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Tenacious D


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Anyone listened to their album? I actually quite like it quite a bit, for the rockin' acoustic guitars.. that aside, the lyrics are pretty silly but some of the skits are downright funny..



* Godin Freeway Classic * Seagull M6 * Timothy S10J
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I liked it so much, I even bought the DVD, now THAT was funny :D


I like them, there are a few really cool songs, and the filler stuff is quite amusing and listenable.


And singing 'With karate I'll kick your ass, from here to Tianeman Square....etc' is always useful when your housemates annoy you :P

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I've listened to a few songs, and I like 'em. It's funny music made seriously, which I like. :thu:

- Bob Freebird


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. -Douglas Adams

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I was thinkin about getting the DVD a friend of mine said it was worth every penny... I've always liked Tenacious D but after seeing school of rock, Jack has earned even more cool points in my book.
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The DVD is totally worth it, the concert is cool, but the entire run of the TV show (which I didn't even know they'd made?!?) is on there as well as some shorts, all the video's and a hilarious video tour diary :thu:


Oh yeah motherf%^&er

I'm gonna pull out all your pubic ha-i-a-ir!!!



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There are moments on the DVD that I'd rather not have seen. Oh, well, so I'm scarred for life... :rolleyes:;):D And some that had me hoarse from laughing so hard! I thought I was gonna get a headache from laughing so hysterically at some of it... ! :thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I dare you guys to go here and register and post- Tenacious D Forum .


We invaded that place a while back, and got in a few arguments with them about whether The D was a real band or not. Then they invaded one of our forums here, and some of them got banned. So.... be careful if you mention my name. I'm kind of personna non grata at The Sony D Forum.

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yeah they're fun, some of that stuff is really amusing. me and my buddies'll jam to tribute sometimes, it's quite a good time. i think bjorn said it best when he said it was funny music made seriously.
Then you'll never hear surf music again...
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