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OT: Post nasal drip. Solutions?

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Chip and all: Both the honey treatment and the NasalCrom are long-term type things, they will NOT provide immediate relief. And, one of the reasons I like NasalCrom is because it's NOT a steroid. I used to use FloNase but NasalCrom is just as effective, is available over the counter, is a bit cheaper and is non steroidal. Also, what Chip has isn't necessarily sinus infection at all. I get the kind of symptoms he does quite often in the spring (at least until the past couple of years when I started on the preventive thing), and it does go away without antibiotics. So I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about that. There were times when I was certain I had sinusitis or even the flu because my seasonal allergies were so bad, only to find that allergy medicine knocked it out just fine.
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Look Dr.Flier. Don't tell me what my patient does or doesn't have. I've seen these exact same symptoms over and over and while your Nasalcrap may provide some relief, it is by no means a panacea. I firmly believe that Chip should go ahead and take the Zithromax pack in his freezer.
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Yep, I agree Dan. I don't like to take any kind of pharmaceuticals if I can help it. For the seasonal allergies, not real sure what else I can do about it though. You have NO IDEA what the pollens are like in the South, it's unreal. And of course, mostly artificial, because most of the pollens are from landscape plants. I think the honey combined with occasional use of a nasal spray is about the gentlest I can get. I haven't taken any pills at all. The trick is to start the preventative treatment before the pollens hit!
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OK.... Worked today, pretty certain I had a mild fever at one point, felt bad, then better. So to *me*, "no problem"... Only thing is, I get home and I'm still having pain swallowing..... This morning, coughed up a little bit of nasty green stuff. But I'm thinking "I should do my bacteriological duty, no antibiotics..." But tonight, I realize it hasn't really gotten any better - and I don't have the post nasal drip anymore, and I'm actually breathing quite freely. SO.... It's 10:30. Too late to call my student the kidney doctor. Too late for the other student the urgent care doc (sorta over done my welcome there IMO). I go to the local CVS around the corner. Ask the pharmacist "so, which one among this plethora of cough remedies should I take for a sore throat, having developed after a prolonged post nasal drip situation, that now is causing difficulty swallowing? Takes a quick look at the tonsils: "you need antibiotics".. Go through the "I have a $1,000 deductible" spiel, finally get around to asking "hey.. my old room mate left some Zithromax, July 02 expiration.." so he immediately says "yeah, that's perfect"... I asked him about only have the 4, he said do the first two and then the other two should be enough. Soooo... I know I risk reinfection and mutatating some bacteria by not having the last 2 days, but I'll have to risk it. A) I don't have $85 for a doctor's visit, another $50 for a quick strep test, THEN $75 for fresh azithromycin... B) I'm going to have to give the IRS an IOU as it is in a few days, very bad timing C) I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get diagnosed... I've had this for 2 days, saving 12 hours or more will make a difference I think. If I don't immediately respond I'll try to hit my student up for another Zpack. I'm cancelling lessons tomorrow so I don't infect anyone (that will cost me about $200 right there. Great.) I can't afford a $400 sore throat right now, I'm going to try to save some. Actually, I think I feel better just knowing I don't have to spend all of that money and spend 3+ hours sitting in a waiting room/doctor visit/prescription etc... That's sickening enough. I feel like I'm bailing on it by doing the antibiotics, but I this point I'm quite certain I have an infection and the pharmacist seemed quite impressed by the redness of my tonsils, so.... Thanks everyone, Casey, for your help. Huh. Just took this nasty tussin CF he suggested I take; guiafenesin, pseudoepehdrine, dextromorphan (which I think caused a panic attack when I took a cough tablet with it back when I had bronchitis in 2000..).. Feel weird. I hate this sensation, slight vague detachedness. BTW, I've tried Benadryl, after hearing 9 million people say they take it to get more sleep: doesn't make me sleepy at all, sort of agitated actually. I don't get the "fun" in drugs apparently. Frick I hate this sensation, very mild, probably no one notices but I HATE it. Oh well.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Hey Chip you realize pseudophedrine is a CNS(central nervous system) stimulant don't you? If you're taking that with benadryl it may counter act the benadryl. Pseudophedrine raises your heart beat and blood pressure and is similar chemically to the naturally occuring herb Ephedra. Pseudophedrine can also be used as one of the base drugs to make crystal methedrine, an amphetamine.
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I REPEAT . . . I REPEAT cough medicines are worthless. Go ahead and take the zithromax just like he said, you should be fine. If I had my full license I'd call in a script for you but as I don't, well, you'll have to make do. Give me a year. As for what we call the "curbside consult" most doctors expect to do some of that and I know I don't mind it now and then for friends and such. Hope you feel better. If you have a bonafide fever then it's not allergies. Casey
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]Hey Chip you realize pseudophedrine is a CNS(central nervous system) stimulant don't you? If you're taking that with benadryl [/b][/quote]No, I was just saying that in the past I've taken Benadryl and it didn't make me sleepy...

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by cg1155: [b]I REPEAT . . . I REPEAT cough medicines are worthless. Go ahead and take the zithromax just like he said, you should be fine. If I had my full license I'd call in a script for you but as I don't, well, you'll have to make do. Give me a year. As for what we call the "curbside consult" most doctors expect to do some of that and I know I don't mind it now and then for friends and such. Hope you feel better. If you have a bonafide fever then it's not allergies. Casey[/b][/quote]Thanks... Started to feel better about mid day. My throat more or less feels normal now, although I get off and on mild feverish spates. I have to say though, cough syrup - I used to never use them, but I think it helped a good bit. I don't know if it's the ephedrine or guafenesin, but soon after taking the stuff I find myself expectorating what must have been just sitting there building into the Gigantic Death Tonsolith... Man, I hate being ill. This is the first time in a long while, and it makes me mad because while I think vitamin C has seen me through all of the epidemics that have come through here in the past years, I had no solution for the post nasal drip situation. Snorting the salty water seemed to help a bit, but I don't like the "wake up with a sore throat" routine without any sort of preventative act involved.... What's the word around your residence about Claritin? I *thought* the one I took helped, but with all this crap I'm not sure now - I'm now thinking "did that cause a panic disorder with the swallowing sensation?", or some such... What a waste of time!!!!!

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I've posted elsewhere about what I think of the over the counter (OTC) Claritin but in a nutshell - it went OTC because their patent just expired. The new Alavert is the same drug. It has never been shown to be effective at the OTC dose, but if it works for you then great. At prescription doses Claritin and the other 2nd generation antihistamines like Zyrtec work great for everything but congestion. Some people say they still make them drowsy, but that might just be placebo effect. Glad you're feeling better. Casey
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This is somewhat related, but are you gargling with something like salt water or Listerine? That would help your throat out a bit. Sorry I didn't think of this earlier, but I was focused in on the post-nasal drip part.
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[quote]Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows: [b]This is somewhat related, but are you gargling with something like salt water or Listerine? That would help your throat out a bit. Sorry I didn't think of this earlier, but I was focused in on the post-nasal drip part.[/b][/quote]Yeah, I'd been doing salt water for awhile, but it seemed like it was antagonizing it more than anything else - but it was pretty bad, so maybe I should start back... Listerine tears my mouth up even when I'm not sick - I dunno about pouring alchohol across it if it's raw...? althought the menthol has a numbing effect I suppose... It seems to be getting better, it's just slllowwwww. There is stuff I could be doing right now that I can't because I know I'll feel run down shortly after I start, or the fear of making it worse ... ahg.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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For me...what usually makes me feel better is to run a tub full of water as hot as I can stand it, get into said tub...put my face under the hot water and massage my forehead, eyes, cheekbones...to loosen anything up. Then I get out and put Vicks on. Might not always work the best, but it does feel good.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Yep, I agree Dan. I don't like to take any kind of pharmaceuticals if I can help it. For the seasonal allergies, not real sure what else I can do about it though. You have NO IDEA what the pollens are like in the South, it's unreal. And of course, mostly artificial, because most of the pollens are from landscape plants. I think the honey combined with occasional use of a nasal spray is about the gentlest I can get. I haven't taken any pills at all. The trick is to start the preventative treatment before the pollens hit![/b][/quote]I've read about natural therapies (including but not limited to accupuncture) that build the immune system to the point where it no longer responds to certain allergens, but I have no first hand experience with these. Air filters may help. Replacing or deep cleaning carpets, staying indoors as much as possible during troublesome weeks, etc. might help a bit. I find that gently cleansing the nasal passages with water daily helps a great deal. Dr. Weil has additional suggestions on his web site.

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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b] Air filters may help. [/b][/quote]Yeah, I bought a $30 Filtrete micro filter Friday after it became apparent "things suck"... The pollen thursday and friday was unreal. I was driving down Washington rd. in front of the National (golf course), a gust of wind came up and blew a *cloud* of pollen off the trees bordering the edge of the course - as in, visibility was temporarily reduced to maybe 100 feet.... I doubt one could have breathed for long in it. There's been just clouds of it wafting around, everyday my car turns green, the roads are covered, my house looks green.. everyone with a black shingeled roof now has a light green roof... I suppose it *is* worse than it's ever been and maybe that's why it suddenly seems to have affected me, when it hasn't before. Thing is - when does it stop? This SUCKS. I'm now an extra 2 days behind in crap that needs to be taken care of, and ... ahgggg...

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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