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Posts posted by KenElevenShadows

  1. 1 hour ago, Nowarezman said:

    I still don't know what my obligation is here - who made me judge, jury, and executioner for ethically dubious corporations??  



    You either choose to give your dollars to a company or you don't. It's not quite as dramatic as judge, jury, and executioner. There is also no obligation. Do what is comfortable for you.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Anderton said:

    Seeing the Behringer-related thread over in the Keyboard Corner got me thinking. Universal Audio licenses the Massive Passive plugin from Manley Labs. In return, they get the cachet from Manley's name, can use Manley's expertise to verify the emulation's accuracy, and of course, because they're doing the right thing, Manley endorses their efforts.


    Now, Manley didn't invent the passive equalizer. If someone wanted to reverse-engineer the hardware into a plugin and call it the Personley Passively Massive and not pay a licensing fee, they could. There would be nothing legally wrong with that.


    And frankly, there's nothing legally wrong with creating a synth that's very much like a Minimoog. But...would you be willing to pay another 15% to cover a license that would provide the same benefits that Manley provides to Universal Audio?


    In a way, that's what inMusic did by buying Moog. They could have just copied the designs, but it seems obvious (at least to me) they wanted the name's cachet and (I assume) a reality check from at least some of the engineers. And, no one can say they're ripping off Moog...for all practical purposes, they are Moog now.




    I would pay 15% for a company so they could pay the licensing fee.


    I would not pay 15% for Behringer so they could pay the licensing fee. I'm not going to support scumbag companies who have been found guilty of patent infringement numerous times and appear to have used slave labor.

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  3. 2 hours ago, bill5 said:



    It's still early and anything can happen (esp with injuries), but at this point I will be shocked if the SB isn't some combo of MIA, KC, SF, and PHI. 


    That seems likely.


    KC is struggling a bit with their inexperienced receivers, but I think we are all used to them figuring it out and are conditioned not to count them out.



  4. There are a variety of types of images, and when you use an existing photo as the basis or influence for an AI-generated photo, then you obviously blur the line (although ultimately, the created photo is STILL nothing to do with light, but using a photo to inform how it renders the AI-generated photo).


    AI should not be viewed as a "demon" necessarily. We all use AI. And many of don't even know it. Using a phone? Making a call in to a large company? Use the internet? Too late. You've already used AI.


    I use AI to denoise my photos. Faster than me doing it by hand, and more effective than non-AI denoising. 


    And regardless of what you or I think of AI, it's already out there, and there's no stuffing it back in the bag. I'll use the good stuff, ignore the bad, and hope that it doesn't become uber-sentient any time soon and start messing things up. :D 

  5. 11 hours ago, weegeebored said:

    Overreact much? I'm not wrong.  I don't know you from Adam; respect isn't automatic for me.  I commented about one post which gave me the impression that you were defending Fields. I'm not going to track down everything you have written about him. It's not that important to me.  So in the words of a former NFC North QB...chillax.


    Get a clue before you start, especially when I have already said that I'm not an apologist for him and you're basing it on one post...by your own admission. :D 

  6. 10 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Yep. QB Justin Fields would thrive if he was playing with a team like the 49ers. HC/OC Kyle Shanahan has a system that works.


    Conversely, send QB Brock Purdy to da Bears coaching staff and they would ruin his entire football career.


    Beyond talent, it helps for some players to be in the right situation in order to fully succeed.😎


    Exactly. It seems likely that in the right situation, he would thrive. He has that much talent. And if someone is planning around that talent, then yeah, that's most likely going to work really well. He would get the proper coaching and plans to go through his reads, as Fields can be a little slow in his progressions in some schemes. Yes, I know he went through his reads very quickly and made great anticipatory throws, but as a whole, I feel like he's often been slow and not always had the greatest pocket awareness on top of that.

  7. On 10/6/2023 at 11:35 AM, weegeebored said:

    It sounds like you are. I have seen him play in every game. He doesn't pass the eye test. He holds the ball too long. He doesn't throw anyone open. It's hard to explain away 40 turnovers in 32 games. Can't keep blaming the other players for his mistakes. Yes, the coaching staff is terrible. Poles is not a good GM. The Bears are better served starting from scratch and continuing to stay in the Caleb Williams sweepstakes as opposed to winning five or six games. But knowing the Bears they will win just enough to put themselves out of the running for Williams and keep Fields. (Or worse, pick another bad QB in the first round.)  It's just the McCaskey way.


    Well, you're wrong. If I say that I'm not doing it, then I'm not doing it and you'll just have to respect that.


    I've already acknowledged all that numerous times. He holds the ball too long. He makes poor decisions. He tries too much. Not sure how many more times I have to say it.


    But I also acknowledge that he is an explosive player who does a lot of amazing things, such as breaking franchise records for passes, connecting with a receiver for three touchdowns, and so forth when put in a better spot. His upside is sky-high. 


    Put him on a different team and he might be - notice I am saying MIGHT - be a really solid QB. I don't know if he can be elite despite all his gifts, but he could be a really good, explosive QB. Maybe. But we don't know because if there's any one thing the Bears excel at, it's not developing QBs. They have a giant history of doing that.


    Since we're talking about Caleb Williams, if just about any team gets the #1 pick, they are probably going to need to pick this guy. He seems too good not to do it.

  8. On 10/4/2023 at 9:58 PM, KuruPrionz said:

    OK, I read the article. 


    You aim, focus and snap the shutter on a digital camera. A complex series of ones and zeros are captured on a sensor which has an array of "pixels" covered with Red, Green and Blue filters..

    The processor in the camera converts those tinted ones and zeros into an image but you cannot see it until you use some sort of illuminated screen, first the one on the back of the camera and later the monitor on your computer. 

    You can enter data into your camera to tell it how to capture RGB ones and zeros. Is this somehow different than looking at a computer and entering data to tell the computer how to arrange the RGB ones and zeros, which is what somebody who is using AI would be doing?


    Well, sure, it's wildly different. One has an image that was created by light. One.....you type in and a computer attempts to cobble together a picture for you.


    One is a photo. One is AI-generated art. 


    They should NEVER be confused with each other.

  9. 33 minutes ago, GovernorSilver said:

    Wonder if it was the same Commanders CB who went for the ball, missed so that DJ Moore caught it for a big gainer.... then made the same mistake again so that this time Moore ran for a TD.


    The defender even grazed the ball, but it was not to be. Sometimes you gamble and win, and sometimes it doesn't go your way.

  10. On 10/2/2023 at 7:26 AM, weegeebored said:

    What do people see in Fields? He threw for 300+ for the first time in his NFL career (30 games) against a team with one of the worst defenses in the NFL.  Then proceeded to get sacked, fumble, and let DEN scoop and score to close the gap. Then needing a FG to tie, he threw a bad ball that was picked to stymie any hope of a comeback.  His turnover stats for the 4th quarter are amazingly bad.  And we are not talking about a rookie here. This is his third year in the league. If anything he's regressed, his performance yesterday notwithstanding.


    Gault was fast but he wasn't even the best receiver on the teams he was on. Bad hands. DJ Moore is a stud, a true #1. Harrison would be a nice pick, but a luxury. The Bears need a top QB, O-line help, and D-line help, especially edge rushers. I don't trust that Poles can evaluate talent.  Too early to evaluate his first draft which might turn out to be ok, but his FA signings have been god-awful.


    Fields doesn't look great, but look at the buffoons coaching him. Name ONE player who is playing better with the Bears than their were for their previous team. There's a good chance that Fields is being ruined by those coaches. If they trade him to the Falcons (not going to happen, but let's play "what if"), the Falcons are probably going to be first in their division.


    It's possible that Fields may not be a great NFL QB, but how would you know? The entire team plays so badly that even D.J. Moore doesn't look good. The only people who look good are Khalil Herbert, Roschon Johnson, and Cairo Santos. And you can pretty much guess why. They take the least amount of scheming.


    The Bears are so bad that even Sam Mustipher, who was a grease fire with the Bears, looks good now.


    Also - and now I'm going to start sounding like a Fields apologist when I'm not - go back and look at the replays of Fields' turnovers. Now, I'm not absolving him of blame completely, but the first turnover, Getsy had been scheming roll-outs where the tight end blocks every time. Except for THAT time. He schemed with no tight end, letting a  Nik Bonitto run in completely unblocked. Fields turns around and the guy's already on him. 


    The second turnover, you can obviously see there's miscommunication. Kmet thinks he's supposed to run one thing, Fields the other. That wasn't a bad throw. It was poor communication, so 50/50 probably. 


    And that's the frustrating thing. Fields may not be a good QB. Or he might be a really good one. And up to this point, it's difficult to figure out what exactly is the reason for his poor play. But the point being that you cannot possibly pin that on him solely when the whole team looks LOUSY. NO ONE is playing well except for the three I mentioned.



  11. 7 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    Well, this is what I was taught in photography classes in college.

    "The word Photography literally means 'drawing with light', which derives from the Greek photo, meaning light and graph, meaning to draw."


    Right, and I do mention that in the article.


    AI has nothing to do with light.


    Drawings, etchings, paintings, photographs, and AI-generated art are separate things, the latter requiring the least amount of physical artistry aside from typing. And they all should be regarded as different.


    I have some good words for someone who creates AI-generated art in the article, at any rate! :D 

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