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Everything posted by niacin

  1. I expect it will be a Fatar TP8O, so same as the Compact but reports here suggest the Hammond isn't quite so tightly sprung, but I'd be happy to be wrong, I'd like a lighter more Hammond-like key action, even for AP/EP. Hopefully you can also set the minimum Leslie tremolo speed below the limit on the SK1/2/X, there's more than a few comments including mine about it being a tad too fast. I haven't heard/played an XK-5 so I can't comment on the newer Leslie fx.
  2. I had that happen but the singer was the offender. Tribute band set but she decides to do the ballad with just guitar. As a hired gun I'd normally not give it a second thought, but it was a late change and I was really pleased with the synth patch I'd programmed to play the original (fat, warm OB saw pad that sounded gorgeous imho). If it had been a regular covers band looking for a keyboard player they'd have found themselves still looking.
  3. Disagree. I can't see any cut corners here, they appear to have thrown everything into this, right down to an internal power supply which the other SK units don't have, the only compromise being front panel real estate choices, with the larger screen making up for it. I'd bet mono synth was a conscious choice, and it has far more performance controls than a Nord Stage synth. It will compete with the Nord Stage Compact with a price point to match.
  4. Very happy to have been wrong about this. Looks like H-S decided to throw everything at it. I can see the price point will be Nord Stage territory though. There's an auxiliary input, yay. The effects look to be straight out of the SK1/2/X, so 2 multi effects blocks to send your various voices through. The 'harpsi' button is a head scratcher given the shortage of panel real estate, I'd have gone for 'tine' and 'reed'. Just waiting for them to release the video of Jim putting it through its paces. Need to hear a much better demo of that mono synth.
  5. Colour me skeptical, but I see no reason to believe it's anything other than an SK1 with wheels, a mono synth and a larger LCD to put the stuff that's disappeared from the front panel, and I'm a little worried as to where they've put the effects controls that are on the right hand end of the panel on the SK1/2/X, but if the mono synth is the business I'm probably in regardless.
  6. Well spotted. I'd glossed over calibration in the manual. The biggest problem I have with drawbars is getting them to go to zero, half the time I end up qith one LED on and can't get rid of it so you continue to hear the drawbar. I'll try calibration on the weekend.
  7. Hey, I did see it, I haven't tried it as the Vox touch strips just don't make great drawbars (they're way too innacurate), but when I have time I'll reprogramme the drawbar CC#s on the HX3 to match the Vox strips and see what happens when I change presets, probably get to it next weekend. I actually got a chance to try B-3X (iPad) on a Vox. The Vox does not do the nice YC61 trick of sending its drawbar data out when calling up a saved organ regsitration. You can probably get around that by programming the same patch into, for example Vox Scene #1 and B3X preset #1 (i.e. both are associated with Program Change = 0), but it would mean programming in every saved regsitration twice (once into each saved device), assuming you want to use the Vox's frontpanel buttons to recall B-3X (or, presumably, HX3) patches. There's also no Vox buttons you can repurpose to do things like turn Percussion on and off. For B-3X, you can put the iPad on the front panel, and use the on-screen controls for percussion, not too bad, but that won't help for HX3. You'll also have to deal with how to get the audio where you want it, since the Vox does not have an audio input. So yeah, the YC61 looks like a much better controller for an external organ source. But Vox is at least usable, with a bit of effort, if you prefer the Vox for its action, or its 73 keys, or its EPs, whatever. As an aside, the Vox I tried this with seemed to have more finicky touchstrips than the earlier one I played. I had a heckuva time trying to get the first drawstrip to 6. I'd keep tapping 6, and it would usually end up at 5, or sometimes 7. It was very hesitant to lock into that 6! Has anyone else here experienced that kind of thing? I'm glad you got to check this out, but yes when I said I wouldn't use it for drawbars live I wasn't kidding, more often than not it takes more than one go to get the right setting on any given strip, whether you tap or slide or what doesn't seem to matter.
  8. Looks like an SK1 with a bigger screen and a mono synth that does a credible impersonation of R2-D2. The drawbars will be off to the top left just out of camera shot, hopefully along with pitch and mod wheels. I'd love for them to have nailed the Hammond+VA that would make a perfect board to put over a slab piano, but that's a pretty wacked out demo. Just play me a sawtooth lead already.
  9. Actually now I'm wondering what amp you're running it through? And you'll take a powered speaker for the Mojo?
  10. Looking forward to your review, but in the meantime had a look at Youtube and found these 2 which sound way better than the earlier vids: [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  11. But kind of like this below one better, but out of stock. Contacted supply and they say will be in stock around May 2021. Anyone have this one? Need 33" width for organ pedals. Thoughts? https://geekstands.com/products/2-tier-keyboard-stand This is very similar: stand: https://www.k-m.de/en/products/keyboard-stands/keyboard-tables/18953-table-style-stage-piano-stand-black?c=171 2nd tier: https://www.k-m.de/en/products/keyboard-stands/keyboard-tables/18952-stacker-black?c=171
  12. The TP8 Organ is in the SK1 and the Nord Stage Compact for which there are coin measurements above.. I know I'm not the only one around here who finds it too tightly sprung to make playing electric piano let alone piano a great experience. When it's well worn in it's better, but the actions in the Vox and the YC61 are far superior imo for playing piano sounds.
  13. Hey, I did see it, I haven't tried it as the Vox touch strips just don't make great drawbars (they're way too innacurate), but when I have time I'll reprogramme the drawbar CC#s on the HX3 to match the Vox strips and see what happens when I change presets, probably get to it next weekend.
  14. You know you can buy the HX3 drawbar expander ?: https://shop.keyboardpartner.de/epages/13705466.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/13705466/Products/hx3-dbe fwiw I prefer the Leslie and overdrive in the HX3 over the Vent II. I may yet pick up a MAG organ, but atm I have the HX3 hooked up to my YC61 and am pretty happy with that.
  15. Requirements: 37-49 note keyboard Will be used for bass and leads so monophonic is fine Aftertouch Aftertouch can be mapped to pitch bend LFO envelope has delay so e.g. can set vibrato with a delay before it kicks in Looking at Moog Subsequent 37. Any alternatives I should consider? Thanks in advance.
  16. Gravity adds weight. I noticed when I added enough to drop the key, sometimes I could lift it and it would stay above the bottom. And I noticed that when I added to start movement, I could raise the key up and it would stay un-depressed sometimes. So I tried to be sure I really had the amount of weight required without "piling". I was surprised also that the amount really did vary between some keys. I'd guess two coins at times, but often 1 coin. It would be very nice to get a spread sheet going with all the boards, adding travel from top to bottom, and another coin measurement at the top of the key. Then we would really start to see some variations. By these numbers the B3 looks identical to C2x, but the pivot is way longer on the B3, so you know the top of the key (closest to sheet music) will be softer than the C2x. I'll try that. The B3 keys are pretty short too. So maybe that kind of comparison should be EG 5" in from outside, regardless of total length. Thx, I understand now what you did. And yeh the YC61 especially was hard to pin down, could have been 6 to get it moving, could have been 8. The Vox was very consistent. Given your acoustic piano came up way under your Hammond I'm now not sure how useful these figures are. But thanks for adding them, I am considering picking up a Numa Compact 2X so I have an 88 when I need one, and I'll have to order it in without trying it so any information is most welcome.
  17. Thx, though I'm not sure I understand your method, I just piled coin after another on the front end of a key until the key moved (first number) and then until the key reached the bottom (2nd number).
  18. The Vent is an optional extra on MAG organs.
  19. I'm in US, so aussie coinage is scarce....but I have a 2X, what coins should I use? I have a 1960 RT3 also (B3 keyboard). Nickels.....sounds dangerous Nickels, thx
  20. Added the SK1 - AU$2 coins: Yamaha YC61 - 7 coins to get the key moving, 13 to hit bottom (compared to 8/15 nickels). Korg Vox Continental - 8 coins to get the key moving, 10 to hit bottom. Hammond SK1 - 9 coins to get the key moving, more than 15 to hit bottom (I ran out of coins), presumably something approaching the Nord Stage Compact I should note that the SK1 and the Vox have seen more than a few gigs and rehearsals while the Yamaha is quite new. I'd be curious to know how the Numa Stage Compact 2/2X compares.
  21. Hammond SK1. There are a few of us here doing that. The Vox organ is imo it's weakest suit thus the Hammond pairing. But I bought a second Vox and for some gigs where my Hammond needs are limited will use two Voxs. I tried it with a YC61 on top but, as many have noted, the YC Leslie just doesn't cut the mustard. I've paired up the YC with my HX3 and it's f#^king great, but if I'm carrying 2 boards as well then it's just getting too much to be adding a module. So my options are: Hammond SK1 / Vox - covers gigs Vox / Vox - R&B trio where I want a bass / EP split on the bottom, synths with fx including tap tempo delay, strings or occasional Hammond on top Yamaha YC61 + HX3 - blues gigs, one board, easy lug for festival gigs, easy set up as the HX3 audio runs back into the YC61, killer Hammond sound SK2 - jazz & funk gigs It is nice to have reached a point in my life when I can afford to have options.
  22. AU$2 coins: YC61 - 7 coins to get the key moving, 13 to hit bottom (compared to 8/15 nickels). Vox - 8 coins to get the key moving, 10 to hit bottom. They're very different actions but both give you a good amount of dynamic control. I find the Vox feels more piano-like. It feels far less like you're pushing a spring. I get the sense of weights if not hammers. I suspect it's light springs and small weights under the key. The Yamaha feels quite tightly sprung but then there's a point where some sort of escapement kicks in and the tension disappears altogether.
  23. Brass #3 is a proper sforzando and you can adjust the crescendo time with the second LED strip. I use #1 or #3 when I need brass, they both play as well as any rompler brass section I've heard. You can adjust the reverb time by turning the REVERB knob while holding the REVERB button.
  24. Both keyboards are in the first instance marketed as tonewheel or transistor organ simulations, so no they're not fundamental: an organ has neither aftertouch nor pitch/mod wheels. Maybe you're just not the target market? And if you think you are, well there's the Nord Stage Compact, for nearly twice the money.
  25. Cool. That's how the Nord Stage works, too. So even just 4 scenes, then, gives you quick access to 16 sounds (4 organ sounds, 4 piano sounds, 4 EP sounds, 4 other sounds), i.e. if you're someone who typically plays just one sound at a time. yes, but it also saves the split point, so you can pull layers and splits on the fly too without having to press too many buttons, I've used this quite a bit.
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