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Dave Bryce

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Everything posted by Dave Bryce

  1. That wouldn't be pretty... http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/beat.gif dB
  2. +1 Ehhhhh...I can't say I'd mind if that thread stayed buried. It's full of epic fail to be sure...but as someone who works in the MI industry, it was amazingly painful to watch that guy commit professional suicide. dB
  3. By request, this sticky is here to recognize those which are considered the all time classic threads here at KC. Not only are they all entertaining reads, but if we don't bump them every year or so, they will fall beneath the ability of the search engine to find them again (it has a limit of 2 years). Here then, your honorees: == "So what chord is this?" Dave Bryce, I need some advice Trombone players rule! Playing a gig in 2 dayz i need acurate tab for Van Halen - I'll Wait Goin' to West Virginia To Get Me ... Starting Trouble Looking for a Keyboard Player Craziest thing ever said to you at a gig Organist Ricky Peterson setting question == Now accepting other nominations... dB
  4. Welcome to the KC, brother Marc...looking forward to seeing you at the forum dinner next week! dB
  5. Damn...that sounds awful! Unusual gig experience to be sure... Glad to hear you weren't hurt, brother Aidan! dB
  6. No worries, brother Augerinn...those of us who also hang on KSS know you. You're more than welcome here... dB
  7. Discussing specific pricing/talking about specific retailers We request that members not post about any specific retailer in regards to pricing of gear/great deals they got, etc. Here's why: in the early days of the forum, music store sales guys would come on here trolling for sales...some of them would even stoop so low as to pretend to be just another end user who just wanted to share the news about this cool store they bought their gear at, or some wonderful salesguy that they thought all of us should know about... Consequently, we try and keep info about specific pricing/retailers off the boards. dB
  8. Really nice, brother Mike. Always a pleasure to listen to your work.... dB
  9. Woo-hoo! My record is done. I did a bunch of remixing last week, then went down to Paramount and had the project mastered by Bill Dooley. The final versions are all posted here. Still waiting on the art work before I can have them duplicated - the art on the site is only temporary. Thanks so much to all of you for your comments and suggestions along the way - I hope you like the final result! dB
  10. The arrangement is great, Linwood...I love the way the flutes and strings combine - makes me want to write a synth patch with a flute attack over strings. Agree about the harp being up a touch. The strings in general need something to make them sound a bit more natural - not sure exactly what it is, though...maybe Cygnus is right that they need to be wider - gauging from his work, the brother definitely has an ear for string arranging.. dB
  11. Thanks, Alfonso... Re: the fx on John's voice: I've tried all kinds of things - you don't even wanna know - but your suggestion is interesting for sure. I actually did something like that on the version of Reeling in the Years I just did, except I ran the doubled vocals through a fuzz sat plug in... Re: the lead guitar - the clean DI'd signal is actually bled into the other channel a bit - you can hear it when he twangs the strings. I like the dimension that adds when I knocked the sound off center - it wasn't available otherwise...plus, I kinda like that vintage off to the side thing. I did it with bass and drums on a couple of the other tunes - very interesting to get a balanced mix when you do that. I will try hitting it with the 2 band shelf though, and see what that does. Thank you for the feedback! dB
  12. Heh...do you remember which (if any) songs had a track switch in the middle of it? Thanks, Linwood! Record is almost done - I'm supposed to have it mastered at the end of the month. dB
  13. Nice piece, Jon...very well woven. Tasteful sound selection and playing on the keys, and really nice bass work. dB
  14. Just posted a pretty rocking mix of Sympathy For The Devil, which will most probably be the last tune on the covers CD. The band is Marilyn's Last Supper, the jam band I've been playing with for years...but I got my buddy Stu Kimball to play the leads. Stu and I played together in a band in Boston many years ago, but he's stepped up from that a tad - he currently plays guitar with Bob Dylan. He recorded the parts at Michael Wagener's studio in Nashville. I'm pretty happy with this mix, but would welcome any feedback - it's really hard to be objective about tunes when you're really close to them.
  15. ....and the cover tunes just keep on coming... This one's a fun version of the McCartney/Wings tune Venus and Mars/Rock Show. I'm feeling pretty good about the mix, but would love some feedback... TIA, dB
  16. I've done that in the past with horns - trumpet from he Kurz, trombone from the Proteus, sax from the Korg, another sax from the Roland, etc. Definitely makes a difference, IMO. dB
  17. I have the score of Saint-Saens' Danse Macabre with that in mind. I had to enter almost all of the score for a production of the Sondheim show Company a few years back (six live musicians, all the rest me sequenced on Kurzweils) and had the best time doing it, so I look forward to digging into another one soon. dB
  18. Outstanding work! I love the mix of traditional instrumentation with modern sounds - excellent choices. Instruments used? dB
  19. Yeah, it is. We also tracked Brandy (You're a Fine Girl), which still needs a bit of work IMO. The three tunes should make a nice demo, and I'm obviously delighted to be able to include them on the covers records I'm working on. I would, too. dB
  20. Thanks, Linwood! These will also be used as demos for the band, so I had to do them pretty straight. As far as what goes on the record, I may leave them alone (probably will, as far as Make Me Smile) but I may do some alternate treatments to them as well just to see where the muse takes me. dB
  21. Two more from the covers project - this time, a pair of classic horn band pop tunes featuring one of the bands I play with (The Barracuda Brothers). Make Me Smile Vehicle Any feedback is welcome... dB
  22. I don't know what's worse - your reference or the fact that I know who he is. Nice work, as always... dB
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