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Feel free to ask Myles


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Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by WaterMan:

Hi Myles,


Haven't talked to you in a while, partly because every time I do, it costs me some substatial dough :D .


On the upside, however, you may recall I've acquired a number of great amps, including: Gerhart Gilmour, Pearson's Champ, Dr. Maz 18 Jr, and a custom Kingsley. My favorite is the Kingsley, I think because I'm drawn to clean headroom and the sound of 6L6s. The Kinglsey is a beast, however, with essentially two amps in one cabinet, and 2 12" speakers - too heavy to drag around on a regular basis.


So here's my question: Given that the Maz Jr head is my second favorite amp (really sweet through a Tone Tubby cab with a 12" hemp cone speaker), it would be an even more ideal amp for me if I could capture the 6L6 sound by changing tubes. Would you recommend this, and if so, which ones and what about preamp tubes?


The other option is to get a Carr Rambler, but I haven't heard one yet, nor do I want to shell out $2300 at this point.


Thanks again for the recommendations. :thu:

You have a pretty great inventory.


The Carr is a great amp but the Rambler (one of my favorites of Steve's amps) does not have all that much clean headroom. The headroom is almost gone at about 9:00 on the volume and above that the amp does not get as much louder as you would guess, it is more that it's distortion character changes.


On the MAZ Jr ... a trick I did on a MAZ Sr for one of the most well known Z players on the planet was to use a 5751 in V1 and a 5751 in the phase inverter. Then I had him plug into the low level input. Turn the master all the way up (so it is no longer a master volume amp) and see if the cleans are better for you. You can also go to a #7 set of EL84S output tubes but if you already have 6's it won't make that much difference.

Thanks Myles, but I'm pretty lame when it comes to tubes (as well as some other things), so I'll need a bit of clarification. THe Maz jr is stock, with the EL-84s. I'm looking to get more of a 6L6 (Fender-ish) sound. Are you saying I can't put 6L6s in place of the EL-84s, or that the 5751s in V1 and phase inverter slots would be better than 6L6s as power tubes? That would mean one 5751 and one EL-84 as power tubes? Would that require rebiasing?
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Originally posted by Teahead:

I only wish I was near you, Myles. Three thousand miles of Atlantic Ocean and the width of the American continent lies between us, or to put it another way, I'm in Ireland.


I did pull the chasis and try what you've suggested, neither seemed to solve the trouble. How might I inspect to rule out speaker buzz?


I was running the amp through a Hotplate and the buzz didn't seem to get louder when the gain was increased with attenuation applied. It did get louder when the physical volume increased though. Could this indicate speaker trouble?


Thanks for your help.

Yes, this could be a speaker.


Can you run an extension cab off the amp and disconnect the internal speakers easily? In an AC-30 this means a bit of work as the speakers are wired in via a terminal block.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by WaterMan:

Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by WaterMan:

Hi Myles,


Haven't talked to you in a while, partly because every time I do, it costs me some substatial dough :D .


On the upside, however, you may recall I've acquired a number of great amps, including: Gerhart Gilmour, Pearson's Champ, Dr. Maz 18 Jr, and a custom Kingsley. My favorite is the Kingsley, I think because I'm drawn to clean headroom and the sound of 6L6s. The Kinglsey is a beast, however, with essentially two amps in one cabinet, and 2 12" speakers - too heavy to drag around on a regular basis.


So here's my question: Given that the Maz Jr head is my second favorite amp (really sweet through a Tone Tubby cab with a 12" hemp cone speaker), it would be an even more ideal amp for me if I could capture the 6L6 sound by changing tubes. Would you recommend this, and if so, which ones and what about preamp tubes?


The other option is to get a Carr Rambler, but I haven't heard one yet, nor do I want to shell out $2300 at this point.


Thanks again for the recommendations. :thu:

You have a pretty great inventory.


The Carr is a great amp but the Rambler (one of my favorites of Steve's amps) does not have all that much clean headroom. The headroom is almost gone at about 9:00 on the volume and above that the amp does not get as much louder as you would guess, it is more that it's distortion character changes.


On the MAZ Jr ... a trick I did on a MAZ Sr for one of the most well known Z players on the planet was to use a 5751 in V1 and a 5751 in the phase inverter. Then I had him plug into the low level input. Turn the master all the way up (so it is no longer a master volume amp) and see if the cleans are better for you. You can also go to a #7 set of EL84S output tubes but if you already have 6's it won't make that much difference.

Thanks Myles, but I'm pretty lame when it comes to tubes (as well as some other things), so I'll need a bit of clarification. THe Maz jr is stock, with the EL-84s. I'm looking to get more of a 6L6 (Fender-ish) sound. Are you saying I can't put 6L6s in place of the EL-84s, or that the 5751s in V1 and phase inverter slots would be better than 6L6s as power tubes? That would mean one 5751 and one EL-84 as power tubes? Would that require rebiasing?
You cannot use a 6L6 in an EL84 amp.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by myles111:

Yes, this could be a speaker.


Can you run an extension cab off the amp and disconnect the internal speakers easily? In an AC-30 this means a bit of work as the speakers are wired in via a terminal block.

I have another pair of speakers I could try, but I'll need to get them wired in series before I can try it out. I have a 1/4" plug on my speaker cable to use with a Hotplate, so no troubles there.
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Originally posted by myles111:

You cannot use a 6L6 in an EL84 amp .




Uh, I knew that. I was just testing you ;)


So now that I've demonstrated my complete ignorance regarding the construction of tube amps, I decided to do a little research (your website is a great resource). As a result, and after consultation with Mike at KCA Tubes, we came up with the following plan, which is a slight expansion of your recommendation:


NOS Tesla EL84s

NOS Tesla ECC803S for V1

NOS JAN GE 5751 for the PI.


So what do you think, and where can I find a tube schematic for the Maz 18 Jr showing the actual locations of the tubes and what they do? Can't find one on the Dr. Z website.


Thanks Myles.

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Originally posted by WaterMan:

Originally posted by myles111:

You cannot use a 6L6 in an EL84 amp .




Uh, I knew that. I was just testing you ;)


So now that I've demonstrated my complete ignorance regarding the construction of tube amps, I decided to do a little research (your website is a great resource). As a result, and after consultation with Mike at KCA Tubes, we came up with the following plan, which is a slight expansion of your recommendation:


NOS Tesla EL84s

NOS Tesla ECC803S for V1

NOS JAN GE 5751 for the PI.


So what do you think, and where can I find a tube schematic for the Maz 18 Jr showing the actual locations of the tubes and what they do? Can't find one on the Dr. Z website.


Thanks Myles.

Give me a call during the week at GT before noon.



Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles,


I have a question regarding my relatively new Gibson GA-30 amp (pictured on the left). It has two inputs for "hi" and "low," I barely hear a difference between the two, I was told that you should plug in higher ouput pickups in the "hi" input and vise versa... What exactly do those inputs do? Can you plug in two guitars at once without risk and sacrifice in sound? Where would P.A.F. type humbuckers fit into the "hi/lo" output (Humbuckers have higher output than single coils, but I thought PAF types are relatively low in output for humbuckers).


Also, I was wondering if it would 'ruin' the value of the amp to put in an input jack so I can use it as a cabinet with a different head.






"I know we all can't stay here forever so I want to write my words on the face of today...and they'll paint it"


-Shannon Hoon (Blind Melon)

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Originally posted by AeroG33k:

Hey Myles,


I have a question regarding my relatively new Gibson GA-30 amp (pictured on the left). It has two inputs for "hi" and "low," I barely hear a difference between the two, I was told that you should plug in higher ouput pickups in the "hi" input and vise versa... What exactly do those inputs do? Can you plug in two guitars at once without risk and sacrifice in sound? Where would P.A.F. type humbuckers fit into the "hi/lo" output (Humbuckers have higher output than single coils, but I thought PAF types are relatively low in output for humbuckers).


Also, I was wondering if it would 'ruin' the value of the amp to put in an input jack so I can use it as a cabinet with a different head.



There is generally a small difference between the high and low sensitivity jacks. If you want more clean headroom use the low input jack regardless of puckup type. The high level input will yield a bit more level at a given volume setting.


There is no problem with installing a jack for an external speaker, just make sure the internal speaker is disconnected and the external cab is of the same impedance as the internal speakers.

Myles S. Rose






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Thanks for the advice on the input.


Originally posted by myles111:

There is no problem with installing a jack for an external speaker, just make sure the internal speaker is disconnected and the external cab is of the same impedance as the internal speakers.

I think you misunderstood me here, I want to use the speakers of the combo with a different head, so the combo can act as a cab. It would save me room and $$, and I really like the Vintage 30's installed in combo.




"I know we all can't stay here forever so I want to write my words on the face of today...and they'll paint it"


-Shannon Hoon (Blind Melon)

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heres an easy question for ya myles, ........


i have a Carvin Legacy amp (100watt), and it has 5 preamp tubes. The V1 is the first input stage for both clan and dirty channel, and is the 2nd gain stage of the dirty channel. V2 is for the 3rd and 4th gain stage of the dirty channel as well.


if im trying to get more gain out of this amp, whould it be wise to put a higher current/gain tube in the v1, or in v2?


for the most part, ill try to put a tube that has the best "tone" in V1, but somtimes this doesnt mean it has the gain im looking for. whats a guy to do!?


the tubes i have available are- NOS ecc83 phillips mini watt (holland), NOS tung-sol, NOS GE 12ax7, NOS 12ax7 RCA, NOS RFT ecc83.


what would you do with them?

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Originally posted by AeroG33k:

Thanks for the advice on the input.


Originally posted by myles111:

There is no problem with installing a jack for an external speaker, just make sure the internal speaker is disconnected and the external cab is of the same impedance as the internal speakers.

I think you misunderstood me here, I want to use the speakers of the combo with a different head, so the combo can act as a cab. It would save me room and $$, and I really like the Vintage 30's installed in combo.
Yes, you can do that too.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by bryan k:

heres an easy question for ya myles, ........


i have a Carvin Legacy amp (100watt), and it has 5 preamp tubes. The V1 is the first input stage for both clan and dirty channel, and is the 2nd gain stage of the dirty channel. V2 is for the 3rd and 4th gain stage of the dirty channel as well.


if im trying to get more gain out of this amp, whould it be wise to put a higher current/gain tube in the v1, or in v2?


for the most part, ill try to put a tube that has the best "tone" in V1, but somtimes this doesnt mean it has the gain im looking for. whats a guy to do!?


the tubes i have available are- NOS ecc83 phillips mini watt (holland), NOS tung-sol, NOS GE 12ax7, NOS 12ax7 RCA, NOS RFT ecc83.


what would you do with them?

You want the highest gain tube in V1 as that feeds the chain but one cannot generalize ... the tube has to be tested.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by hiddenvision:

Hi Myles, I wonder if you can give me some advice about a couple of BELOV amps that I have been asked to dispose of. I know nothing about them realy apart from they are Valve. One has a single 12inch and the other larger one has a 10 +12 inch.

The larger one also has a Reverb unit fitted.


There is also another stereo Valve amp all by itself (many valves).


If you can help me to identify them and then perhaps shed some light on their possible value.

I am happy to take some pictures and either post them up here or email them directly.


I hope this is not too impersonal, I was just searching around the web for info and notice that the people on this Forum seem to be realy into nice things, know their stuff and also very friendly.


Many thanks


These are pretty decent amps but I have no prints on the them.
Hi Myles, thanks for the reply there. I have managed to find Pyotr Belov and contact him directly. Ahh he remembers the amps well.
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Originally posted by hiddenvision:

Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by hiddenvision:

Hi Myles, I wonder if you can give me some advice about a couple of BELOV amps that I have been asked to dispose of. I know nothing about them realy apart from they are Valve. One has a single 12inch and the other larger one has a 10 +12 inch.

The larger one also has a Reverb unit fitted.


There is also another stereo Valve amp all by itself (many valves).


If you can help me to identify them and then perhaps shed some light on their possible value.

I am happy to take some pictures and either post them up here or email them directly.


I hope this is not too impersonal, I was just searching around the web for info and notice that the people on this Forum seem to be realy into nice things, know their stuff and also very friendly.


Many thanks


These are pretty decent amps but I have no prints on the them.
Hi Myles, thanks for the reply there. I have managed to find Pyotr Belov and contact him directly. Ahh he remembers the amps well.
You are welcome.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by bryan k:

heres an easy question for ya myles, ........


i have a Carvin Legacy amp (100watt), and it has 5 preamp tubes. The V1 is the first input stage for both clan and dirty channel, and is the 2nd gain stage of the dirty channel. V2 is for the 3rd and 4th gain stage of the dirty channel as well.


if im trying to get more gain out of this amp, whould it be wise to put a higher current/gain tube in the v1, or in v2?


for the most part, ill try to put a tube that has the best "tone" in V1, but somtimes this doesnt mean it has the gain im looking for. whats a guy to do!?


the tubes i have available are- NOS ecc83 phillips mini watt (holland), NOS tung-sol, NOS GE 12ax7, NOS 12ax7 RCA, NOS RFT ecc83.


what would you do with them?

You want the highest gain tube in V1 as that feeds the chain but one cannot generalize ... the tube has to be tested.
yeah, i was afraid you would say that. i have no means to test them. As a generalization, which of these tubes usually has characteristics of having more gain/current? based on your experiences.......
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Originally posted by bryan k:

Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by bryan k:

heres an easy question for ya myles, ........


i have a Carvin Legacy amp (100watt), and it has 5 preamp tubes. The V1 is the first input stage for both clan and dirty channel, and is the 2nd gain stage of the dirty channel. V2 is for the 3rd and 4th gain stage of the dirty channel as well.


if im trying to get more gain out of this amp, whould it be wise to put a higher current/gain tube in the v1, or in v2?


for the most part, ill try to put a tube that has the best "tone" in V1, but somtimes this doesnt mean it has the gain im looking for. whats a guy to do!?


the tubes i have available are- NOS ecc83 phillips mini watt (holland), NOS tung-sol, NOS GE 12ax7, NOS 12ax7 RCA, NOS RFT ecc83.


what would you do with them?

You want the highest gain tube in V1 as that feeds the chain but one cannot generalize ... the tube has to be tested.
yeah, i was afraid you would say that. i have no means to test them. As a generalization, which of these tubes usually has characteristics of having more gain/current? based on your experiences.......
I lost the direct question somewhere in all of this.


Test specs are on my GAB website.

Myles S. Rose






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This is a repost, somebody suggested I post here as well..


I have a Vox AC30. It developed an additional buzz I hadn't noticed before a few weeks ago. Then, today, while practicing with my band, the amp started picking up the vocals and keyboards and amplifying those sounds. It's not really loud, but definitely there. Does this sound like a tube being too microphonic?



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Originally posted by cgearls:

This is a repost, somebody suggested I post here as well..


I have a Vox AC30. It developed an additional buzz I hadn't noticed before a few weeks ago. Then, today, while practicing with my band, the amp started picking up the vocals and keyboards and amplifying those sounds. It's not really loud, but definitely there. Does this sound like a tube being too microphonic?





Start with swapping the 12AX7s in the first gain positions one at a time.


This could be many things including ground issues or a bypass cap that is failing.

Myles S. Rose






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ok myles, heres a new question for ya. It may be tube realated, it may not be....but you seem to know your way around amps, so ill need some troubleshooting advise......


im My carvin legacy 100 watt amp, i noticed a rather strange reaction to it this weekend. usually at volume 5, this thing is rattling windows and unbaringly loud. BUt when i powerd it up the other day, i slowly turned the volume up to 5, but noticed the volume didnt increase that much, and stayed below "normal speaking conversation" levels. Also, as i turned it up...the levels seems to be "choking" and unwanted clipping/distortion happens (on both clean and dirty channels).


i tried to swap the first 3 preamp tubes, but nothing changes. I lokoed at the power tubes in the abck, and they are not glowing red, but still have a nice blue glow....and appear to look fine. But i did notice in V7 and V8 power tubes has a slight burnt black spots on the inside of the glass near the upper parts of the plates.


i also tried switching cables to see if they were the problem, but its not. the only thing i DIDNT try is a new V5 phase inverter, or new power tubes.


what do you think could be the problem?

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Originally posted by bryan k:

ok myles, heres a new question for ya. It may be tube realated, it may not be....but you seem to know your way around amps, so ill need some troubleshooting advise......


im My carvin legacy 100 watt amp, i noticed a rather strange reaction to it this weekend. usually at volume 5, this thing is rattling windows and unbaringly loud. BUt when i powerd it up the other day, i slowly turned the volume up to 5, but noticed the volume didnt increase that much, and stayed below "normal speaking conversation" levels. Also, as i turned it up...the levels seems to be "choking" and unwanted clipping/distortion happens (on both clean and dirty channels).


i tried to swap the first 3 preamp tubes, but nothing changes. I lokoed at the power tubes in the abck, and they are not glowing red, but still have a nice blue glow....and appear to look fine. But i did notice in V7 and V8 power tubes has a slight burnt black spots on the inside of the glass near the upper parts of the plates.


i also tried switching cables to see if they were the problem, but its not. the only thing i DIDNT try is a new V5 phase inverter, or new power tubes.


what do you think could be the problem?

It could be many things .... the amp needs to see a tech's bench.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by bryan k:

ok myles, heres a new question for ya. It may be tube realated, it may not be....but you seem to know your way around amps, so ill need some troubleshooting advise......


im My carvin legacy 100 watt amp, i noticed a rather strange reaction to it this weekend. usually at volume 5, this thing is rattling windows and unbaringly loud. BUt when i powerd it up the other day, i slowly turned the volume up to 5, but noticed the volume didnt increase that much, and stayed below "normal speaking conversation" levels. Also, as i turned it up...the levels seems to be "choking" and unwanted clipping/distortion happens (on both clean and dirty channels).


i tried to swap the first 3 preamp tubes, but nothing changes. I lokoed at the power tubes in the abck, and they are not glowing red, but still have a nice blue glow....and appear to look fine. But i did notice in V7 and V8 power tubes has a slight burnt black spots on the inside of the glass near the upper parts of the plates.


i also tried switching cables to see if they were the problem, but its not. the only thing i DIDNT try is a new V5 phase inverter, or new power tubes.


what do you think could be the problem?

It could be many things .... the amp needs to see a tech's bench.
do you feel its not tube realted? if it is, i have a new set of power tubes (from doug preston)on its way, and i know how to bias an amp. I just never had a power tube crap out on me, if that is the case, so i wouldnt know what it would sound like if it is in fact a bad power tube.
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Originally posted by bryan k:

Originally posted by myles111:

Originally posted by bryan k:

ok myles, heres a new question for ya. It may be tube realated, it may not be....but you seem to know your way around amps, so ill need some troubleshooting advise......


im My carvin legacy 100 watt amp, i noticed a rather strange reaction to it this weekend. usually at volume 5, this thing is rattling windows and unbaringly loud. BUt when i powerd it up the other day, i slowly turned the volume up to 5, but noticed the volume didnt increase that much, and stayed below "normal speaking conversation" levels. Also, as i turned it up...the levels seems to be "choking" and unwanted clipping/distortion happens (on both clean and dirty channels).


i tried to swap the first 3 preamp tubes, but nothing changes. I lokoed at the power tubes in the abck, and they are not glowing red, but still have a nice blue glow....and appear to look fine. But i did notice in V7 and V8 power tubes has a slight burnt black spots on the inside of the glass near the upper parts of the plates.


i also tried switching cables to see if they were the problem, but its not. the only thing i DIDNT try is a new V5 phase inverter, or new power tubes.


what do you think could be the problem?

It could be many things .... the amp needs to see a tech's bench.
do you feel its not tube realted? if it is, i have a new set of power tubes (from doug preston)on its way, and i know how to bias an amp. I just never had a power tube crap out on me, if that is the case, so i wouldnt know what it would sound like if it is in fact a bad power tube.
The amp needs to see a bench with a scope

Myles S. Rose






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Hi Myles, any experience with the Marshall 2061X? It's their handwired 20W "baby plexi" reissue with a solid-state recifier and EL84s. Seems like a good solution for plexi sound at less-than-overwhelming volumes, unless you can suggest an amp that fits the bill better. I didn't care for the THD Flexi for some reason, and a 50W reissue seems like WAY overkill for apartment living.


Thanks for your suggestions.

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Originally posted by synthetic:

Hi Myles, any experience with the Marshall 2061X? It's their handwired 20W "baby plexi" reissue with a solid-state recifier and EL84s. Seems like a good solution for plexi sound at less-than-overwhelming volumes, unless you can suggest an amp that fits the bill better. I didn't care for the THD Flexi for some reason, and a 50W reissue seems like WAY overkill for apartment living.


Thanks for your suggestions.

This is an outstanding amp. They are a blast to play in both the original form and reissue form. They are pure cranked Marshall in tone and will record more nicely than any 50 or 100 watter.


The combo version (18 watt) is even more fun with it's vacuum tube rectifier. The 18 watters were considered a bit more desirable than the 20 watters but both are spectacular amps.

Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles!


I have a question about the application of vintage style amps. I'm a big fan Doyle Bramhall II, Charlie Sexton, Dave Grissom, and players of that ilk. Do you find these types of players typically run a single clean or semi-dirty amp and add gain via pedals, or do they use two seperate amps for the two sounds?


I recently saw a Black Crowes DVD and noticed Rich Robinson running a trio of Harry Joyce amps, and Marc Ford running a pair of Roccaforte's. It was difficult to tell how they were getting dirty and clean tones besides working the volume control. I couldn't tell whether they were switching between amps, or stomping on pedals to switch sounds.


I have a Hiwatt 50 custom and a '65 blackface Fender Bassman head I was thinking of using in an A/B rig (as opposed to my Rivera M-100). I'm just curious how common this approach is with "vintage sound" oriented players, as opposed to running a single clean amp with drive pedals. Thanks for your time!

"The guitar could be louder, I don't know how, but I'm sure it can be done..."
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Myles - You've said good things in the past about Hot Rod Deluxe and Classic 30 as being good workmanlike amps if tweeked properly. Have you had any experience with the newer Traynors, specifically the YCV-40 series?



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Originally posted by mjmclane:

Myles - You've said good things in the past about Hot Rod Deluxe and Classic 30 as being good workmanlike amps if tweeked properly. Have you had any experience with the newer Traynors, specifically the YCV-40 series?





These are all great amps for the $$$ but one cannot expect the Fender or Peavey amps to stand up well to a 150+ show per year tour. That is my personal experience.


The Traynors are are bit more pricy and they tend to hold up a little better.


For the normal gigging player, home and studio use they are all great amps.


The Peavey Classic 30 is something of an anomoly as it is a amp that is not that pricy, standard PCB construction done in high production numbers but holds up nicer than one would expect.

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by Smokin' Joe Picante:

Hey Myles!


I have a question about the application of vintage style amps. I'm a big fan Doyle Bramhall II, Charlie Sexton, Dave Grissom, and players of that ilk. Do you find these types of players typically run a single clean or semi-dirty amp and add gain via pedals, or do they use two seperate amps for the two sounds?


I recently saw a Black Crowes DVD and noticed Rich Robinson running a trio of Harry Joyce amps, and Marc Ford running a pair of Roccaforte's. It was difficult to tell how they were getting dirty and clean tones besides working the volume control. I couldn't tell whether they were switching between amps, or stomping on pedals to switch sounds.


I have a Hiwatt 50 custom and a '65 blackface Fender Bassman head I was thinking of using in an A/B rig (as opposed to my Rivera M-100). I'm just curious how common this approach is with "vintage sound" oriented players, as opposed to running a single clean amp with drive pedals. Thanks for your time!

All of these folks have setups that are always changing. Many use amp switching. The best guitarist I have ever heard in my life (and deemed by Guitar Player Magazine in the past as "one of the ten best guitarists in the world" switches between a Marshall, Vox, and Fender amp setup in the middle of songs on the fly.



Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by Junior 1:


Could you use a 5 watt Valve Junior with a short scale bass?

I suppose you could but the speaker would be taxed unless played at very low level and the EQ is wrong.

Myles S. Rose






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