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Sam Mullins

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Everything posted by Sam Mullins

  1. Try the Jensen Guitar samples. I licensed these from Jensen and they are available for free to Kronos users. It's a mix of acoustic and electric guitars. I prefer them to most of the Yamaha sounds as they aren't as compromised and some of the electrics are sampled through the amps. There are close to 200 sample libraries available at the Korg Web Store plus others for free as you can find at purgatorycreek.com and other places. The Kronos is an extraordinarily expandable keyboard. http://www.purgatorycreek.com/page17/styled/page14/page3.html Busch. Thanks, Busch! I'll have to check out your collections. I did buy a few of the Korg guitar libraries; some are better than the stock Kronos and some are worse. But variety is good.
  2. I'm a little late to this party but the latest by Esperanza Spalding (Emily's D+Evolution) blows me away. It's like Joni, Stevie, Chick and Robert Fripp formed a band. [video:youtube]
  3. Just downloaded the D6 and it's pretty damn good. The release sample is pretty subtle...having never owned a Clavinet I'll trust that the level is appropriate. Easy enough to turn up.
  4. Thanks, Sam. If you try them out, let me know your impressions. I don't use any clavinet right now on my set, but partially because the MOXF wasn't great and I don't like playing the Stage clavinet on weighted keys. I might look to use some clav parts on the Kronos if they are good.
  5. I don't think the standard ones do, but it looks like the Purgatory Creek (busch) libraries do have release samples. One of the sets is free.
  6. I replaced my MOXF6 with a Kronos 61 earlier this year (mostly because of the keyboard itself). Very happy with it. The Kronos and the Stage 2 are a nice pairing. I still prefer the organs and the acoustic pianos on the Stage. The latter surprised me given the large piano samples on the Kronos. I like the modeled EPs on the Kronos a lot better. I will say that there are some sounds which the Motif series does much better, e.g. Kronos guitars aren't even close. So depending on what sounds you use, you may want to hold on to the Motif rack.
  7. I did. It's very cool. I have the DVR set for all new episodes. Good stuff. Watched the first two episodes last night. Any series that has both George Martin discussing the tape loops on "Tomorrow Never Knows" and Questlove admitting he didn't get Dr.Dre's "The Chronic" for 10 years....is ok-dokey with me.
  8. Sold my Micro 20 years ago or so and it needed some work at the time. Didn't really compare to a Mini obviously , but it was a great for a teenage kid to learn analog synthesis.
  9. Hey...MicroMoog sighting! Nostalgic for me since it was my first synth way back in the day.
  10. Check out Mehldau's left hand work on this: [video:youtube]NwMDvylKBRk As Bobby Jones said of Jack Nicklaus: "He played a game with which I am not familiar."
  11. The new Honeydogs record "Love and Cannabilism"...one of the cuts live in a studio: [video:youtube]
  12. Videos of Margaret Glaspy. I saw her open for the Milk Carton Kids last night; a fresh reminder that you can still write clever pop songs with nothing more than your wits and an electric guitar. [video:youtube]
  13. My Kronos 6 arrived today. First impressions: - The keyboard is so much better than my MOXF6. Standard-width keys, black keys pivot much better than MOXF, and addition of aftertouch are big wins for me. This was one of my primary motivations for replacing the MOXF6 so that's all good. - Build quality is much higher (which it should be for the difference in price.) - I like that I can MIDI my Nord Stage to it AND use the Keith McMillen 12 step on USB MIDI at the same time. This will save me from bringing an extra MIDI/USB router (e.g. iconnectMIDI4). - First impression on sounds is that most are better or even with the MOXF..with the exception of guitars. I also didn't find an acoustic bass that I liked nearly as much as the Yamaha VeloBass. - I know this has been mentioned many times in reviews...but it's silly that it doesn't have front panel octave buttons.
  14. Just ordered a Korg Kronos 61 to replace my MOXF 6. Was actually quite happy with the MOXF from a sound and functional POV...but grew weary of the mediocre action and wanted aftertouch. So went all in
  15. Imogen Heap,Sparks: bought it a year ago and completely forgot I had it until last week. Here is one track: [video:youtube]
  16. You could try this approach: [video:youtube] On a more constructive note: [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  17. Saw Lucius Wednesday night on Colbert and really dug it. So fun...along the lines of tuneyards.
  18. Love LSD (admittedly biased since Bridget is a home town girl) ... they are doing the retro thing now and it's great...but I can't wait for a couple records from now. I think after they get huge (which is probable) they will do something really adventurous.
  19. New LSD song on Colbert this week! [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55ogVu_CQiM
  20. The annual Lake Street Dive Halloween cover song video; this year they had the audacity to give a go at Bohmeian Rhapsody: [video:youtube]
  21. Allergic to Water - Ani DiFranco Is there a better songwriter around (quantity and quality)? Although different musically, she is the one current artist I know that is as adventurous with lyrics and phrasing as Joni was in her prime.
  22. Posted an unpacking thread...but thought I would join this party. Here is my rig with the new Moog Sub 37 added. Since I was adding a third tier, I took the opportunity to unrack my Prophet 08 to get it in better position for knob twiddling: http://www.stickmanor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/key_stack.png
  23. I know, I was even a crowdfunding supporter of the film. Hangs head in shame... Seriously great, deeply nerdy film. Just got to see this tonight at the Mission Creek festival (spring music/film/literary festival held here in Iowa City.) They had a local guy a with a Moog Modular and Euro rack system give a talk and a short performance prior to the film. One of those nights when you are glad you live in a (slightly) quirky college town. Film was pretty good with a lot of interesting historical footage. I thought they should have spent a little time just explaining basic synthesis concepts for the audience. For non-musicians, the discussion of oscillators, filters and envelopes has got to be a little confusing. But overall, very interesting for the insiders...and oh, all that gear porn!
  24. Finally got around to purchasing Nikki Nack by Tune-Yards...digging it.
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