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Why do you play guitar?


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Dad played drums.


Momma didn't want a drum set in the house.


I was basically a gawky, small, unco-ordinated kid that didn't fit into any clique at school. It's amazing what happens when you carry that guitar case into high school the first time.


I remember seeing a bunch of guys play "She Sells Sanctuary" at a "Talent Show" in the school and thinking "I wanna do that."


Stopped playing a t a bad time in my life, picking it up again turned me around. I can't think of my life without music now. My band is my second family. We celebrate our triumphs together and share each others' troubles.


I'm gettin' weepy, but you asked ;)


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I did start playing guitar thinking I was going to get girls out of it - and it never happened! But I did marry a beautiful lady 18 years ago who is still with me - IN SPITE OF THE GUITAR! My instruments are her rivals, and she threatens at times to "wring their necks".


I play because I love to play, but even more so because it's so much fun to play with other people - especially when there's interplay and musical dialogue onstage! Playing solo pieces just ain't the same for me!


A famous fingerstyle guitarist I know wrote me once and said, "there are so many ways to enjoy music... be glad you're not a solo guy!"

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Originally posted by Pappadopalus:

I play guitar for the same reason I breath.

That says it all. Because after doing it for 40 years I can't imagine not doing it.


I don't think anyone has mentioned the comeraderie of being in a band. The special connection that occurs when you make music with other people.

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...because it's fun.

Like sex , it's not always good, or always appropriate or always on time and co-incidal, even when it's not the best it's always fun.

Of course this is in the context of playing with other musicians-there are those metaphysical moments when yer just plugged in to that "eternal song" and rhythm and synchopation and melody all fall into place.....solo isn't as much fun.


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I took it up about 4 months ago, well 2 years ago, then stopped, and started again. I have always wanted to play guitar since I was a kid. The Beatles were the first band I followed and I find myself playing mainly Beatle songs now becasue the melodies are fairly simple and I can play them, and hey, I still like them too. I play for fun. It's a hobby. Like golf, I see that I will always be learning new things and trying to get better at it. But at 45, I have learned that getting there isn't half the fun, it's all the fun! So, I am enjoying the ride and taking my time :-) I figure in another couple of years I will be able to play decent... well, let's hope so anyway LOL.
"I hate music--especially when it's played" Jimmy Durante
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My older brother got a guitar before me, practised a lot and became a musician. We shared a room so I must have absorbed a lot from him. And you can't beat good old sibling rivalry; one day - it might take till I'm ninety - I'm going to outplay that s.o.b.!

By the by Phil_Harmonic, Jimmy Durante probably did say that line you've quoted, seems like something he'd say; but he was actually a great musician and a fantastic song interpreter IMHO

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I originally wanted to play drums-The Beatles were my 1st influence....and no way was mom gonna allow a drumset in the house-so guitar became my 2nd choice-and has become my main instrument tho I do have a lot of experience playing bass,and I noodle with mandolin here & there.

So some of you guys picked it up to help you get girls,eh? So I'll ask this of the female players: did any of you pick up the guitar thinking it would "get the guys?"

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for the GIRLS of course!! :rolleyes::D


come to think of it, I HAVE a girl, so I better think of another reason for playing, before I get into trouble :eek:

- due to recent cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been SWITCHED OFF
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Well, for me it was therapy...sort of a road to recovery. I started when I was about 12 or so...when my problems first started to surface. I had a bunch of them. I threw up a lot, I had a serious mean streak, I was ugly and smelled pretty bad. I wasn't a pleasant person to be introduced to. You could smell me several feet away and people would retch as soon as they looked at me. Instead of shaking your hand, I would throw up on you and punch you.


Nah...I was making that up. I play because it's just what I do....I don't really know why. I love it and that's enough. But I am ugly and I do have a mean streak..

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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