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:wave: Hey Dude- Welcome to the Jungle!!!


Come on in, have a drink (it's on Caevan), and join in some of the conversations. Good to have you here.


Out of curiousity, how big is Gibraltar? Correct me if I'm wrong- but aren't you located between Spain and Morocco? Is it an independent state, but part of the British Commonwealth? Always wanted to visit, but haven't made it there yet.

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thanks ! (gulps down drink)


Gibraltar is located at the southernmost tip of Spain and is a British Colony and part of the commonwealth but is more or less self-governed.


Big ?? you mean small !! 3sq miles and 30,000 ppl


this pic is frm my window at home taken a few months back





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Welcome aboard, Ernie! :wave: Best guitar forum going without question. 30,000 people? Sounds like a great place to live, I think I pass 30,000 cars just getting to work! I take it you have a '69 Telecaster, you got pics of your gear? I play a lefty Strat myself, but I'm just a lowly hobby player and not worthy of you "real" musicians. Glad to have you aboard!


I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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Great to have you around! Very cool picture of the Rock. There are people I've come in contact with all over the world, and I really enjoy it when they send me pictures of their "neck of the woods!" I've got some really great pictures from a guy in Italy who does reviews for the metalmaniacs.it website.


Anyway, what kind of music to you play mostly? Would it be too presumptuous to assume, uh.........Rock?

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TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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rock hahhaa!!!


well we mainly do weddings and parties etc..so play top40 stuff.


being so close to Spain it's mainly Latin music for these events i.e. Ricky Martin, Shakira etc...


but we also play bar gigs where we can do other stuff like Evanescense, RHCP, The Calling, Nickelback...i.e. soft rock.


Here is a pic of the band at a recent open air concert.




I'm the dude on the far left with Toronado.


The guy with the strat is my dad who we invited on stage for a number.


the singer is my sister, and the keyboard /bass player my brother.....



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Ernie, AWESOME photo! What a great thing to have your family involved like that, I'm jealous. I love the Toro, once upon a time I was in the Oldsmobile Club of America and always enjoyed seeing Toronados at shows :rolleyes: . That was a pretty weak attempt at humor. I'll check your gear out shortly...I re-read your original post and saw the links to your websites(big DUH on my part). Appreciate that you consider me cool for playing a Strat, I love it. Had a Gibson Melody Maker w-a-a-a-y back when I was a kid, but my Strat is my first true lefty guitar and it's oh-so-nice to have everything where it belongs, instead of upside down and backwards.

Regards, Bruce

I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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This thrasher says hi. :)


I do play in a dance band though (as a bassist), but we're in between drummers. I don't mind the idea of having to use Mr. Mac Hine for drum work, though my daddy still wants one in the flesh.


Discuss the implications of Mr. Mac Hine amongst yourselves... like, NOW! :D

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Hey, welcome! Glad to have you aboard, and thanks for the pics.


There's someone else here who had a post wondering what folks thought of Fender Toronados, and there weren't too many people who had owned one that could comment; perhaps you can run down your likes and dislikes of that guitar for us?


(Edited in) Whoops! I just saw that you had already replied to that guy's thread on the Toronado.


Hey, what other gear do you use? What's popular around there, as far as amps and guitars and such?

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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thanks guys !


we use sequenced tracks as it's a lot more flexible than a live drummer for the kinda gigs we do, i.e. weddings and parties.


also it means we can do all the new dance songs with a close sound to the real song. We use a Korg Trinity for that.


no offence no any drummers reading this, but our tracks, don't get paid, moan or miss a bit...then again a live drummer interacts...


Gib is a small place and being a trio allows us to do all kinds of gigs whether to a bar of 50 or an open air of 5000


Yep the Toronado is a really cool guitar...I always get comments on it, on the tone and looks.


Gear over here pretty much std I suppose, most of the young teen bands mainly have Epis, Squiers and the like, Ibanez has quite a following among the metal crowd, and others like myself go Fender or Gibson.

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Thats rights Tedster it's even mentioned in the "Ballad of John & Oko"


Finally made the plane into Paris

Honeymooning down by the Seine

Peter Brown called to say

"You can make it okay

"You can get married in Gibraltar, near Spain"


Gib is one of the few places you can get married same day.


so when are we having this party ?



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