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Cubase Problem

A String

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This was previously posted over in the recording section, but it only got one response (Thanks Spiral! :thu: ). Spiral told me that My sound Card won't work with Cubase. I can record o.k. with Cakewalk...He recomened a good card for me to use, anyone else have any advice?


I seem to have a problem running Cubase SX. Cakewalk works fine so I know it's not my computer. I also get the same problem with Cubase VST.


The problem is with recording. I record the first track and it seems fine, then I record the second track. When I play the two tracks, the second one is no longer sync'ed with the first track. This gets even worse the more tracks I add. They are all out of sync with one another.


This is all audio (No MIDI). I'm just using a soundblaster Live! card. anyone else have this problem or have any advice?

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I don't know Cubase, but the whole thing sounds like a CPU problem. Audio is pretty system intensive. I find latency problems sometimes when recording (I use Digital Performer)


Look for a setting like "input memory buffer" to help with latency.


Close all non-essential windows. If the computer has to redraw a scrolling cursor in some kind of tracks window, it can't use all its power to keep up with the audio.


I suppose it's also possible that the computer has become confused about the slave/master concept and is somehow "freewheeling" Check those settings.

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Originally posted by A String:

This was previously posted over in the recording section, but it only got one response (Thanks Spiral! :thu: ). Spiral told me that My sound Card won't work with Cubase. I can record o.k. with Cakewalk...He recomened a good card for me to use, anyone else have any advice?


I seem to have a problem running Cubase SX. Cakewalk works fine so I know it's not my computer. I also get the same problem with Cubase VST.


The problem is with recording. I record the first track and it seems fine, then I record the second track. When I play the two tracks, the second one is no longer sync'ed with the first track. This gets even worse the more tracks I add. They are all out of sync with one another.


This is all audio (No MIDI). I'm just using a soundblaster Live! card. anyone else have this problem or have any advice?

Here is a cubase forum. You can register (free) and ask these guys....they really know their stuff as far as cubase goes....



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I'm leaning towards a sound card problem too. Cubase syncs an incoming signal with the internal clock on the sound card. If there is a mismatch, yes, things can fall out of sync.


But I'm just speculating because I've never owned a Sound Blaster.


A few suggestions, maybe make sure the sample rate is set correctly. I think I remember from a few years back, that Sound Blasters only record at 48k. If you somehow have Cubase recording at 44.1k, problems will abound.


Second, there are some user-created ASIO drivers for SB cards that are supposed to work brilliantly. Do a Google search for Sound Blaster ASIO and see if you can find them.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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I had exactly the same problem when I got Cubasis vst 4 for my laptop. It's a "latency" issue, which means your guitar signal isn't getting to the hard-drive fast enough, so you're playing it back to find its out of sync.


I had to splash out on The Tascam US122 which is a dedicated soundcard that connects via the usb port on your PC. It presents the sound source in a much more PC friendly fashion, so the overdubs are in sync with the original tracks.


There is always a slight delay, even with dedicated soundcards, it's the nature of the task I'm afraid. However, you will be hard pushed to notice it with something like the Tascam, it's very slight even with my crapped out PC and it does always have the direct monitor if you need it.


It handles various mic and guitar inputs and it's bonehead simple to use, it also has Phantom Power for condenser mics and direct monitor out.


I'm sure there are other similar products, but I'm certain that this would be the answer to your problem. Best of luck...


Tea. :thu:

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Originally posted by Teahead:

I had exactly the same problem when I got Cubasis vst 4 for my laptop. It's a "latency" issue, which means your guitar signal isn't getting to the hard-drive fast enough, so you're playing it back to find its out of sync.


I had to splash out on The Tascam US122 which is a dedicated soundcard that connects via the usb port on your PC. It presents the sound source in a much more PC friendly fashion, so the overdubs are in sync with the original tracks.


There is always a slight delay, even with dedicated soundcards, it's the nature of the task I'm afraid. However, you will be hard pushed to notice it with something like the Tascam, it's very slight even with my crapped out PC and it does always have the direct monitor if you need it.


It handles various mic and guitar inputs and it's bonehead simple to use, it also has Phantom Power for condenser mics and direct monitor out.


I'm sure there are other similar products, but I'm certain that this would be the answer to your problem. Best of luck...


Tea. :thu:

After some more research, I have found that it seems to be an issue between Cubase and SoundBlaster. I'd go back to Cakewalk, but I really love the new features in Cubase. I'm going to give that driver a try, (I'll update you on how that works.) Could you guys recommend a few sound cards that might work? (Cheapest one possible!)


I'd buy the USB interface device, but it is WAY out of my price range right now...I have a baby on the way in August and that's taken up all of my extra cash.

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Found the link to the ASIO driver for the Live! line.




I sincerely hope this does it for you.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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my band uses cubase. i hate it. tons of compatibility issues and i cant take it home to install so i can work on stuff at my house cuz it has that 'dongle' or whatever its called. so far it is very buggy and crashes alot. something that costs $600 should NEVER crash. people are relying on it to record. we lost like 5 takes in the last 6 months cuz it crashed in the middle of recording. you know how frustrating that is when you buy something and it falls short of the competition?
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Originally posted by A String:

O.k. I tried the KX driver and it didn't seem to make any difference at all. Is there some special settings for it to make it work?



:eek: Six months already?!!? Wow! Time flies! How is your daughter doing? How are you enjoying fatherhood?

I think you're goingto have to get a dedicated interface (soundcard or otherwise). What OS are you using? I have a Lexicon core 2 lying around, unfortunately it only works with win 2K or less (no xp support given), yours if you want it...


I also wouldn't give up on cubase, it takes a while to get used to it but it's worth it IMHO. As for fatherhood, it's been great. It's also hard work but you're usually too tired to worry about it, plus the baby is so damn cute it makes it all worth it. It's also amazing observing the changes in her over the last 6 months, she's growing fast! Your's is due August, correct?? Good month (my birthday is Aug. 7th!!).



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I agree with Spiral Light. You will need a dedicated interface to record overdubs to any standard, certainly to get the most out of the software and PC capabilities.


I presume you have st your sound options in Windows to record, as the Cubase manual dictates? This didn't make any difference to my latency issues. I then bit the bullet and went for the US122.


If it's out of your range, I'm sure there will be other options that are more reasonably priced. You may have to trade a few features for the saving, but the software is extremely limited without a dedicated interface.



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Originally posted by flagshipmile:

my band uses cubase. i hate it. tons of compatibility issues and i cant take it home to install so i can work on stuff at my house cuz it has that 'dongle' or whatever its called. so far it is very buggy and crashes alot. something that costs $600 should NEVER crash. people are relying on it to record. we lost like 5 takes in the last 6 months cuz it crashed in the middle of recording. you know how frustrating that is when you buy something and it falls short of the competition?

I've been using Cubase since 1995. The last time Cubase crashed on me was probably in 1998. The difference is probably that I use a CLEAN PC to load it on and I use Delta 1010 interfaces. It is rock solid and I rely on it daily for recording sessions. Sorry you've had so many problems with it.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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