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Led Zeppelin - The best band ever??


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I don't know, you tell me. Ofcourse Beatles and all are still the best band ever and stuff but still, lately I've been leaning more and more to the direction that, if not the greatest band ever, than Zep is atleast the greatest live band ever. The new DVD is just incredible, blows my mind.


It's obvious that Page is one of the best guitarists ever, but I think that JPJ is the best bassist ever and Bonzo is the best drummer ever. And the chemistry! I wish I had that kinda link with the other guys in my band.


And like Blink 182 put it: "All the small things." Just listen to Good Times, Bad Times for example. The drum fill that comes right before Plant starts singing, I don't know what it is about that but I just love it! And the bass drum triplets in the verse, man I wish I knew how to play 'em! Then the a cappella bass bits are just excellent. And don't even mention the kick-ass descending guitar lick Page plays near the end of the song. Does anyone know where I could get tabs of the song? (I mean in GWorld or some other mag).


Oh whatever, I'm just rambling on (pun intended) here, but I just can't get over this.

A duck-pond, a museum, and a red hunting hat.
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Here's the answer to end all answers, the mother of all answers, so to speak...


I will reveal beyond question, and inarguably, who the best rock and roll band of all time was/is:


The answer is simple...it's the band you like best. :D


I defy anyone, anyone, even certain people who like to argue, to argue with that. Because to do so, you would instantly find yourself in an unwinnable argument with yourself! :D:D:D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You guys are cracking me up :D:D


Zep probably had more influence on my high school years than any other band, and since that was a formative time for me guitar-wise...it'd be hard to say Page had no influence on my playing.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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its interesting to note how great Zep was. what i notice is bands such as Zep were great because it was all the members that created the sound. great drumming , and vocals as well as bass playing can really turn a band into something special. i never mentioned guitar because sometimes we guitarplayers forget that we can achieve much more with the creativity of our band mates. take a basic rock band like Kiss and listen to Peter Criss's playing , he is resposible for making some 3 chord songs way more interesting. look what happened when Neil Peart joined Rush! thats what i listen for, the whole band. so saying all that ..yes Led Zep rocks.
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Originally posted by kitaristi0:

I don't know, you tell me. Ofcourse Beatles and all are still the best band ever and stuff but still, lately I've been leaning more and more to the direction that, if not the greatest band ever, than Zep is atleast the greatest live band ever. The new DVD is just incredible, blows my mind.


It's obvious that Page is one of the best guitarists ever, but I think that JPJ is the best bassist ever and Bonzo is the best drummer ever. And the chemistry! I wish I had that kinda link with the other guys in my band.


And like Blink 182 put it: "All the small things." Just listen to Good Times, Bad Times for example. The drum fill that comes right before Plant starts singing, I don't know what it is about that but I just love it! And the bass drum triplets in the verse, man I wish I knew how to play 'em! Then the a cappella bass bits are just excellent. And don't even mention the kick-ass descending guitar lick Page plays near the end of the song. Does anyone know where I could get tabs of the song? (I mean in GWorld or some other mag).


Oh whatever, I'm just rambling on (pun intended) here, but I just can't get over this.

"Best Band Ever"? I assume you meant to include the disclaimer "Rock" between "Best and "Band"?


If not then I'll say the Mahavishnu Orchestra made Zepplin look like a bunch of 2 year olds in comparison.

Have you recorded an MP3 today?
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Hmmm, lessee . . .


Whiny-voiced singer who was frequently out of key,


Sloppy guitar player,


Drummer who seemingly couldn't shuffle or swing to save his life,


Really good bass/key player.


Yep, sounds like the best band ever to me! ;)


Okay, okay, I'm being a gadfly. Unquestionably a seminal band, definitely influential, and the prototype for a whole genre of rock.


But really, "best band?" :freak:


Well, it's like Ted said. But even if they were my favorite, I wouldn't claim they were best.


My favorite is Steppenwolf, but I KNOW they weren't the "best." :cool:

band link: bluepearlband.com

music, lessons, gig schedules at dennyf.com


STURGEON'S LAW --98% of everything is bullshit.


My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Jackhammer of Love and Mercy.

Get yours.

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Well, there's the rub...


Does "best" mean "technically best"? Or, as in the case of, say, the Beatles...they were arguably not instrumentally technically proficient, yet their appeal transcended (for some) technical proficiency. They were ultimately technically proficient at the intangible quality of being able to come up with songs that resonated with the pulse of many who listened to them. Ultimately, it comes down to the song...and whichever interpretation you like of said song...McCartney's "Eleanor Rigby", or, say, Stanley Jordan's astounding interpretation of the tune.


Have you ever liked something, and tried to analyze just why you like it, and can't? Because it flies in the face of all the values you hold to be true, and yet you like it anyway?


What is really sad, is not allowing yourself to like something because it "flies in the face of said values"...only to discover years later that you should have listened to that still small voice...and you missed out on something incredible because you were too analytical to allow yourself the pleasure of liking something...???


I've done that before. I vowed never to do it again. It's a hard vow to keep.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Your Ad Here:

Best band of greedy theives maybe. Most bands who blantantly stole from old black blues musicians credited the original songwriters. Not Led Zeppelin though. A-holes.

i don't think they were as calculating as you suggest. they really didn't know how big it would go when they recorded Zeppelin I.


a more subdued take on it here from www.abc.net.au/triplej/jfiles/files/s232073.htm


"Since 1990, Babe I'm Gonna Leave You off their first album, has seen a song writing credit added for Anne Bredon, an obscure folk musician who wrote and recorded the original song in the 1950s. Back in the '80s, her son was intrigued to hear his mother playing what he and the rest of the world thought was a Led Zeppelin song. After asking her why she was doing this, a quick trip to a solicitor saw her name added and her contribution recognised. Led Zeppelin's version is not that reminiscent of Bredon's original. Their version borrows from Joan Baez's cover of the song.


The Lemon Song is an amalgam of Led Zeppelin's blues influences. The major influence was Howlin' Wolf's Killing Floor. With lyrics and an instrumental section borrowed from it, it is not surprising the band was sued. The suit was settled out of court. The "squeeze my lemon" sequence comes from Robert Johnson's Travelling Riverside Blues. It is likely that Johnson borrowed this himself, from a song recorded in the same year (1937) called She Squeezed My Lemon.


Whole Lotta Love is Jimmy Page's riff, but the lyrics are taken from Willie Dixon's You Need Love. Plant said: "Page's riff was Page's riff. It was there before anything else. I just thought, 'well, what am I going to sing?' That was it, a nick. Now happily paid for. At the time, there was a lot of conversation about what to do. It was decided that it was so far away in time (it was in fact 7 years) and influence that...well, you only get caught when you're successful. That's the game." In 1985 Willie Dixon sued the band over their use of his lyrics."

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I just got the new Zep DVD and all I can say is awesome...it reminds me of how much they rocked. Four guys without backing tracks filling up a ton of space in a live situation.


To say they "look like 2 year olds" musically compared to Mahavishnu is a bit short sighted at best. I dug Mahavishnu and use to play "Lila's Dance" and "Dance of Maya". Great stuff but Zeppelin's stuff holds up to time much better. You play Mahavishnu and it sounds very dated to me. Also I don't think the majority of the listening public got it. Yet you play "Going to California" and it still sounds as good today as it did when it was first released.


Good, better, best....who cares. Just watch that DVD and you tell me they're no good...

overheard street personality on Venice Beach "Man, that Bullshit is Bulllshhittt...."
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I don't know, Zep the best ever? Personally, I'd take Pink Floyd and the Doors over them. But really, what makes these bands so great is that they are ALL unique. They took their sound and explored, refined, and polished it to the top of the heap....like a Lamborgini, Porche, and a Mazeratti. They ALL are great peformance cars and you'd be happy with any of 'em. Why complain? Now today's music, yuch. Doesn't even compare. I think we need to get our young generation back on Acid instead of ecstasy. Geeh, imagine Morrison on ecstasy..... :love:
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  • 6 months later...

Zep rocks. But what is greatest? Talent wise? Yes they are very near the top. The way they play live proves it. They just get on stage and "jam". They play songs based on the recorded version.


Personally I think the greatest era of rock and roll died along with Bonzo. Yes, rock lived, but not with the same intensity.

The forumite formerly known as Cooper.


"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." John Lennon


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will finally know peace." Jimi Hendrix


"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." Jimi Hendrix

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Okay.... enough of this Babylon babble... The question is "Led Zeppelin - The best band ever??" Hell no not even close.


I heard Rush mentioned.. they have the key ingredient and The Grateful Dead had it by the truckload.


A truly GREAT band is exactly that... banded together as friends creatively and experientially to broadcast their collective experience to the masses of adoring music lovers.


Zeppelin wasn't any of that nor was Floyd or most of the stadium rockers.


It was said that there was important contributions from all members but this was hardly democratic nor was it their personal contribution. It was scripted often dictated in the studio if not performed by other members.


My guess is that money is the root of this transition from a Band to simply being a band and I find this most reflected in The Grateful Dead, Lynard Skynard, Little Feat and a host of groups who didn't play for The Machine.


There are other things that I would go on about that express my long admiration for Led Zep but this is not one of them.



I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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I know they're not technically great or anything, BUT, The Rolling Stones still are great showmen, and still pull big bucks in forty years after they first hit the shores of the USA.
Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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To me, Zep is the archetypical Rock Band . . .


- great, raw rockin' albums :cool:

- booze/drug influenced concerts that only like influenced audiences could really enjoy (listening to their live stuff stone sober is just . . . painful :cry: )

- over the top extracurricular activities that still serve as the gold standard for rock star behavior :freak:


I will never forgive them for licensing to Cadillac, however. :mad:


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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I would be hard pressed to find a tighter band than James Brown's. Or the Funk Brothers (Motown's House Band).


Sly and the Family Stone were pretty great.


Booker T. and the MGs were no slouches either.


Parliament/Funkadelic held their own with any of the acid rock bands.


Santana was awesome.


Holland-Dozier-Holland, Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson were easily on par with the Beatles as songwriters.


Miles Davis' band on "Bitches Brew" was astounding.


The band Billy Cobham took into the studio to record "Spectrum" was great.


And let's not forget Jimi Hendrix's Band of Gypsys (who I always preferred over the Experience).


FWIW, I don't believe in a "best" or "greatest" in art. But I do find it interesting that whenever talking about "the best band ever", people usually mention Zep, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, the Stones, etc. - all white bands.

"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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This is just like the LP vs. strat argument. Everyone has an opinion on what's best and nobody is wrong (although LPs are the best) :D


IMHO I feel Zeppelin is the greatest band of all time BUT it's just MY opinion and nobody can say anything to convince me otherwise. Do I feel that Page is the greatest technical guitarist that ever lived, no. He can be sloppy at times, but on the other hand NOBODY IMHO can write songs like him. IMHO Zeppelin does not have one bad song, which I can't say that about too many other bands.


Do I feel Plant is the greatest, most in tune singer ever, no. Plant may not have a 6 octave range and may not have a perfectly in tune voice 100% of the time, but his songwriting ability and how PERFECTLY his voice and lyric writing blends with Page, Bonham and Jones is all that matters. You can have the greatest most perfectly pitched singer ever created, but if the music or lyrics are terrible they are singing are awful, the singer and band is of no use.


Not that anybody has heard of them, but if you ever heard the band Nitro and their CD "OFR", you'll know what I mean. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v324/cosmo115/NitroGroup.jpg


Jim Gillette, the singer "supposedly" has a 5 or 6 octave range and can break glass with his voice. The guitarist, Michael Angelo, is quite possibly the fastest guitarist ever and he can play anything he plays super slow, naming each and every note or faster and cleaner than you ever heard. He also plays a specially made double and quadruple neck guitar that allows him to play both guitars simultaneously. http://www.angelo.com/assets/images/M_Angelo_Batio_Quad_One.jpg I believe he can play lefty as well as he can righty. Together IMHO Nitro's music was an absolute train wreck and totally unlistenable except for possibly some of the guitar solos.


Since this is a guitar forum ;) for those who haven't heard of Michael Angelo, here's a "non-Nitro" Song and here's a "non-Nitro" Video . As you can see in the video he can play things over the neck that people like me can't play normally. :cry:


In summary, Led Zeppelin IS the best :cool:

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Originally posted by cosmo115:

for those who haven't heard of Michael Angelo, here's a "non-Nitro" Song and here's a "non-Nitro" Video . As you can see in the video he can play things over the neck that people like me can't play normally. :cry:



Interesting video... but I have one question.


How in the heck does he change guitars sooo quickly??? :confused:


hehe :D;):D


Got anymore vids??? :cool:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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