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Goblin Reverb: Lee? Bill?


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Hooked up the Goblin I bought used this evening. Everything sounds great but the reverb isn't working. When I increase the knob, the treble (high freq) gets boosted, but no verb. I checked the connections to the tank.


thoughts? I've emailed the seller as well, but thought I'd ask you as well.


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The first thing that I would check would be the cables going to the tank. It is possible that they just came out in shiping.


Then I would open the tank to see if the spring was off.


But I'm just shot gunning here. Mine worked out of the box.


Have you tried any of the suggested settings? Besides the obvious problme with the verb, what do you think?



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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Connections to the tank look fine. I unscrewed the connectors and rescrewed. Would reversing the connectors be a potential issue? I don't know whether the prior owner fiddled with this or not. The thing is mint, and obviously the prior owner didn't have it long.


I only played it about 30-45 minutes so far. Man, there's a LOT of tones in this thing. I pretty much went through several of the manual settings, then basically ran the knobs from one extreme to the other to get a sense of their effect and interaction.


right off the bat I can see I probably won't be using the "UK" setting very much. There's useful tones in there, but the general baseline tone is not to my liking -- it's not bad, it's just not me.


the US and LoFi are very nice, with the US definitely getting at that bright Fender tone going. I've found it can get downright brittle if you're not careful with the treble and presence. The LoFi reminds me immediately of my Pro Jr. and, although I've not played one, must conjure a Champ. Very good bluesy grit.


Gain and volume are really responsive and in and of themselves provide a huge tone palette. the 5/15 switch appears to let you keep you tone and just drop the volume. I mic my amps so I'm particularly interested in low volume, great tone.


Unlike my typical set up, I plugged my 82 Am. Strat (w/ EMGs) straight in (I typically run through a Fulldrive, Clyde, and a Digitech 2101 for the digital effects). The EMG's could also explain the quite bright US tone.


You were right in your comments, this amp really "feels" your playing. Again, just testing the limits tonight rather than seeking "the" tone, but picking dynamics, finger vibrato, right and left hand muting, all of this really comes through and you get a lot of control that way. It also shows off your sloppy chops. :rolleyes:


Tomorrow I'll get down to bidness with effects, the Z90 axe, the 335 (sheraton), the ASAT and see what she'll do. I hope the reverb thing works itself out.


thanks for the thoughts, Bill.


More later.


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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This amp seems to like all the guitars and pickups, but really likes my single coils (strat and Z90s). Hard to keep the clean tone with 'buckers, but that's not unusual in my experience.


You could spends months finding all the tones in this little amp. My favorites tend to be on the US setting, although running the manual's "voxy chime" with the US rather than the UK is nice.


Amazing amount of tone out of this small amp. Carrying the guitars will be more cumbersome than toting this amp.


Reverb still not working, however. I took it out and check the solder joints, springs, etc. All seems fine. All the reverb knob seems to do is increase volume (like the split signal is just being amplified without delay).


Any thoughts anyone?


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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That's strange about the reverb... have no idea what it could be, mine works fine. You might wanna call Reverend - even though you bought it used they would probably be willing to help you out and at least point you in the right direction.


Glad you're digging the amp so far! :) I see phaeton hasn't checked in... he must be too busy cranking his Goblin to be bothered with us. :D

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Yeah...nothing lie tube powered Reverb!


My old Tryanor MArk III has (2) 12AX7's and an EL84 for the Reverb...and it'sd HUGE!


My new Traynor YCV40WR...nope...

...even though it has the Accutronics tank...it's just not anywhere near as big.


I don't think the Goblin does either...it's probably similar to my new Traynor Reverb circuit.


Oh...yeah...if those Reverb wires were reversed for some reason...you would get nothing...so try 'em the other way around.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Is it just driven by a 12AX7...or actually tube powered?


My old Mark III uses an EL84 for Reverb power...

...and a couple 12AX7 pre and post...from what I can tell in the old schematic.

And man...the EL84 power really makes a BIG difference...comparing my old Traynor with my new one.


The new Traynor verb is still nice (more subtle)...but the old one can be overwhelming if you really crank it.


How do you like the Goblin verb...I see that it uses the Accutronics Reverb tank, like the Traynors do.


How is it when you crank it past 6-7...does it soften up the overall level a bit?


My new Traynor just gets a bit more lush...

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Next step is trying a different 12ax7 in the reverb. Then calling Rev. on Monday. I got a good price on the amp, and I typically use outboard digital effects anyway, so I'm not bummed, just in my engineer-curiosity mode to fix it.


I mic'd this amp up and jeez does it sound great through the PA. I'm using a E609 to mic it. This may be my near perfect amp -- low stage volume, great tone, small & light. Might even consider a 2 amp set up now (using the PJ at its cranked mode with a Weber mass for the really driven stuff).


I'm finding this amp is really sensitive to what guitar is in front of it -- my 59/Jazz equipped Sheraton finally has an amp that it likes.


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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Originally posted by miroslav:

Is it just driven by a 12AX7...or actually tube powered?

Just driven by a 12AX7.


How do you like the Goblin verb...I see that it uses the Accutronics Reverb tank, like the Traynors do.


How is it when you crank it past 6-7...does it soften up the overall level a bit?

No not really... it never gets totally overwhelming, to where it washes out the notes. I mean you can definitely hear the verb loud and clear, it just doesn't step on the notes too much. I'm really used to my vintage Fender verb and it's not like that at all... but I definitely like it for what it does do.
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Originally posted by daddyelmis:

I mic'd this amp up and jeez does it sound great through the PA.

Yeah doesn't it? It almost sounds better miked than not. Sounds crazy good through my Bose PAS... and I've found that when recording it, it doesn't like fancy condenser mics as much as just a 57 stuck right in the grille. I'll bet it was deliberately designed with miking in mind.


I'm finding this amp is really sensitive to what guitar is in front of it -- my 59/Jazz equipped Sheraton finally has an amp that it likes.

Kewl! Yeah I've noticed the same thing... my LP sounds WAY different thru it than the Tele... etc.


Glad you're digging it! Looks like we got us a cool little Goblin club.

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Originally posted by daddyelmis:

Hard to keep the clean tone with 'buckers,


Did you try dialing down the mids? That usually cleans up a 'bucker.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Okay, just in the interest of disclosure, the final tests on the reverb.'


tried a different 12ax7 in the verb, with no luck. Took the tank out again and really looked at every connection, etc. Nothing seemed out of place or bad.


I do get the "boing" through the amp when I thump the tank (like when you move a reverb amp and bonk the cabinet). But still no verb through the amp. Checked the RCA's again but the solder there looks fine. Tried reversing the connectors just for the hell of it and, as anticipated, it produced nothing.


when connected "properly," the reverb control simply increases the volume of the amplified signal. I'm at a loss as to what's wrong, and I've asked my Seller to contact Rev. on Monday first (thinking he may get a quicker response as the original owner).


I am still hoping it's related to the tank and not the circuit. Tank will be easier to replace.


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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Oh, and BTW Lee, I agree I think it does sound a little better through the PA than without. Gigging with this will be a joy (and the bandmates will be happy as well).


And it loves my Fulldrive and Clyde wah (although I've really had to back down on the FD, a little bit of boost really sets the Goblin off).


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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