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Radio Signals....

Guitar Geezer

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OK - a guitar related topic :D


Last Saturday, playing a thing for the Young Adult group at the church, decided to plug in the old Dano Daddi-o between the Morley WAH and the Roland Cube (just for fun).

Touched the strings and started picking up some Radio station......or it could have been Randolph AFB ;)


Haven't heard this in a Loooong time....unplugged the Daddio (didn't really need it) and everything back to norm.


Found this thread from back in 2001


Any of you electronic whizzes have any more to add?

BTW it didn't do it when I got back home!

Lynn G
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i use the dano overdrive too and get a lot of radio signals out of my deville. Mostly talk shows.

i kinda like it though, it kinda gives our band a strange sound between songs. Reminds me of something pink floyd would do, like on wish you were here :thu:

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Originally posted by J J:

i use the dano overdrive too and get a lot of radio signals out of my deville. Mostly talk shows.

Pedals (and a number of other electronics) generally tend to pick up frequecies in the AM band - hence the talk shows. I used to know why this happens, but obviously I've killed off those brain-cells somewhere along the line... :rolleyes:

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Originally posted by NMcGuitar:

Originally posted by J J:

i use the dano overdrive too and get a lot of radio signals out of my deville. Mostly talk shows.

Pedals (and a number of other electronics) generally tend to pick up frequecies in the AM band - hence the talk shows. I used to know why this happens, but obviously I've killed off those brain-cells somewhere along the line... :rolleyes:
I'd also like to add that single coils really play a part in this too
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Originally posted by NMcGuitar:

"I used to know why this happens, but obviously I've killed off those brain-cells somewhere along the line... " :rolleyes:

Hmmmnn, too many Orange-Latte-Mochachinos and freak-gasoline-fight-accidents, eh?


Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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OK...I'm baack..

(don't ya hate it when you actually have to work ;) )


First time that I've been in the church, but the electrical system seemed to be first rate (grounded etc) I was using the SX Frankenstrat http://www.teamtatham.com/lynntest/sx2000.jpg


Guitar>Morley bad Horsie>Daddio>Roland Cube 30

Of couse I had about 30 feet of cord between everything (didn't get a chance to pick up some new 1ft patch cords) Which is probably a major reason for the interference :rolleyes: I seem to remember that a lot of coiled up cord can have an antenna effect...

I suspect that it was the Daddio...same thing happened when I plugged in the Ovation!

No big deal...like I said. doesn't do it at home or at Bob and Robin's (the Jam place).

Lynn G
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