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Sam Mullins

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Everything posted by Sam Mullins

  1. I like it...wish they would play this at the gym instead of the far inferior songs in a similar style...where the blunt use of repetition borders on Geneva convention violations. (Oh well, that's why I invested in a good pair of closed ear noise-cancelling headphones.)
  2. I'm making the leap that "pop" doesn't necessarily mean popular New Pornographers - Play Money Why: Nice combination of jangly upbeat guitar rock with interesting melody. (and of course Neko Case.) [video:youtube] St. Vincent - Masseduction Why: prince meets eurythmics - what's not to like? [video:youtube] They Might Be Giants - Let's Get This Over With Why: After being a fan years ago, then not paying much attention the last ten years, I went and saw them in Milwaukee...and well, they just make me happy! [video:youtube]
  3. Here is my battery-powered couch potato rig: http://www.stickmanor.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/irig_keys_small.jpg Normally, I use headphones instead of the Bose SoundLink ...and have the whole thing in my lap on the couch. This was the smallest decent quality 4 octave solution I could come up with for practicing voicings, scale/chord stuff, songwriting, etc while I'm vegging out in front of the TV. The iPad sits on a holder attached to the keyboard. For a discussion of this and a short review of the iRig Keys IO, see this thread: Clonk
  4. Yeah, it can be a double-edged sword. Nice to have enthusiasm.... OTOH, I saw Jason Isbell on Tuesday (great show) and the crowd was in the middle of the concert-going spectrum (I would guess 75% between 30 -> 45). Every time Jason did a quieter song, there were the handful of people who felt that a particularly poignant lyric spoke to them so powerfully that they had to give a big "Whoooooo...." It never ceases to amaze me how many people think they are the show.
  5. It´s evident PSO (Pro included) doesn´t handle MIDI sysex and there´s no workaroud. Maybe it will be added in a update one day. In fact, I didn´t check too when I bought. I never did because I also thought EVERY (MIDI-) sequencer can work w/ sysex,- but I failed. A.C. Ugh. Seems like that should be table stakes for a pro product.
  6. What´s the "art" ? And do electronic machines offering a "keyboard" and being released not very long time ago already need a "museum" ? I normally expect to find pictures/paintings, mummies and these "marvelous old stones" from the era of nebukadnezar kings, but not NORD keyboards or MOJO organ clones (and others) in a museum. And why there are no cables when there are the speakers ? Do the speakers already need a museum to ? What kind of "show up" s##t is this ? A.C. [video:youtube]
  7. Congrats Chuck. Will anxiously await your opinions. It seemed to me that they released this one a bit early; the number and nature of bugs seems a bit excessive. Interestingly, Pablo from North American support indicated on the Nord forum that he thinks this product release has been the bumpiest. But I'm sure they will address the bugs. My bigger concern is the change in the MIDI implementation (can't address each of six parts with separate MIDI channel...hopefully this will be fixed.) My use case would prevent an upgrade unless this is re-implemented.
  8. A couple years ago I visited my friends in Dublin and their high-school daughter earned cash by doing custom artwork on Converse shoes..so I had her do these for gigs. Just told her to have a music theme and use the words "What's so Funny 'Bout Peace, Love and Understanding" (Can't see the "'Bout" on these photos because it's on the tongue of the shoe.) I like the little keyboards she did on the heels. http://www.stickmanor.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/shoes_small_25.jpg BTW, Eric: I have terrible balance and would probably fall over if I had to use those pedals standing up. Good on you!
  9. Gorillaz - Humanz Has anyone else noticed a distinct mid-period Thomas Dolby influence?
  10. Yes, I like it. My thoughts are similar to others: nice detailed, spacious sound particularly for sounds with stereo content. Bass is a little weak but not a big deal for the music I play. I'm probably a little happier with it for acoustic piano sounds (Nord Stage) than some. Last Friday, my duo used it as the only amplificatiion for a small room....replacing two amps, monitors, PA. It was a different experience...more like a bluegrass band that mixes itself because we were basically hearing the same mix that the audience heard. I liked it. I posted a similar comment in the main Spacestation thread, so if you have follow up on this use, we should probably move it over there.
  11. How did you get a v3? Or do you mean the latest generation of the spacestation? Sorry...the nomenclature confuses me. I know there was some talk of changing the version number to v.5 when they went to plywood and new lighter power supply. All I can tell you is that my unit says v.3 (had it about a month) and both Sweetwater and Aspen Pittman web site still list it as v.3. I weighed it on my bathroom scale and it is 38 pounds...which may or may not be accurate. The new "Lite" versions ones are supposedly 32 pounds. Also, the serial number ends in 0316 so I believe that means it was the old one (perhaps "v4"). In any case, I didn't do anything special to get the non-Lite version (which I know some folks prefer).
  12. Did my first duo gig with Spacestation and Soundcraft Signature 12 as the ONLY amplification for both of us...replacing two amps and a full PA system. It worked well in a small setting. Besides the much easier load in/out, the main positive was that we were basically hearing the mix that the audience heard. Feedback from the audience was good.
  13. Spacestation v.3 and Soundcraft Signature 12 - very happy with both.
  14. Depends on what you mean by crackle. If it is more of a frequency-specific rattle/buzz...it may be the fuse holder, which tends to rattle at the resonant frequency of the cabinet. At the recommendation of another forum member I solved that issue with a small piece of duct tape.
  15. Just bought a Soundcraft Signature 12 mixer to front-end my SpaceStation and realized I don't have any female XLR to male phone plug cables. Given that the mixer outputs are balanced and the SS inputs are unbalanced, which type of cable are people typically using: XLR->TRS (i.e. ring floating) or XLR->TS I know either should work but any strong opinions either way? XLR->TRS would probably more useful to me in other situations.
  16. Well, I got my replacement via FedEx today, turned it on, and same problem. Sure enough, I put my finger on the fuse cover and it goes away. Thanks for the tip!
  17. Thanks everyone. I tried tightening all the screws (internal and external) and also made sure the coax tweeter was tight. I didn't think about the fuse apparatus. It did not make the rattle when I unscrewed and separated the back panel, so that might be an interesting theory. Unfortunately, I just dropped the unit off at fedex for an exchange. If the next one rattles, I'll definitely check that.
  18. Yes, I tried that to no avail. This is more like I'm hitting the resonant frequency of the cabinet..causing something to rattle. Above and below a definite range of notes it is fine. Thanks for the response though.
  19. Got mine last night and really like it so far...except there is a noticeable rattle when playing bass notes in a certin range. So I'll be sending it back for an exchange in the morning. Darn...
  20. OK...it only took 179 pages to convince me to join the club. Mine arrives on Friday. One channel on my Motion Sound KP200S went bad (after 14 years of solid service) so I thought I would try something new. It had a built-in mixer so I'm also in the market for a small mixer but I'll probably wait until after I am sure I'm keeping the SpaceStation before ordering one. Considering a Yamaha MG10XU or Soundcraft Signature 12 MTK. I also have this crazy idea that my duo act might use ONLY the Spacestation for some of our smaller gigs. Would save us hauling PA and two amps. I like the idea of us hearing (more or less) what the audience is hearing and making adjustments on the fly...akin to what bluegrass bands do all the time. I play keys and sing, and my brother alternates between guitar and (non-miced) drums and vocals. All at reasonable "coffee-house" volume. Anyone doing something like this with the SpaceStation?
  21. Knob replacement kit for my Prophet 08 Desktop (in a lame attempt to assuage my GAS for a Rev2)
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