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Everything posted by Dana.

  1. Despite the considerable cheese on this album -- or perhaps, in part, because of -- I still enjoy it. Definitely that last great album Sting made. David Sancious on (sometimes dated-sounding) keys, and Vinnie C. with absolutely cracking snare sounds. http://industriamusical.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ten-summers_sting.jpg
  2. It's not at all a criticism. I'm all for people channeling Prince. It's the reason I think The Element of Freedom is easily Alicia Keys' best album. For example: [video:youtube] Also, "Yamaha" by The-Dream is a total homage to "Little Red Corvette." [video:youtube]
  3. Apparently the Black Messiah is Prince, because I'm hearing a LOT of him in these songs.
  4. Nate is the guy you see in the movie, but in actuality you're hearing Antonio Sanchez.
  5. What keyboard(s) were you using for the piano sounds? In the YT demo with Michael Boddicker posted earlier in the thread, the amp seemed to enhance the digital piano quality of the Privia -- good if you need to cut, I suppose, but rather unpleasant tonally, not unlike how it would sound through a Roland KC amp.
  6. The can of worms was opened when Gilmour and Co. decided to lumber on without Waters. IMNSHO, the world would be better off if A Permanent Lapse of Reason, The Division Bomb, and The Endless Cash-in had never been made.
  7. Shameful cash grab masquerading as tribute to Wright
  8. [video:youtube] [video:youtube] http://cs607819.vk.me/v607819818/1b03/Fu4wpidVHkE.jpg
  9. Underrated. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51wpYOwRZZL.jpg
  10. http://www.thesleepingshaman.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Voyag3r-Doom-Fortress.jpg Do you like '70s & '80s horror and sci-fi movie soundtracks? John Carpenter? Goblin? Metal? Prog? Yes? Then click away: http://voyag3r.bandcamp.com
  11. Herbie is only on two tracks. http://www.discogs.com/Flying-Lotus-Youre-Dead/release/6089455
  12. This has shades of Money Mark and Toro Y Moi, but it seems undercooked. Best part: Baldwin Fun Machine.
  13. Let er rip! http://www.chainsawbuyersguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Stihl-MS201T-Chainsaw.gif
  14. http://s19.postimg.org/tsbelxjpf/cover.jpg http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0342/2497/products/WARP256_Packshot_RGB_480.jpg http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0264/4781/files/Afghan-Whigs-Do-To-The-Beast_large.jpg
  15. On-point assessment of both albums: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/01/arts/prince-releases-art-official-age-and-plectrumelectrum.html
  16. Prince needs someone who can groove, even in a rock context. Someone like Nikki Glaspie or Kim Thompson.
  17. Meh. There are plenty of attractive female drummers out there who play better than her. Would they be willing to endure Prince's "quirks"? :idk
  18. Prince has always had great drummers, but the drummer in 3rdEyeGirl is a far cry from funky. How did her overly rigid playing make the cut?
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