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Everything posted by miden

  1. TBH, Audio Chocolate does pretty much the same thing as CMI...inflated prices simply because no-one else has the product. Also, I think you guys are crazy paying all that shipping (near $400!!!)
  2. Good idea for the direct option Aspen. FWIW in Australia there would be no import duties or GST as it is under $1000. However there may possibly have to be further adjustment to the "discount for shipping" amount as it will cost around $200 to have it shipped...and that's bottom of the shipping service range! I am interested in getting one though, so I will try and find a way to contact you. If you could try and send me a PM to kick it off that would be appreciated. Although I am not sure PMs are working to my user account?? I mentioned it last year to the admins but I think it is still broken for me...
  3. Thanks Bob, H&E and AC. Pity.Shipping would cost the same as the purchase price. CMI (Korg Mackie Arturia Dean Markley et al) out here is always looking for new gear to import. Maybe he could try them?
  4. I have to repeat the question to Aspen (asked MANY pages ago)... Who is the Australian distributor please?
  5. As the maker is participating, I thought I would repost this question...I am aware of the makers spec sheet, I am just curious as to why Sweetwater have such a divergent set of figures edit for PS: Can you advise who will be the Australian distributors?
  6. Interesting that at Sweetwater the listing says 280w TriAmped, but in the specs further down I can only see 140w? http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Spacestation3/
  7. Thanks - I tried that setting btw, not bad at all
  8. DanL, I am just wondering if you have adjusted this at all since the post?
  9. Okay thanks - yep I can see those things would make a difference.
  10. Isn't the MOXF under $2k? And you don't think it compares, really?
  11. Thing I like about the MOXF8 though is the length - it is about the shortest 88 note W/S I have used (apart from controllers) - and it actually fits into the Gator extra large 76 note Roadcase!!
  12. Every reference I've seen to loading samples has been only in terms of triggering them from the 16 pads. I don't think this is going to be comparable to the MOXF's ability to load 512 mb or 1 gig of new sampled keyboard-playable sounds. and even then probs only a 20 second ( or less?) "soundbyte" per pad. The MOX definitely has the edge for adding further sound samples imo.
  13. Not out here even at 1300 pounds it is at least a third more than the moxf...but then having said that, street and RRP (US = MSRP) are always substantially different. Makes me think makers deliberately jack the RRP "KNOWING" the street price will be approx X to make them seem more "buyable"
  14. Pricing will be very important. Looks like the FA-08 will be considerably more than the MOXF8. Price I can find ( http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/namm-2014-roland-unveils-fa-08-and-fa-06-workstation-keyboards-591188 ) is 1529 pounds which is about $2900 AUD. You can get a MOXF 8 here for approx $1700 or 900 pounds
  15. Had a breakdown of my old modified(to hold an iPad as well as keys) Proel stand at yesterdays gig. I do have a K&M Spider (single) but I really had no way to mount an iPad to it, so it was left to gather dust in the corner..but the breakdown caused me to re-try a solution. I also have a Hercules iPad holder that attaches to a mic stand, but being basically lazy when it comes to setup/breakdown I abhor having to much to lug, so I never used it either really. However the Hercules also comes with a deskmount stand and with some out of the square thinking, I came up with a solution to mount the iPad to the K&M in what I reckon is a pretty neat and tidy config...pictures follow: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2819/11501177294_359af7c195_m.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3812/11501218876_6a4fdafcfa_m.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7394/11501177704_24e1a9d81a_m.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5502/11501178014_fef48f4615_m.jpg
  16. Tame Impala - just got given a heads-up by son (who also put me onto Muse and Arctic Monkeys)...these guys have some really interesting music away from the "lead" singles...
  17. If we were meant to run we would have four legs
  18. Here is a link to my first country tune... https://soundcloud.com/Miden-Entertainment the song is On Our Own As always thanks for listening, if you choose to do so Dennis PS: Have a listen perhaps while you are there to the other original tunes as well...opinions are welcome good or bad
  19. Thanks Brett - not me playing guitar - I WISH!!! And look, I have just had some advice from a really good m8 in the biz out here, and he reckons I am being stupid in posting these without any sort of protection..he was talking re some (ANY) sort of a writing deal. I told him that they were not at any sort of pro level, but he maintained that was not the point. As I said he really knows his stuff, and I tend to follow his advice no matter how silly I think it is. Again my apologies for having to remove the original tunes...I stress they ARE my original work and the removal is not because of anything other than the above.
  20. Removed on advice. Sorry folks, on the advice of a good m8 in the biz, I am removing these from public view. He reckons it is too dangerous to post publicly without a writing deal somewhere. Sincere apologies. These ARE my songs, but this guy really knows his stuff. Dennis
  21. Thanks Brett - I thought the Late Again song was a bit more "up", oh well Yes 9/8 on Melissa. The cadence in the melody line just sorta kinda "fell" into it, in a manner of speaking. I also do a version that is "straight" She (the subject) is still being subjected to domestic shit, but like many, just cannot seem to walk away. She has been with the partner since early high school, although he is some years older. Anyway m8, again my thanks for taking the time to listen and more especially for taking the time to write your thoughts I appreciate it. Dennis
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