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Everything posted by linwood

  1. Fantastic, Cygnus64!! I'd love to be able to spend some time with you and learn a thing or two.
  2. They do sound good. I'd go hear you guys and have a few, possibly several. I love that stuff. I'll bet recording those tunes are a blast, as well. To bad we don't do the covers comps any more. I'd be down for a '60's/ '70's disc.
  3. Yo, db. I felt like you today. This guy wanted something like solsbury and he loves phil collins.That's the direction. I usually tell them I can't do phil collins, but I "can" do bill cullen. Anywho...I think I better stop postin' stuff for a while. I might be wearin' out my welcome. wood
  4. Thanks, db. That tune has a bit of a corn factor, but I still enjoy doing it. And you know, with all the bass samples I have, I still go back to that mini moog for the low end. It's so easy to dial up something I like and it holds the low end so nice. I'll never get rid of it. That tune you did, In the Cage....man that's an undertaking. Great job on that. If I were to offer any advise at all, and it all so very subjective, would be to take all the drums and buss them to an aux and put something like the MD3 on that aux. Then you've got a nice tight stereo mix of all the drums. Kind of like we use to do with a dominator across the drums. Get the drums slammin'. Push up the bass fader, but listen to the kik. Then push up the vocal, and then start to balance everything else with that drum/bass/vox mix. I feel like I'm sayin' more cowbell. It's easy for me to say, but hard for me to do,too....get the drums sounding huge and focused. Aren't you sorry you asked? That must have taken some time to do. Lot's going on there. Killer job!! and a side note...I'm probably the worst guy to get mix advise from. I've been living in jingleville for so long, I have no idea what's going on.
  5. David, you're kickin' ass, bro. Love your stuff!
  6. Here's one I did this week for a local " strip entertainer." It's an orig. tune that he wrote and he wanted a demo of it. rhodes - motif bass - mini moog drums - stylus strings - vsl appass. main pad synth - omega 8 little synth stuff - virus hit it
  7. Nice, db!! I always dug that tune and you guys did a good job of it. I've still got Beatlemania and those tunes still do it for me. I think it'll always be my favorite music. I've been meaning to ask you; what's your take on ocean way drums?
  8. Thanks, bro. Yea, sometimes you have to get creative with bar lines and measures. You're watching the real time go by and all the time thinking how am I gonna slice the :60 into 10's, 15's, and 30's when I'm done and still have it make sense. Oh well, on to the next 3 that I'm doing tomorrow.
  9. I haven't posted any jing in a while, so here goes. I did this today for a lady who owns a baby / maternity shop and it's named after her little girl who passed away at a very young age. Sad,... I know. The task is to write/produce something right now, slow, soft, and hopefully beautiful for them, as that's the direction you're given and here are the lyrics that you must write the melody with. Cathi always does the melody justice. Anywho...it is what it is. XXXXX XXXXX Baby & Maternity Boutique When mom-to-be makes a wish XXXXX XXXXX is on her list! Theres so many things to see Youll find everything you need From pamper-me maternity to infant gifts and childrens things XXXXX XXXXX Baby & Maternity Boutique strings - vsl appass perc, harp, & woods - ewqlso bass - mini moog drums - stylus rhodes - scarbee piano - ivory hit me band
  10. Welcome, Leon. Man, you're something else. Love hearing you do what you do.
  11. Dave, it's always such a pleasure. Thanks for posting that.
  12. Oh shit, that scared me when I read that. I had to go look at page 3 to see what kind of bad advice I might have given. Looks like I was in some sort of poly chord thing Eb/Db..C/Dm..Dm/Eb Nice job seacow and welcome to the Corner. Man that's the bravest first post I've ever seen. Well done! You'll fit in perfectly around here. I like what you did with Misty. We've got some real pros around here when it comes to reharms....Ferris,SK,cnegrad,marino,piano4u, horne, just to name a few. This has been a great thread. Thanks for kickin' it back to the front.
  13. Thanks for that. Just hit the dl on itunes.
  14. I ordered it a couple months ago and it showed up yesterday. I listened to it nonstop for maybe 6 hours, went out to dinner, came back, and under the headphones I went. Didn't get a thing done. Claus is a bad dude and Danilo does a great job with the music. Some moments of greatness on there, for sure. Yea, Lazy Afternoon...how smart is that?!
  15. A little OT, but....anyone else listen to the new Danilo Perez/ Claus Ogerman cd. Wonderful stuff there. Pick it up.
  16. Yea db, the vocoder doesn't bug me either, but as I type I've got The Geeks were Right playing so I might be influenced and weak. ( I lucky my son turns me on to that stuff or it might slip by me.) David R...you're smokin', as always!
  17. That was great! As usual, I really like how you handle vocals. The performance and attitude always comes across in your work. Love the synth in the front. Another thing that really struck me was how well you used the center channel. Lotta stuff using it, yet I can hear everything that's placed there and I dig it.
  18. wmp, that story reminds me of one from my past. When I was maybe 20 or so I was dating a girl who had a step father very much like this guys wife. When he would drink, he'd get mean. Really mean. One day he was so blasted and mad that he took a bunsen burner and torched her mother pretty bad. When the cops got to the house he told them that she tried to commit suicide by jumpin' in the fireplace. That's drunk.
  19. Very nice, as always, Dave's Horne and Ferris. Wonderful. I couldn't get just the way you are to load. I'll try that link again later today. Lookin' forward to it, leberwurst.
  20. Yea kanker, it's always nice to hear/see you play. Good stuff. keep it comin'.
  21. Reeling was great, db. One of my all time fav tunes. I always liked covering that and My Old School. You know what I really grabbed my attention with yours?....the background vocals, of all things. That's a killer hook anyway, but the way you guys sang it was great. Just sounded like everyone knows how to sing parts together. As soon as I heard Laura's vocal, my jingleness went, "that's a money voice." She's perfect for a lot of things. Hey, and what can you say about Nick. He's just a bad dude. It was funny to see his name. I had a good buddy over for dinner last Sunday. He's a drummer and we played together in the '70's. He's been playing in Nashville for years now and has been working for Ronnie Milsap for the past 15. Rodney can play anything and he "is" drums. That night at dinner we talked shop and the conversation went to Spock's Beard and Nick. Great player and again, great job on the tune.
  22. Yea, MuMajor, very nice stuff. keep 'em coming, brother!! We probably are a little nuts, but hey man, I'm just happy people are calling me to do anything. Like they say, "work's a blessing."
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