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How much gear is to much?


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hmmm, maybe six amps is a lot. i have three, well, four including a bass amp.


i have six guitars and a bass, planning on another pretty soon.


i'd say your cache isn't unusually large ... so go buy some more stuff :thu:

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Originally posted by FunkJazz:

hmmm, maybe six amps is a lot. i have three, well, four including a bass amp.


i have six guitars and a bass, planning on another pretty soon.


i'd say your cache isn't unusually large ... so go buy some more stuff :thu:

I think my arsenal is just about right. :D But did you click the url? Now that would send my wife on a trip to her mother's. :eek:
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Originally posted by DIAMOND DUST:

Originally posted by FunkJazz:

hmmm, maybe six amps is a lot. i have three, well, four including a bass amp.


i have six guitars and a bass, planning on another pretty soon.


i'd say your cache isn't unusually large ... so go buy some more stuff :thu:

I think my arsenal is just about right. :D But did you click the url? Now that would send my wife on a trip to her mother's. :eek:
Yeah, I clicked it, and could have sworn I saw some of my stolen equipment in there!!! ;)



"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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How much gear is too much?

I'll tell you if ever get there! :D


I've got 14 instruments (11 are guitars), but I really only play 4 or 5 of them very often. I've also got 4 amps right now (one of them is a tiny little Pignose-clone called a Dwarf - sounds great for recording :thu: ), but I plan on unloading one or two of them.


If I had the space I don't think I'd ever get rid of anything, but, the wife is right, I need to make some more room.

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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What I'd like to know is, how did you get your wives to go along with this? The most I've ever had as a married man is 4 guitars and a couple of amps. Do you have them in storage somewhere? :confused:
...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Finally clicked on that site. I think that guy IS Musician's Friend. I like that post he made at the bottom about ....


" ... there's MUCH more!" :eek:

...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Originally posted by tiger85:

What I'd like to know is, how did you get your wives to go along with this? The most I've ever had as a married man is 4 guitars and a couple of amps. Do you have them in storage somewhere? :confused:

Well, most of it I had before I got married. There's really only been 1 guitar and one amp since. It didn't hurt any that I finally sold my old PA cabinets (BIG, old-fashioned Yamahas :eek: ), so I "bought a little space" for new stuff. ;)

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Surely that guy 'Grooveking' has way too much gear.........theres bound to be stuff there that he's played once and forgot about! I thought I was bad with a red guitar, 3 chords and the truth :D
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The older I get the more I think a couple different sounding guitars (Strat and Les Paul for example) and a couple different sounding amps (smaller Fender combo and Marshall half stack for example) is enough. Thats coming from a guy with 5 electrics, 1 acoustic, 2 basses, and 5 amps of course!


I've always wondered if there is some type of Freudian psychological theory of constantly buying and selling gear as a type of blameshifting for not being a better player. Not true of everyone, but I still think it does apply in a lot of cases.

my band: Mission 5
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Of course my first answere is, "There's no such thing as too much gear", just like the country song that says, ".. no such thing as too much fun .. money .. too pretty, etc.


But, I've got four guitars (two acoustic, two electric), two amps (JC-55 SS & Tube) and a few pedals. That's really probably about right, although if I was single, I'd probably have about four more guitars and a dozen more pedals :D


Maybe being married is a good thing :cool:



Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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well, with all the picture threads lately, why don't we post our gear pix here? at least we'll all feel normal after witnessing that gargantuan collection!!!!




missing one guitar on loan to best friend , but otherwise, this is what i'm using these days.

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your guitars and stuff are great...

but that wood panelling is so BRADY BUNCH...I just wanna scream...

marshall marshall marshall !!!

How can we fight ignorance and apathy?

Who knows! Who cares!

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Originally posted by Petethebassman:

It's OK to have gear if you actually use them,

but vintage collecting is something else..

a can of worms I maybe shouldn't open, but

check out this collection, its insane!! :eek:

thats just stupid! what is he going to do with those? what a waste, someone could be using those to make music. sorry for being negative. i hate good instruments and amps being nothing more than show pieces or investments.
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Originally posted by Guitarzan:

thats just stupid! what is he going to do with those? what a waste, someone could be using those to make music. sorry for being negative. i hate good instruments and amps being nothing more than show pieces or investments.[/QB]

I definitely agree.
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Originally posted by Gato:

How much gear is too much?


When whatever you have in your place you don't have time to play everthing :cry:

Well then I have DEFINATELY got too much gear....of course...not even a 1/1000th of what the rack gear guy has, but enough. But will I sell what I have got? NO! Because then, that would only put me on a far more dangerous road....wanting to build up my collection again! (HE! HE!)
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I'd like a ton of gear, but it would not only be guitar-related. I'd go more for a bit of everything, studiogear (a good desk, effects, mic's, you get the thing..), guitar-, bass-, keyboardgear, and other interesting instruments.


That much guitargear that The Grooveking has is ridiculous. Guitar-wise I'd settle for a few different guitars (Strat, LP, jazz hollowbody, a floyd-rose equipped guitar, maybe some other electric, and a few different acoustics) and a few different amps, all to get diffent tones and feels. With Grooveking's arsenal I wouldn't know where to start, and a lot of the gear would be unused.

- Bob Freebird


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. -Douglas Adams

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You have too much stuff when you don't use it all regularly.


I have too much stuff.


Here's a question:


How many of you are continually trading/buying/getting rid of gear and how many of you buy stuff and keep it forever?


I was talking to Funkjazz about this when he was in town - he is always getting stuff and getting rid of stuff. I never get rid of anything (haven't sold a guitar since '92) but acquire new things less frequently.

"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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Its funny, I had a spell in the mid- 90s ( the decade not my age) when I was trading guitars ( acoustic and electric) twice a week for about a 6 week period. Haven't done it since so it was either a strange line up of planets or something I ate. Basically though, I 've been through a gillion guitars and amps and the handfull that I now have were not with me two years ago. Sad actually, but usually due to poor cash flow management as opposed to the aforementioned trading fever.


By contrast, my friend still has his 1971 Strat that he purchased new for $325 ( I was there!).

...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Originally posted by SuperFreak:


your guitars and stuff are great...

but that wood panelling is so BRADY BUNCH...I just wanna scream...

marshall marshall marshall !!!

I dunno, I kinda dig the wood paneling behind the acoustics. Brady Bunch, yes, but it also looks like Funkjazz has his own mini Guitar Center acoustic room going there.


Now, as for those other morons, I have no idea why anyone would need that much gear. I always figured I'd be happy with a nice vintage Marshall, a Fender Twin, a more modern Marshall, and a Mesa. If I really felt like it, maybe a Matchless in their somewhere too. But I have no idea what a guy is going to do with like 16 of the same amp. It's ridiculous, and it's overkill.


You ask when too much gear is too much? My friends, I think you found the answer.

Shut up and play.
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FWIW it's real wood (not that faux wood paneling crap that was big in the 70's) and the room sounds amazing. nothing like drywall to soak the sound up...


plus, i was born and raised in the rocky mountains, i have a soft spot for cabins ;)


can't believe that my walls got into the topic... i thought this was a guitar forum :confused::freak::D

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Originally posted by Gabriel E.:


Here's a question:


How many of you are continually trading/buying/getting rid of gear and how many of you buy stuff and keep it forever?


I've had the same crap forever. I still have the first guitar I ever owned (my father had the foresight to buy me something decent, not the cheapest thing in the store just to shut me up) I think that philosophy has carried through for me. If I but something, it has a purpose, and it's built to last. The pace of acquistion slowed considerably after I had a certain amount. most recent additions are a digitech whammy pedal, a stereo volume pedal so I can pan between a two amp setup, and some microphones.


The computer and software keeps getting upgraded, but that's about it. My MIDI gear is all from the late 80's.


I have 4 electics and one acoustic. Wouldn't mind a nylon string, a 335 style, and a 12 string, but that's about it.


my amp gear is the same since about 1988 - rackmount preamp, stereo power amp. I also have a Marshall Valvestate 20, and a Fender Vibro-Champ for doing simple stuff that doesn't need the rack versatility.


I like to get to know the stuff I have, the quirks and idiosyncarcies taht I can exploit and make things unique.


Postscript - paneling: I live in the house of paneling. We're ripping it out one room at a time as budget allows, but one room even has newer paneling over old paneling (!!!) Ever see Denis Leary's routine about his father and paneling? That's my house.

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