with it's own version), and that's enough. I think a lot of people are in the same boat. Why pay hundreds of dollars per year for a lot of stuff (like Waves' nine different EQ plugins (not even counting channel strips and emulations) that are no better/different than what comes with your DAW? 

    Waves will certainly deal with a few months of very bad publicity, but I doubt they'll go out of business. There are enough professionals who rely on their stuff who have no choice but to subscribe, and enough other people who don't want to lose compatibility with older products. Add in new users who just want tons of stuff. They may end up with a smaller customer base, but it'll be providing them with a consistent source of income. Hey, maybe this will give them the resources they need to that next year they can release four more EQs to make a baker's dozen!

  13. 22 hours ago, bill5 said:

    Has anyone else been underwhelmed by the hardware BF sales? 

    My guess is that with the chip shortage, most dealers have less stock than usual, so there's not much incentive to blow through their stock at a huge discount, especially if there's enough demand for those products at the regular price.

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