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Zep live

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You know, I love Zep, but I really don't listen to them much.... haven't for years.


Tonight I was wiring up some stuff in what will be the music room, and I put on the Live Zep DVD (Disc 2, which I had never played...)in the living room.


Now, yeah, they did tend to be a little sloppy at times. But gee... a whole lot of sound from 4 guys, one who doesn't play an instrument. I really, really enjoyed this. No MIDI, no samplers, and in one song you even get to see Jimmy Page playing a blue Strat. (sounded thin and wanky next to the Les Paul, but waddayagonnado? He was living on the whammy bar for the song.) The Yardbird-ish jams, the simple signal paths, the simple micing, ... basically the total lack of crap that litters even the simplest bar band stages today.... I miss that.


Oh, and I remember thinking at the time that Bonham played a little hard, but viewing him now, he is positivly gentle, compared to any drummer in any bar that I have seen in the last ten years, and he's playing against Page and a stack of Marshalls in arenas, not in some club smaller than the typical Zep stage.


I didn't get as much work done as I had planned, as I kept going into the living room to watch various songs rather than just listen to them. Still, it was a well-spent evening.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Originally posted by fogman:

"they're the one band I wish I could have seen. :cry:

I was just getting to the right age and it was all over for them."

Tell me about it!


No kidding, the very same day that I first discovered Led Zeppelin's "IV" (aka "Zoso") and "Houses of the Holy", listening on my new Audio-Technica headphones, the evening news anonunced that John Bonham had been found dead...


Originally posted by Warthog:

"Saw them at Milton Keynes in London in 1991...best live show I've ever seen. 60,000 Brits screaming for a few boys from Texas... "

Uhmn, which few boys from Texas? Or did you mean your friends and yourself? (Zep was made up of four Brits...)

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Warthog, don't pay no never mind to the "Texas" slip up. I've goofed here more than once. These forum dudes are a pretty forgiving group.


bpark, I noticed the same sloppiness. Here's a good point brought up on this before (ie, I can't take credit for this): The players EMULATING Page, in the subsequent years, were busy perfecting Page's style. Page was busy CREATING. And the drugs didn't help with the fret board accuracy.


He is awesome though, hey?! The DVD really made me appreciate what they were doing. Before, I was luke-warm to The Zep.




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I caught Zep live in '70, when "Whole Lotta Love" was just getting airplay for a few weeks. I was 14, had just seen Blind Faith the summer before, both in Phoenix, Az. Jimi was still alive, Woodstock had recently happened. Life just hasn't been the same since those times.
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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