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~ Why Aren�t You a Better Guitarist? ~

Tom Hess

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Tom, its sounds like your are knowledgable about the guitar and would have plenty to contribute to our forum here. But this forum isn't like most, it is almost like a bunch of freinds that like to hang out and talk shop. If you and your buddies were sitting around the living room talking about guitars while having a beer, you wouldn't want someone that sounds like a salesman to come in and pitch his wares.


That being said, I am sure your opinions would be welcome here. I am sure alot of thought went into your post. But nevertheless it is kind of spammy. But stick around, we would be glad to have you as a member of our group.


I do agree with you about the best way to get better is to spend the time and practice. I have lots of friends that tell me they wished they played guitar, or played better. I always tell them, that you could do quite well if you devoted as little as one hour a day to practice. I am usually met with a blank stare at this suggestion. Except for a few people, I don't see how they could not find that amount of time if they really wanted to.

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Originally posted by LPCustom:

I just heard from my father that the piece of shit drunk driver that killed my sister 27 years ago just got arrested for killing his fourth victim.

WHAAAAT???? That's dreadful, how can this sort of shit happen? When the hell will it stop? I'm really sorry to hear it.
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Originally posted by LPCustom:

Sorry to come off like an ass. That's out of character for me. (no, really, it is :rolleyes: )


I just heard from my father that the piece of shit drunk driver that killed my sister 27 years ago just got arrested for killing his fourth victim. Why they can't just execute this arsehole is beyond me. I'd gladly pull the switch myself.

Sorry to take it out on you, Tom.

That is totally outrageous.

Three strikes you`re out-what a joke.

The creep should have been out after the first.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I checked out your site a bit more and it does have some good stuff. You definitely have some nice chops. More importantly to me though, you seem to have a really awesome rhythm section behind you.


Two suggestions for your site: What equipment do you use/own? From the pics it looks like you mostly use a Carvin (I'm going to get one).


Also, since you're studied music in college, I'm interested in where you went, what you studied, your degree(s).


If this stuff is already there and I'm just blind, just point me to the correct links.



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To LP Custom: sorry to hear about the drunk driver situation. I'm glad I learned my lesson by a fender bender, reflecting that it could just as easily been a serious accident, and I could also have lost my license!


To Tom, welcome. As far as trying to play too many styles (and too many instruments), I am guilty as charged. Trouble is, I love ALL of it! But if I'm going to play on stage, whatever is actually going to be heard by an audience takes priority. As a matter of common sense; and if I lack common sense, my bandmates have never been shy about REMINDING me! Blue meanies that they are.....

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OK Hess I'm sold! But rather than sign up immediately for the How to Be a Successful Guitarist package I'd like to start with the How To Get Rich package. Presumably that's the one that teaches me how to start up my own How To Become a Successful Guitarist etc etc

I have complete and utter faith in you and your snakeoil. So don't DELAY. SEND NOW!

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thanks. About gear, yes my main guitars are all Carvins. I have others but like Carvins the best. They are great (and totally under priced!)


I went to Harper College in illinois. Studied general music there, once I graduated I attended Roosevelt University in Chicago and earned my music composition degree there. Both were great schools in very different ways. This info is at at the HESS band site www.hess.4t.com


To Eric: If you truly love all styles then certainly there is nothing wrong with playing/learning all of them - it will just take some serious time, but that is ok.


To Philemec: Your post doesn't deserve a reply from me, but have a nice day anyway!

~ Tom Hess ~


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@Tom Hess


Have you checked out the Roll Call thread? Or have you signed up there?


As Lee (Ellwood) stated in an early post, there are a lot of very experienced guitar players here. I and some of the others have been playing for over 30 years.


From 1981 until this year I have been a paid musician starting off in a couple of bands and moving to doing sessions for the last 11 years.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that while you could probably contribute a good bit of useful information to the members on this site, don't forget that there are probably more than a few people here who could teach you a few things. I know I've learned some useful stuff here.


Having said that, I don't know anyone here who just comes to talk shop. Sure guitar related chat is what this is forum about. But we talk about aspects other than just playing the guitar. We talk about our gear, our likes, our dislikes and to get and give advice from and to other members.


If you just want to talk shop, you might be disappointed with the forum. The main reason most of us come here is just to socialize. But it's a give and take environment. Most of us here make no assumptions about the skills of other members unless they make it obvious they are "full of it".


I guess what I'm trying to say is, lighten up. People here will accept for what you are and by what you contribute. As one of the people here who is guilty of long posts on occasion. I must say that in general long posts (like this one) are frowned on. But they are tolerated well if they provide what is perceived to be useful information.


I think you will get better responses if you pare down your posts and make them narrower in scope. It's hard to write a short response to a very long post. A short response makes it appear that you didn't bother to read the initial post.


I know I didn't make a good first impression. There's really no excuse for that. My apologies.


Anyway, again, welcome to the forum. And, if you haven't, check in at Roll Call. Get to know us a little better. You might actually come to like some of us. (Kryten from Red Dwarf: You'll like them. Well, some of them. Well, one of them. Maybe. :D )

Born on the Bayou


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Looks like you've been told off enough and made amends so I will refrain from further public castration. Welcome to the forum Tom. Looks like you could be very helpful here, I hope you choose to stick around.


Lp I'm so sorry. Nothing pisses me off more then drunk driving. What's up with these idiots who continue to drive drunk regardless of how many people they hurt?

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Why Arent You a Better Guitarist?


'cuz I'm a lazy, ADD-aflicted bastard who gets frustrated too easily and who has suffered multiple injuries from over-practicing. A lack of "talent" may be another big factor.


That was a good read.

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


My MySpace Space

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Why Arent You a Better Guitarist? Oh, but I am! :)


I believe I am (hopefully) improving every year. This is due, at least in part, to all of the good info I got from various sites on the net. For instance, my tone improved immensely from hanging out at an amp builders site, where I learned about minute details on all parts of the signal chain (not just amplifiers). I also picked up so much good info from the various musicplayer forums: thanks to all of you! :thu:


I remember coming across Tom's articles some years ago: some very good advice there (thanks Tom).


So some people might get a profit from their readers who might lurk around their site and like the free info so much that they decide to invest some more into that fountain of knowledge? I say cool! Good for them!


Now there is a fine balance between offering free info and plugging the not-so-free material: I am aware of the tactics and, if the free info stands on its own, it doesn't bother me much.


Tom: welcome to the forum and please contribute some more, your knowledge is appreciated!



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I read some stuff off your website: I totally agree on that 'one skill' we need the most and most guitarists (including me) seem to lack: a good ear!


Off to work on it!

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


My MySpace Space

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Hey Philemec,


if you don't like my style of writing, don't read it. Why "waste your time" if you choose to believe there is nothing positive for you in them. To me its like having 500 chanells to watch on your TV, you find a channel that you don't like and then watch it anyway complaining about it, seems like a waste of your time, all you need to do is change the channel bro.

~ Tom Hess ~


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As I understand it you like feedback, but only if it's positive.On a discussion forum you have to accept that there may be those who have different points of view, like it or not.

My point is that you have a style that seems to borrow in equal parts from Amway and Anthony Robbins. In some people's view this may actually be a good thing.

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Originally posted by Philemec:

My point is that you have a style that seems to borrow in equal parts from Amway and Anthony Robbins.



This is actually funny.


Don't get me wrong, Tom. I definitely think you have something to offer, but I guess someone got ticked off by the slightly spammish-like first post.


I haven't listened to your stuff yet but to me it is obvious you're legit. [i hope] I'll be seeing you around... :thu:

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


My MySpace Space

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Hey Philemec, I have no problem with feedback that is not all positve, your last post was fine, it was an earlier one that I felt you were out of line with. Not because it was negative, because you were attempting to attack my integrity. About the Tony Robbins thing. What's wrong with Tony Robbins (or others like him)? The guy is great and has done more to help people in the US than besides perhaps Oprah. My email inbox was flooded this week with people thanking me for this article which was posted here and other places. Actually several people from this forum emailed me instead of posting on this thread from fear of being attacked themselves by you (and others like you) for supporting my post.


Who cares if it seems to you that my style borrows from someone else? All people do that to some extent. You write in cliches too - we all do at times, so big deal. The point here is whether people choose to get something positive out of my words or not. I don't get why you seem so hostile.


If you think you have better ideas than mine, great, please share them with everyone (maybe you have somewhere else on this forum - I don't know) But why try to tear down someone you don't even know who is trying to add value for others. You can see that I'm still here. If my only intent was what you say it is, I wouldn't still be here.

~ Tom Hess ~


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I think Philemec, and perhaps some others feel that your approach is a tad aggressive. You are a legitimate virtuoso, with awesome chops and a wealth of knowledge. But at times your message has that "fire and brimstone" preach to it that can be polarizing.


I don't think anyone here doubts that your intensions are good, or that you're the real deal, but I truly believe that a less authoritarian stance will garner you more support. Let's get mellllow! :)

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Originally posted by Philemec:

As a to my first reply, the one you didn't like - well there is actually a Get Rich Scheme of some sort advertised on your website.Open slather to a self confessed lazy creative writing wannabe.

Okay, I am not taking sides, and this is is with all due respect to any of you whether it is you or Tom; but that is an ad hominem attack.


Either one of you two could've done it first, but it doesn't matter who drew first blood, or who gets the last lick in.


We have to try our best to see eye to eye, and when things start getting hot, let it go.

Ad hominem attacks lead to division and a decrease in productivity.

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