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overnight gunk

adam b_dup1

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So last night i had a jam with a couple friends, i was on drums but i had my strat out of its case, just if anyone needed to use it, but i dont think anyone used it (i was suffering from severe short term memory loss at the moment). when we were done jamming i took my guitar and put it in the case and left it in its case overnight in the garage. my guitar case is pretty crappy and would not be air tight at all, but my garage is attached to the house so its not like my garage gets cold at night. so i left my guitar in the garage in its case, then then today i get it out and notice theres some type of gunk all over the body of the guitar. it almost looks like very very light coatings of paste, it rubs off kinda easy, but all over my guitar i see little streaks of it and blotches. i have no idea how this happened or what it is, so can someone help me out here. i dont maybe someone just spilt something on it.
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Ummm, I'd hate to say it... and I know everyone else is thinking the same thing... but do your buddies like playing pranks on you???


If you know what I'm getting at...

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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i dont know, i sometimes see my guitarist eyeing my strat in a funny way....that would mean he'd be cheating on his tele.

but my guitarist did mention the same sounding thing happen to his tele. he left it at a place we played at, got it the next day and when he finally looked at it there was gunk and other shit all over it.

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Hummm... sounds like someone has a fetish with guitars! :P

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I've got a white, wet chalky kinda residue on my Highway 1 Strat and the kids swear they didn't do it. It's been in the case (el cheapo brand), but to work, sitting in the car too long in the morning, getting warm, into a/c, etc., etc.


Same thing?

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Originally posted by Dave th Dude:

I've got a white, wet chalky kinda residue on my Highway 1 Strat and the kids swear they didn't do it. It's been in the case (el cheapo brand), but to work, sitting in the car too long in the morning, getting warm, into a/c, etc., etc.


Same thing?

Is it on the inside of the control cavity? If so, it's dust from when the body sat in the dusty factory after painting. Most of the strats I've seen have it in the control cavity.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Was there a fog machine at the bar?


If there's enough of a temp change in your garage to form condensation, it could also be the poly finish reacting with whatever is in the case.

"For instance" is not proof.


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dude, adam

last night when were jamming i asked if i could use your strat and you nodded your head

i used it for at least 30 minutes but i cant seem to think of how white stuff got on it though :D


after that gig at the barn there was just a bunch of gunk on my board, not any white stuff though.


maybe brian was using his violen bow with it and rausin got on it? I dont know, just a thought... (or a coverup :D )


Oh yea by the way, i'm not cheating on my tele. It's just that, at the time, the strats contoured body (and it's lighter too) just seemed too good to be true

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Originally posted by bluestrat:

Originally posted by Dave th Dude:

I've got a white, wet chalky kinda residue on my Highway 1 Strat and the kids swear they didn't do it. It's been in the case (el cheapo brand), but to work, sitting in the car too long in the morning, getting warm, into a/c, etc., etc.


Same thing?

Is it on the inside of the control cavity? If so, it's dust from when the body sat in the dusty factory after painting. Most of the strats I've seen have it in the control cavity.
No. It was all over top of the guitar. It comes off easy ... just, where did it come from?
Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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I have issues with the old SG I have in that every time I take her out in a humid environment the finish (& absorbed sweat & palm goo) gets a little sticky.

Makes for a gross feeling that's easily taken care of with a little guitar polish.


If it was excessively damp where you were playing there might be an issue with your finish.

That's a long-shot.

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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