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My lucky amp!


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Dig this...


I just got off the phone from the local guitar shop where I bought my TSL122 last summer. He asks me if I'd mind Eric Burden using my amp for the night.


Eric Burden and the Animals are playing a local theater here in Belleville Thursday night and apparently he needs an amp and specifically wanted a TSL122.

Being the only guy around with a freshly retubed amp they decided to call and ask me if he could use it.


Damn amp hangs out in better crowds than I do :freak:


Is that not cool? :thu:

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Very cool!

Any chance of getting a couple of tickets and/or backstage passes in return? Then at least your amp won't be ahead of you in the Famous-People-I've-Met Sweepstakes. And I'll bet it's a good show too!

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Ya... I'm going to have to get something out of this because I have to carry the amp down a flight of stairs and haul it into Belleville from my place.


They knew it was retubed because he sold me a complete set of tubes a few months ago.


I'll shoot for a pass because it's far better than just sitting there watching.

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Tres cool, 'shoes'! :cool:


We want thre bird's-eye lowdown on the whole caper; keep us posted, and get pics for us, our man in Canadia! :thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Okay... here's what I get... a Desenex burger!


Na... I got a ticket from the lot held by those running the show (it's been sold out for quite some time & I wasn't planning on going anyway :freak: )


And.. they're getting some guitars signed to auction off for charity and they're gonna get him to sign the back of my amp as well.


Better than a poke in the eye and I'll see what I can do for pictures tomorrow night when I'm there.

My guess is that it will be a fairly insulated event and doing a walk up might be difficult.


I'll let you know after the show. :D

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay... here's the review..


My amp was happy and cranked out House of the Rising Sun better than I've ever played it. (obviously)


This is taken from the paper: "He and his latest version of his Animals band played a sold-out concert at Bellevilles Empire Theatre, one of only a few Canadian dates in support of his new album, My Secret Life. He and bandmates David Meros, Dean Restum, Bernie Pershey, and Martin Gerschwitz received several standing ovations."


I was a great show and the theater is a completely refurbished 1938 movie house that seats fewer than 800 people. It has the look and feel of being at the Last Waltz but with a $500,000 state of the art sound system complete with a Soundcraft MH3-48 & SM12-48 and my amp of course! :D


They played the requested numbers and a good number of older songs that all had the benifit of some high octane energy. This pleased me because his "urban angst" and repressed or limited compositions always set me off a bit and I found this enhanced my connection to the music.


I got to hang about and get up on stage after to say hello and they thanked me for the use of the amp. Unfortunately I left work without the camera and borrowed a friend's at the start to get the only important shot. The Animals using my Marshall.


Continuing the retro theme of the place: Aug 23: Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes


And that's all I know about that. :D


I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Sounds like you had a blast! :thu:


That's purdy cool, man! :cool:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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